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About BamaThunder316

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  1. I would love to see the Lawgiver Mk 2 handgun from Judge Dredd in the Fallout game...I was gonna try to do a retexture of the 10mm pistol to look like the Lawgiver, but my modding skills aren't that great. But if someone would make one, I would be eternally grateful, because I absolutely love that gun!!!
  2. Never mind, I Got it to work lmao. I forgot to copy and paste the .ini configuration files into my Data directory folder lmao, so now I got it working!
  3. Ok, I downloaded the OBSE and I loaded my FormFinderID mod that I also had downloaded, but I am still not getting anything when I press ALT+Right Click. I don't know if I am doing anything wrong. Can someone tell me what it is that I am doing wrong?
  4. I've tried to download similar programs, like the FOSE, (Fallout 3 Script Extender) and NVSE (New Vegas Script Extender) but when I tried to install them, it said that it wasn't working right...and I had placed them in the correct folders, but I don't know how to make the OBSE_loader.exe point to my Oblivion Launcher shortcut, so I can't run OBSE with my Oblivion game.
  5. I downloaded it and tried it, but it said that I had to have OBSE. I don't use OBSE, so that mod didn't work for me. Sorry.
  6. I was wondering, is there a console command for showing form IDs for weapons, armor, etc. Example: clicking on a container and typing in the console command "showinventory" like in the game Fallout 3/Fallout New Vegas.
  7. I am looking for a couple of console codes for Fallout New Vegas that will eliminate the spread of the weapons fire as well as get rid of the wobble when aiming a weapon. Please help.
  8. I have a quick question....I would like to increase the damage done by the weapons in the game, as well as any weapon mods I have installed. Is there an adjustment that can be made via the console codes, or do I have to edit an .ini file? I would appreciate any help on this.
  9. Thanks a lot. I removed the 10mm.nif file, AND the 10mmpistol.dds/N.dds file and I wanted to see if it worked, so I added Col. Autumn's 10mm pistol to my inventory via the console cheats to see if it worked, and the pistol was back to normal. Thank you very much for your help.
  10. I deleted the mod that used the mesh to replace the 10mm pistol mesh, and I've looked through all of the weapons folders and I cannot find any trace of it.
  11. The Archive Invalidation program is somehow messing up the 10mm pistol mesh when I activate it. I had downloaded a mod that replaced the 10mm pistol mesh and texture, and now it's stuck like that whenever I activate the ArchiveInvalidation Tool. But it goes back to normal when I deactivate it. Any ideas on how this could have happened?
  12. On some of the weapon mods that I download and install, some meshes and textures will show up, and others won't. Does this have something to do with the mod, or does it have something to do with my settings? If someone can please help me, I would appreciate it.
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