Hi, The MAS 36 is a french rifle adopted in 1936, wich had a few variants and was used in WW2, Indochina war and Algeria war. The rifle looks pretty cool and I would really love to use it in Fallout 4. http://www.tecmagazin.fr/blog_tir/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/M36_-_complet-11-565x422.jpg (From top to bottom : MAS 36 "first type", "second type", MAS 36-51 wich can fire grenades, MAS 36 CR 39 with foldable stock for mountain troops and paratroopers) You can have a lot of informations about this rifle thanks to Forgotten Weapons : https://www.forgottenweapons.com/?s=mas+36 Also a french website with lots of informations and detailed pictures of the differences between the different versions of the rifle : http://armesfrancaises.free.fr/FR%20MAS%2036.html http://armesfrancaises.free.fr/FR%20MAS%2036%20CR%2039.html http://armesfrancaises.free.fr/FR%20MAS%2036%20LG%2048.html http://armesfrancaises.free.fr/FR%20MAS%2036-51.html There is this old not so accurate mod for Fallout New Vegas : https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/53872 And if you need more informations, I own a MAS 36 in real life so I can take as many photos or videos as needed :happy: