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About zigurd88

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  1. http://img855.imageshack.us/img855/7976/zgrab04.jpg http://img404.imageshack.us/img404/9453/zgrab01.jpg http://img813.imageshack.us/img813/5417/zgrab03.jpg http://img194.imageshack.us/img194/8977/zgrab02.jpg What I've thought of the armor so far. WIP
  2. Hello. Why not try to make a perk and an on contact Disarm spell to be triggered by the perk? Check it out:
  3. hello. what you must do is to link your magic effect to a keyword and tick the "dispel all effects with these keywords" option in the Editing Effects tab.
  4. shader property ShaderName auto Event OnEffectStart(actor Target,actor Caster) Game.GetPlayer().Apply(ShaderName) Endevent
  5. What you are requesting is possible. I'm working on a Shapeshifting mod which gives you Beastforms to swap situationally, each form having it's buffs and debuffs. While in beast form you can trigger effects and spells (e.g bearform procs stagger on hit, powerbashing does an AE fear, Sabre form gives life-steal and a frenzy effect etc). A glipse of the shapeshifting FX:
  6. I'm working on a Druid/Shapeshifter MOD. Player initially gets Aspects of Beasts(Bear,Wolf,Sabre,Dragon) which gives him situational advantages as each Aspect has a buff and a de-buff, according to the Beast it represents. Swapping Aspects will cost Stamina and Health most of the times. As the player progresses in his journeys, he will eventually be able to actually take the Form of the Beasts. So far I got down Bear and Saber Aspects plus Bear and Saber Forms. The player will have various abilities while shape shifted. (e.g. BearForm: stagger enemies on hit, can charge etc; SabreForm: can life-steal on hit, bleeds,frenzy etc; DragonForm: fly, terrorize towns with your shouts etc) I will link obtaining spell with quests and events but until then I can release the spells so you could try them out. Check out the mini clip in the Post above for some animations and a little combat(work in progress).
  7. I'm making a Druid Mod. First you learn Aspects of the Beasts.. then you end up truning into one. Check it out:
  8. I could help you out. I've firgured out how to do it :P
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