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About RMD768

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  1. open the enbseries.ini and under (effect) makes sure it says EnableAmbientOcclusion=true Edit: if your going for max make sure under (ssao_ssil) it says UseIndirectLighting=true
  2. 1) grey waterfalls 2) reversed positive and negative hues of things at distances........ clouds and sky ..... terrain and water... stuff like that anyone know how to make those things better?
  3. I'm useing 0.6 old versiion of dovakiin hideout and haven't had a single ctd since patch might want to try that out........ now that i say that ill probably be crashing right and left next time i play.
  4. oh well yeah i wouldn't think it would be a conflict with a blocking mod anyway since its not technically blocking reducing it , wish i knew http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/turned.gif
  5. hmmmmmmm don't know whats wrong then. i deleted mine and DLd it again and it works for me. there are a few times where it doesn't pick up the 100% if they come at you at weird angles and only uses the 85% but 99% of time its 100% for me.also if it was working i would reduce the angle a bit because sometimes i get hit from side and it still blocks the damage but yeah if it not working idk edit: made it 110 to 230 , 120 degrees offset to the left by 10 since shield/sword is offset a little........ that is if you get it to work or even look back here lolo
  6. keep in mind if you reduce health all healing/regeneration would be doubled effectivly . changing weapons and/ or armor wouldn't scale or effect magic spells, bleeds etc etc ...taking 2x damage on adept is exactly the same as the damage on master (master is 2x damage taken and 0.5 damage dealt compared to adept)
  7. np, adept is 2x damage taken everything else is the same yadda yadda
  8. i think blocking was capped at 85% i think i saw somewhere. FAKED 100% blocking by reducing damage to zero with conditions that 1) you are blocking 2) its not magic 3) the target is between 100 and 260 degrees of you with respect to z axis, ummm yeah i mean like this http://i.imgur.com/b8DIw.png ,basically in front of you in 160 arc. then i added 2billion% to blocking (still 85%) so you are double bagged. about adding it to mobs umm good luck with that..... you might try messing with ck settings under gameplay and search fblock but i'm not sure what that effects, i think its just you. hopefully it works out for ya. EDIT: <- changed angle to better match blocking angles 110-230 degrees
  9. http://www.dolserver.net/models/Models/items/3232.jpg I would poop myself :woot: EDIT: added nif and dds from old game
  10. assuming you have CKit open it up click gameplay tab at top > then search fdiff you should see fDiffMultHPToPCN ..... to means to player char, N is for normal or adept > change the 1 to a 2 and save.... will make adept do what you wanted. if you dont have CK i could do it for ya
  11. thanks got it finally.... it ended up being so simple, just make spell effect for just magicka and check off detrimental <- something i forgot when i first tryed it. but i was messing with the magicka regens and damage magicka regens etc for forever .......
  12. cant seen to get magicka to tick down (like negative regen) , is it possible. anyone know? also I found you can set conditions for getisid percent health and percent stamina........ no way to set a condition on % magicka? :facepalm:
  13. easy way to do this would be to mod the damage to them. What i would is is load esm >open object window>filter for"vamp" you will see a bunch of npc files look for the ones EncVampire0#Template 1-6 ...this is kind of a master template for different kinds that spawn at different level brackets. adding a perk to these will add it to all of the vampires that get their data from it IE the nord, imp ,elf ,boss 0#s click on spell list tab> go to perks window > pick new > give it anyname/ID and go to perk entries window and pick new >pick the entry point tab>look for Mod Incoming damage> for function pick multiply value > put in a value (0.5 would give then 2x effective health) once you did it for one level set you don't have to make a new perk simply add the perk you already created. (you can make new perks if you wanted) Its good because if you test it out and find you want to change it a bit, just search you perk and change the value. TONS of other tweaks you can do with entry point as well if you play around with it. hope that helps
  14. what other mods are good? I ended up getting the perk that makes it so you cant set most traps off because i wanted to get the sneaking judo roll thing. but iv been one shot more then a few time when npc's or followers set them off.... which is why Lydia stays at home now.
  15. haha fair enough I wasn't really going for best way to kill them, for example when i was messing with big summoned guy using shout when he was in door way I was trying to get him to let the others stuck behind him in. For the first few mins I was more testing damage and AI reaction times or that's what I was thinking about at the time ..... but yes i run around too much sorry lol also I didn't mean to embed the video like that so you had to watch, just wanted to link it to show what I wanted the rest of the game to fill like :sweat: and sorry if I broke any forum rules???
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