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Posts posted by payl0ad

  1. Crosspost from reddit.com/r/falloutmods


    I know how vendors are constructed on the technical level. The containers (like VendorVault81Misc for Alexis Combes) do not contain any references to their respective legendary weapon however. So this means the gun is added by a script somehow. Fine.


    I don't particularly care how the script does its work but I need to know the EditorID of that script and how the game puts The Overseers Guardian into Alexis' merchant container exactly. More exactly, I need to know which LL the script generates the legendary base item from and in which ESP record this happens, so I can change the legendary base item of The Overseers Guardian. Same for all other vendor-sold unique guns basically, TOG is just a nice example.


    Anybody know how this works exactly? I would have expected a script having a direct reference to the vendor chests but that is not the case. I suspect the script will grab the ref to the merchant container by an alias instead but I don't understand aliases enough to be able to deconstruct the generation of those items.


    Whatever the case may be, I've already tried changing LGND_PossibleLegendaryItemBaseLists_GunGroupHigh and LGND_PossibleLegendaryItemBaseLists_GunGroupLow but it does not seem like my changes to those lists are taken into account; I would assume those lists are only used for randomly generated legendaries on spawned mobs(?).

  2. I was trying to help you in finding out why that C-Finder shows up as purple.


    Archive2.exe expects your DDS files to have mipmaps. If they don't, they're not valid DDS files as far as Archive2 is concerned, and it will throw an error message upon saving the archive. It will also not pack the texture into the archive. This is the most common problem I've encountered that would cause this for you. You can solve that by opening the DDS in your image editor (I'd prefer Paint.NET here as it's very fast and you only need to fix a simple thing) and re-save it generating mipmaps. Then re-pack the archive.


    The PNG thing was a joke. I make mistakes, sometimes I try to pack the wrong files. Not saying it's the problem for you.



    You can only have a Main.ba2 and one Textures.ba2. All other files are not loaded for mods.


    This is incorrect. You can make a "- Sounds.ba2" archive and it will load up fine. "- Misc.ba2" also works, FYI. Fairly certain you can also use "- Materials" and "- Interface" but I haven't tried those myself.


    What about when you archive mods into a BA2 with the correct limit of 2000 MBs but the size of the content you packed is bigger than 2000MB and Archive2 creates you a second BA2 file renamed with numbers?


    If I remember correctly Archive2 gave me two separate BA2s and named them:


    - Textures1.ba2

    - Textures2.ba2


    Or something similar.


    Does that still work? Do we still get the benefit of performance with that?


    I didn't like that renaming so I slashed the content size. lol



    BA2 doesn't have a 2GB file size limit actually, it supposedly is a 64 bit format. I have seen archives in the upper single-digit GB range but don't know if there is a soft or hard limit below 64 bit. Look at Old World Radio for example, its Sounds archive is almost exactly 6 GB. Luxors texture packs touch the 4GB mark.


    The archives should still provide a substantial performance advantage. Compression works regardless, might even be beneficial to operate on smaller archives for threading. Doesn't really matter if you have to keep one, two or three dozen file handles around though, as long as you don't make it a few hundreds to thousands by introducing loose files. I'm fine with a few very large archives though.



    You can only have a Main.ba2 and one Textures.ba2. All other files are not loaded for mods.


    This is incorrect. You can make a "- Sounds.ba2" archive and it will load up fine. "- Misc.ba2" also works, FYI. Fairly certain you can also use "- Materials" and "- Interface" but I haven't tried those myself.



    Sure? I've tried that numerous times and the "Sounds" plugin never loaded that way. The only archives that loaded for me where "Main" and "Textures".




    Absolutely. I have made a habit of archiving any mod I want to use before installing it, if it ships as loose files. Even small stuff gets archived, so I do not clutter up my Data folder and everything is controlled by load order. In some cases I've also poked into the archives a mod ships and I frequently see "- Main.ba2" files without compression and sounds contained. The CK does it this way for some arcane reason.


    You can extract those, put the Sound\ and Music\ folder into a "myMod - Sounds.ba2" archive without compression and then pack up the remainder non-dds files into a compressed archive. Did that often enough to be 100% certain it works. Quite often saves a lot of file size, especially so if you have very few sounds and a lot of meshes (e.g. LODs).

  5. BA2 files have no support for DRM. The system is designed so everything can be extracted easily. We wouldn't have this giant modding community if we couldn't get our hands on the assets without jumping through some flaming hoops.

  6. You should take a look at how other mods do this. You could use PIRAD from my signature, it has a quest for its startup procedure, the source code (Scripts\Source\TrueRads\StartupQuestScript.psc) is packed up in the Main BA2 archive. Its continuous effects run in a different record (multiple MGEFs attached to a SPEL attached to a PERK) but the Quest record and script should get you started at something.


    Regardless, what you want to ultimately do is far beyond my capabilities so you'll have to research how to make Quests.

  7. The functionality you want to achieve is probably best handled in a permanently running (or rather: listening for events) fashion. Most mod authors use a Quest for running a script in the background. Attaching scripts to ObjectReferences is good for controlling things that go on locally in some cell but you want to handle things globally. That doesn't mix well.


