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About HuGeau

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  1. So we can summon an army of soldiers to attack a castle If possible remove the white phantom effect on them
  2. Hi, The MAS 36 is a french rifle adopted in 1936, wich had a few variants and was used in WW2, Indochina war and Algeria war. The rifle looks pretty cool and I would really love to use it in Fallout 4. http://www.tecmagazin.fr/blog_tir/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/M36_-_complet-11-565x422.jpg (From top to bottom : MAS 36 "first type", "second type", MAS 36-51 wich can fire grenades, MAS 36 CR 39 with foldable stock for mountain troops and paratroopers) You can have a lot of informations about this rifle thanks to Forgotten Weapons : https://www.forgottenweapons.com/?s=mas+36 Also a french website with lots of informations and detailed pictures of the differences between the different versions of the rifle : http://armesfrancaises.free.fr/FR%20MAS%2036.html http://armesfrancaises.free.fr/FR%20MAS%2036%20CR%2039.html http://armesfrancaises.free.fr/FR%20MAS%2036%20LG%2048.html http://armesfrancaises.free.fr/FR%20MAS%2036-51.html There is this old not so accurate mod for Fallout New Vegas : https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/53872 And if you need more informations, I own a MAS 36 in real life so I can take as many photos or videos as needed :happy:
  3. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/52197 Now there is this mod, if someone comes here
  4. @Kinnapeg all your message is wrong, the only accurate part is the grey stock that is a metal stock, wich I was aware of but tried to make it simple. The kar98 wasn't better at all, neither was the Berthier (which could be reloaded with a non empty mag..) I maintain this was the best bolt action rifle of it's time, and the defeat of 1940 has nothing to do with the equipement of French Troops. That being said, I still wish to see this rifle in the game, because it's a very beautiful weapon :)
  5. Okay I successfully ported one helmet but I give up since lots of .dds files cannot be opened using PhotoShop or Gimp even with the plugin I you want to know, I wanted to port "half restored balder armor" from PTDE to Remastered so I downloaded it, downloaded the mod classic armors for the remastered (which reduce the amount of files I have to browse to find the Balder Armor texture), found the Balder helmet texture, copied the name of the file on the PTDE mod and converted it to .dds and used TPUP and worked
  6. On Dark Souls 2 I was launching the game in dumping mod so only the textures of the armor I equiped were loaded so I could take mods of the vanilla and give them the name of the Sotfs armor texture file easily
  7. Hi guys, I searched on the internet but found nothing Is it possible to port mods from PTDE to Remastered ? Like from DS2 Vanilla to Scholar using texture dumping of IGP11 ?
  8. Hi guys ! I'm wondering if it's possible to recreate the French MAS-36 : There was a mod for FNV : https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/53872?tab=description The rifle has many differents versions, such as the paratrooper version with a collapsible stock (the one with the grey stock) : http://i68.servimg.com/u/f68/11/61/41/83/img09610.jpg I think this was a very beautiful rifle, and it should be in game, that paratrooper version would be my main gun. It was actually the best bolt-action rifle of it's time.
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