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About XChi11erX

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    United States

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  1. It's not a mod, but I have a "solution" that I'm going to use for myself. Level normally to 81, use skytweak to set level up stats to 0, and periodically set level back to 80 using the setlevel command. I don't particularly care about my player becoming overpowered, but I am sick and tired of random bandits outleveling my followers, atronachs and summons to the point that they barely serve as meat shields. For my needs, this works.
  2. So I accidentally harvested a plant in a home, and as I was waiting for the autosave to load, I thought "Wouldn't it be cool to have a spell to instantly regrow ingredients." Then I remembered this forum. And here I am. I was thinking It would work best lore-wise as an expert or master spell of either the alteration or restoration schools. The former could be described as altering the flow of time (pairs well with Glamoril) or the latter could simply facilitating the growth of the plants, which is probably more vanilla friendly. I would do it myself, If I knew anything about Skyrim spell modding. Of course this could be abused, but my philosophy is "Just Because You Can, Doesn't Mean You Should". This is mostly to allow the player to regrow plants in non-respawning cells. Of course in a single player game, if you want to break the game for fun, do it. Fun is the point of games, after all.
  3. I know I am basically necroposting at this point, but wouldn't a good starting point for creating a vehicle with smooth drive physics be to have the inert vehicle be a static activatable item, then make the moving car a five entity construct? four wheels that move like npcs that have to maintain their relative distance, the body can be an object programmed to move to point relative to the tires. Just spitballing, PHP is more my scene than papyrus, and I am ashamed to admit I do not even know which language F4SE uses.
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