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Posts posted by haplessAccreditation

  1. Thanks, unfortunately I don't think I'll be able to do any guides.

    To your example, I don't see a difference between how you repair one CELL or many. I think it's more about how to identify broken CELLs and why they are broken. The how-to on the repair process has been covered enough.

    Take Tales from the Commonwealth, below are the broken CELLs and their parent cluster CELL. Once you've crawled through the clusters and assessed the impact of any other plugins in those clusters, you end up with a spreadsheet of what needs patched.

    12,3		12,3
    11,3		12,3
    -19,1		-18,0
    -18,-11		-18,-12
    -2,-23		-2,-24
    -3,-23		-2,-24
    23,8		24,9
    -3,21		-3,21
    -2,-22		-3,-21
    2,-9		3,-9


  2. Hey Ya'll. Need some help where next to debug a settlement. I can't figure out why I can't get resources working correctly (sub 50 happiness).

    I've tried the config style from blahblahdeeblah's thread. I've tried config style of SKK50. I confirmed the plugin matched, expect the plugin specific data, in xEdit. I've used SKK's tools, passed. I've confirmed ownership, via triggered msg. I've checked all my Markers, Quest(s), CELLs, Triggers, Location, and Zone.

    I'm not new to the CK or xEdit or modding in general, but the settlement system (workshopparent script) is new and I don't know how to produce any helpful debug info to go on, other than "not working". Any feedback is welcomed. Also, linked is the settlement:


  3. If you are fixing that single cell, CabotSomethingExt, then dont select "generate for all loaded cells". It is labeled wrong in the CK. It is generating for all loaded clusters, and that is far more area than what you are trying to fix.

    You are fixing one cell, within one cluster. Dont involve other clusters. It was the one thing in the RR video that I am not a fan of - otherwise great video.

    After you generate you need to confirm in xEdit. Post generation cleanup in xEdit takes me more time than the slow generation in the CK.

  4. Fair enough, requires more explanation. I converted the LE mod to SE because the author only published the latest changes to their LE version. Also, I've used this mod successfully on previous playthrough's. It's a problem associated with some modifications to horse riding, movement animations, nemesis or fins, player inventory items, or a few other possibilities.

    How do you debug a mod? Where can I get verbose logging to see where scripting events are not being called when they should be?

  5. Can anyone explain how to turn on verbose debugging so I can track down the error I'm having with Ride Sharing LE? It's doesn't crash the game or anything horrible, it just doesn't work.


    I've got Papyrus logging turned on, but the mod fails before making any calls so I can't see where it's failing. I would settle for just seeing any logged activity related to it.

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