    Imagine a script that is "always on" and basically listens for OnCellLoad events, and when it receives one of them, polls the state of a global variable and, accordingly, performs some actions to nearby references of a certain type.

  8. I've come across something pretty weird.


    For a mod I'm working on, I wanted to make crops in existing inhabitated settlements owned by the settlement/workshop so the player can't just go there and pick all their crops without controlling the workshop. Should be easy, right? Just remove the "No Crime" flag on the FLOR-REFRs in settlement cells that already have an owner, add faction to FLOR-REFRs who don't have an owner in the base game, done. Or so I thought.


    I removed the "No Crime" flag from the crops at Abernathy Farm (they belong to FarmFactionAbernathy). When I arrive there, the Tatos are shown in red when focusing them and I have to steal them. Nice. Just like the loot inside their farm house (which is where I looked at to figure out how this is done).


    However, you've read the post title. This is where it gets weird. When I walk around the crop field for a few seconds, the Tatos start plopping back to green and I don't have to steal them anymore. This happens on a one-by-one basis, they do not change all at once but by reference. What's really weird is that the items inside the farm house are still the same, I'd still have to steal them. Meaning, the player did not become a member or ally of FarmFactionAbernathy (i.e. I haven't completed Returning the Favor).


    Furthermore, I of course did these owner/crime flag changes to all inhabitated settlements. I can reproduce the behavior in Warwick Homestead and The Slog, both of which already have owners in Fallout4.esm, with the "No Crime" flag set (which I again simply removed from the REFRs).


    The programmer half of my brain thinks the REFRs changing one by one (instead of all at once, which would mean the player to FarmFaction relation changed but is disproven by the object inside the house not changing crime state) means that somewhere, some script is looping over an array of these ObjectReferences and changing their owner faction to the PlayerFaction but I haven't got the slightest clue where I would start looking for such a thing. Has anyone else seen this happening or knows enough about the Workshop scripts to be able to tell what the hell is going on here? This is a major roadblock and I'm almost done. :(

  9. Not too much actually, and it's probably not the raw number of plugins that pushes your system over the edgge.


    People are able to play FO4 with a middle-class Desktop (Laptop CPUs are drastically less powerful) i5 or comparable AMD Ryzen, 8G RAM and some middle-class GeForce chip from 2015 without a lot of trouble. Just need to be a bit conservative about graphical mods - gameplay mods don't usually cause performance problems. Of course, if you also want larger graphical overhauls you'll need more horsepower and it's always nice to have a little headroom as FO4 isn't going to be the only game you play. But if you can live with close to vanilla visuals middle-class hardware from around 2015 will do just fine. Make triple sure you're not using mods that break PreVis (google that), use Boston FPS Fix, set your shadow draw distance to something below medium and you should be alright.


    If you want to go full eyecandy, aim for the most powerful single-threaded CPU you can get (Currently that's probably an i7 9900k). GPU is much less important for FO4 but having 4G or more VRAM is absolutely required for a lot of high definition textures. A GTX 1070 or one of the new Radeons (close to top end of price scale) will be fine. If you're playing at 1440p or higher, use a 1080 or the next higher priced Radeon card.


    I was actually asking because PEACE sounds like it could be the combat math overhaul Damn Apocalypse (see signature) will want. If I'm being completely honest I'd like it better if you didn't touch loot at all, or as little as you can get away with, so patching becomes less of a nightmare. But that's just, like, my opinion dude. ;-)


    And let me tell you, doing loot "right" is incredibly tedious boring work. You don't want to go through that, trust me. I've been there.

    Oh yeah, Damn Apocalypse. I've got that noted down as a possible reference for the animal-butchering feature, as I've been considering doing something similar. I was thinking of having it require an equipped weapon that is considered a blade, that it would advance time depending on how big the animal is, and that it might have the chance that you are ambushed while doing it by a larger predator that smells the blood and comes to investigate. And in return you'd get more meat than in vanilla, plus bones and leather, probably.


    Combat math? (Or "maths", we'd say here.) Which parts are you referring to there, also out of interest?

    0 Links



    While that's a nice idea I don't think it would translate to fun gameplay. But I might be wrong, depends on the implementation.


    "Combat Math" is a term from MtG, essentially means all the numbers and formulas involved in determining a hit, hit damage and so on. In regards to FO4 I'd also include health management in the topic but that's just me.

  11. There have been some changes and additions already, and I'll be making more as I go on I'm sure, but I don't yet know how far-reaching they'll be. I'm not planning any kind of full-scale loot overhaul; I don't know that that's needed. I'd prefer it if it isn't, really! That'd be a ton of work.


    (It's worth mentioning though that WARS does make some significant changes to weapon spawning.)


    I was actually asking because PEACE sounds like it could be the combat math overhaul Damn Apocalypse (see signature) will want. If I'm being completely honest I'd like it better if you didn't touch loot at all, or as little as you can get away with, so patching becomes less of a nightmare. But that's just, like, my opinion dude. ;-)


    And let me tell you, doing loot "right" is incredibly tedious boring work. You don't want to go through that, trust me. I've been there.

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