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Posts posted by ZachsKatana

  1. Have you noticed that some of the outfits from fallout 76 would greatly expand fallout 4? I even seen some outfits that were in the concept art for 4. I would greatly appreciate anyone who can bring cannon variety to the world. I will admit, the swim suit is one of my favorite articles. It would also be sorta vary nice someone can convert the mod for both console users. Thank you.
  2. Welp, I found an annoying way to fix it!

    ​Go into your 'Display settings'
    ​Now you will see 'Scale and Layout'
    ​Look for 'Orientation'
    ​You will have to flip your pc or monitor sideways. Now.... go from 'Landscape' to 'portrait'

    ​Now if your like me, you can find it annoying, so only do it if you need to click 'ok' when you have those stupid un-size-able windows!

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