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About LadyInRed

  1. Thanks, Sergeantkeys :-)))) well..actually just those monsters who are really too scary such as skeletons, zombies and I don't know which are really fearing ones there.. Even now remember a video of Fallout where a ghoul was rushing to your back u in a fully dark place((((...
  2. loosers, :down: if u're very stupid and can't make such a great mod than just shut up! :verymad: If u treat everyone as one of your favourite porn stars, then just stop masturbating so much :biggrin: :dance: :tongue: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: (and do your business than writing such strange posts) Insulting others ends your (brief) time here. The vulgarities only ensured it. --TNL
  3. Oh, u think all the WoW players are completely stupid? :biggrin:
  4. like a very young boy! :tongue: Don't think that everyone's tricking u! :tongue: it's too funny! :yes: if u managed to find my fotos, then u must find out - they're just were made in professional photostudios like a lot of girls do. Yes, i've uploaded them on a website and now they're everywhere even on russian websites, but you can't find ANYWHERE even me topless!(only tits through my blouse but for frenchwomen it's completely normal to do such things - I have NEVER put off my blouse, it's just a regular shooting.. Just read the discussion about the spider's replacer - there's a really great need for such mod and tons of people beg for it. But if you're not a professional in modding and can't do such a great mod than please go away, don't bother! :excl: p.s. why there're so many girls in the world of warcraft - cause it's not fearing, but relaxing to live in that world :wink:
  5. DarkWolf V, it'll be great if u or someone else can do such great thing! :thumbsup: )) but of course don't do it quick as u said - it's not so urgent we'll wait for weeks, months.. ..can't imagine..I'll buy a house, cook yummy things, chop all the trees around and make a beutiful flower-garden there, as they said cooking and chopping is possible :smile:... will admire great landscapes))) Dear scottym23, Astramorte - thanks for your opinions but too little people like horror movies :wink: and u can overlook the discussion in the spiders' replacer mod - u'll find tons of people wondering to relax but not to be scared in such a great beautiful game..
  6. MoonSweets, thank u too, I gave u a kudo too :thumbsup: (but I don't wanna play still skeletons and others are there in the game)
  7. :woot: wow!!!a huge number of thanks to the author of the replacer of spiders there in the duscussion, they fully confirm my words and I love the author too :wub: Thank u very much, nivea!!!! But skeletons, zombies are still in the game :unsure:(((
  8. thank u dear Pika Nikz, but just seing them is the most frightful thing.. i'm sure lots of girls don't play because of this - as I saw in videos, u always in stress and not relaxing
  9. Hi, guys! Can u delete the most scaring monsters or just replace them? :rolleyes: It's much better to relax while playing :biggrin:, than being all the time in stress! P.S. which mod is good for multiplayer? (though i don't khow how to play, will u help there?) -------------------------------------------------------------- Current summary: 1) http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=28 - This mod removes spiders (there're tons of thanks to the author there in the duscussion!!! so many people don't wanna play in stress)
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