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About xdec99

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  1. It's done :) https://www.nexusmods.com/eldenring/mods/1255/
  2. I dont think Vortex works with Elden Ring mods. Heres a video on how to get mods working with Mod Engine 2. Hope this helps! https://youtu.be/Gsr4K9j1r2k
  3. Great idea. Let me see what I can cook up. What weapon do you think it should swap?
  4. Sure is. What texture are you trying to change? I could probably walk you through it.
  5. What kind of mods are you trying to make? Yapped is the go-to for editing parameters. Yabber, FLVER Editor (and blender optionally) are for changing models/textures
  6. Any swords/shields etc from other franchises that you would like to see? Im happy to make them when I have the time.
  7. I dont believe you can load loose files without disabling EAC. So no way of going online when running those type of mods.
  8. See video: https://www.nexusmods.com/eldenring/videos/103 I tried to import the Hylian Shield from BOTW into elden ring, followed a dark souls 3 tutorial since it seems to be the same process mostly. (followed this video: ). However in-game my shield is disappearing when viewed mostly from the front. Anyone have a clue what is happening here?
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