In response to post #54930308. #54930478, #54930773, #54930833, #54930843, #54930848, #54930913, #54931018, #54931133, #54931298, #54931363, #54931473, #54931588, #54932243, #54933863, #54934008, #54934293, #54934383, #54935133, #54936008, #54939378, #54939888, #54941398, #54945963, #54946478, #54947498, #55048508, #55052853 are all replies on the same post. I'll add to this that Vortex must be functional for all of the games Nexus manages, including some games that are older or use different libraries to access files. If all you play are Bethesda games, that's not a problem, use MO. But not every game (or every system for that matter *cue the glaring at his own PC*) plays well with the way MO's runtime virtualization works. Dark0ne and Tannrin picked the most compatible approach for the largest number of games on the platform. And as Tannrin said when he discussed it: Vortex can easily have a plugin made later to enable that as an option once the program itself gets a thorough testing.