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About Terenor82

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  1. i don't like the new one either, pls either fix the flaws, or revert back. I use a 32 inch 4k monitor and still have to scroll a lot more then before to see the same info. Search function has some improvements but also got worse in other ways
  2. Greetings, got a short question about adding a Leveled List in FO4edit. I have a Patch esp. for every Playthroug i do und now i want to add several simple leveled list for clothing. Wenn i press add i have to enter a form ID. Are there any guidelines what to enter here? The first numbers are from the load order if i am not mistaken, but the loadorder may change. Any help would be great. Thanks Terenor
  3. Hello everyone, right now i am playing with my institute charakter but also support the minutemen. I play with a mod that places a workshop in the institute (https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/9138/?tab=1&navtag=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Ffallout4%2Fajax%2Fmoddescription%2F%3Fid%3D9138%26preview%3D&pUp=1). Sadly i can`t connect it to the rest of my settlements. I think a simple solution would be to connect it to another workshop like in the mod https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/3777/? . In this mod homeplate has a fix connection to hangmans alley. Sadly i have no idea how to do that. I looked into the second mod with FO4edit and i think he has a quest/script running for that. I hope you could give me some advise on this matter. Cheers Terenor PS: I know there is a mod called "institute as a settlement" but that one screws up teleportation
  4. Hey TheMightyArchaon, I am not sure, but I think thats pretty much what I just did. About choosing one colour, problem is, it's not simply one yellow tone, there are quite a lot of them. I still think that colour rotate thing would do the trick. I saw a tutorial about it, someone changed a brown housewall to a purple one, yet the different nuances of the colour remained. I only need figure out how this works with black/white. Cheers
  5. Hello again everyone, so I tinkered aroudn in gimp. First I wanted to use the rotate clour tool. I didnt get how you could change to white colour tones, so meh. Next I tried making the texture only greyish (from black to white) and pumped up contrast and brightness. The result may not be perfect, but for a few minutes work i am happy with it. It still has a slightly used look. I will use it for now and try to optimize it when I learn more about gimp. Thank you for your help PS: wanted to post a screenshot, but i have no idea how....
  6. Thank you for your answers. I have gimp installed anyway, so I will test it first (havent used it much so I will google some tutorials). As for making a patch to integrate the new skin: well i won't head in this direction, at least for now. Load order is full anyway (already merged a lot but still). Thank you so far, I will report any progress. Cheers
  7. Hello everyone, I got a simple (or not) question about changing textures. I am sure many of you now the awsome Armor mod "B-35 c Heavy Armor" from xgamer468 (https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/17247/?). It comes with several paintjobs, but sadly not a white one. So i want so modifiy one of the existing paintjobs to be institute white (not completly clean). I planned on using the yellow one, because i don`t think i would ever use that one nor does it spawn on npcs. So my question is, is there an easy way to change the colours (all different yellow tones) to white ones? Which programs (best would be free ones) would be best suited to this task. Sorry if that question is silly or badly written (english is not my native language). I looked in the tutorial collection an used search function, but didn`t find anything for changinng a collection of colours. Hope anyone of you can help. Cheers and have a nice Sunday
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