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  1. In response to post #67632451. #67632701, #67633716, #67637026, #67643171, #67672576, #67920921 are all replies on the same post. I can feel pain for those uses NMM because of huge mod installs. I happened to switch over to vortex at a time where I already wanted to reinstall everything fresh, so the inconvenience was a given. And I've never installed more then a few dozen mods at a time, a habit I got from NMM because it seemed not to like going big whenever I tried.
  2. In response to post #68188981. I'm glad you mentioned games being able to use this as well. Because I've fiddled around with a number of IDEs as a hobby. And one of the things I thought would be cool to do would be to make the game Nexus/Vortex-aware to some extent in the way Steam Workshop games are for the workshop. Like, if someone boots up the game without booting Vortex, the game can go check for mod updates and let the user know. That's super handy. That password verification is also EXTREMELY nice, since it takes a lot of the security-load off of the application developer who wants to do that kind of integration. Props for this in particular.
  3. I've been using it exclusively for a Fallout 4 and Skyrim install. It is still quite the bug fest and not at all intuitive to me yet, but I see a lot of promise here. The abiility to sort out load order conflicts a la MO is brilliant. Though it doesn't change the name of the mod files to match the name of the mod yet, and other little things. My only real issue was it failing on downloads constantly. other then that it's been pretty great.
  4. In response to post #58431326. Nexus pays for it's site via the ad revenue. It's one of the reasons that I pay for premium access when I know I need to download a ton of mods (like I just did with Skyrim and Fallout for the new PC), because they don't make anything otherwise.
  5. In response to post #58018921. You're not the only person who's mentioned the interface being ugly, but, I've never really gotten why that's a thing. unless you're tinkering with mods so often that you have to stare at it all of the time.
  6. In response to post #58060001. #58061656, #58062601, #58080306 are all replies on the same post. The reason that didn't change is because Bethesda changed as little as possible when they ported Skyrim over to 64 bits. For the most part, only the memory management and rendering pipelines where changed. I don't even think Papyrus has access to more memory.
  7. In response to post #55041943. If I recall correctly: Inside the folder where you have the unzipped mods, "D:\Games\Nexus Mod Manager\Skyrim\Mods\" for me, there's a folder called 'virtual install' with folders relating to the mod ID's of the mods. when you change a file inside your data folder, the files you're changing are actually in here. A lot of NMM's issues came with the upkeep of this folder and the links pointing to it. That's why changing profiles is downright torture on NMM.
  8. In response to post #54930308. #54930478, #54930773, #54930833, #54930843, #54930848, #54930913, #54931018, #54931133, #54931298, #54931363, #54931473, #54931588, #54932243, #54933863, #54934008, #54934293, #54934383, #54935133, #54936008, #54939378, #54939888, #54941398, #54945963, #54946478, #54947498, #55048508, #55052853 are all replies on the same post. I'll add to this that Vortex must be functional for all of the games Nexus manages, including some games that are older or use different libraries to access files. If all you play are Bethesda games, that's not a problem, use MO. But not every game (or every system for that matter *cue the glaring at his own PC*) plays well with the way MO's runtime virtualization works. Dark0ne and Tannrin picked the most compatible approach for the largest number of games on the platform. And as Tannrin said when he discussed it: Vortex can easily have a plugin made later to enable that as an option once the program itself gets a thorough testing.
  9. In response to post #47393330. #47394385, #47409845, #47410090, #47410120, #47411905, #47414300, #47426290, #47432345, #47459325, #47461520, #47462670, #47465445, #47470155, #47470175, #47506420, #47508675, #47513330, #47515215, #47515350, #47515465, #47516100, #47517525 are all replies on the same post. oooooh, I like it, that sounds cool.
  10. In response to post #44658195. #44658755, #44660435, #44662065, #44662420, #44663050 are all replies on the same post. I'd never heard of it before you comment got my attention. I like the startup sequence now and again (especially if I'm going for the full immersion thing), but with HDT physics, the wagons have been doing some.... odd things. That, and setting up one's character is a bit easier in the little Alternate Start dungeon room. Now, if I could figure out how to tie your mod into the 'crossing the border' option that normally starts the vanilla sequence, I'd be down for that in a heartbeat.
  11. I like Frostfall. And I know he's been working on setting up an API to make other modders have an option for compatibility. Something I'd like to take advantage of at some point, when I can figure out how that works. A very good article indeed.
  12. yall have impressed me just by keeping the site from melting. I was kinda expecting that.
  13. In response to post #43815505. nah, if you have both versions, have one be the 'learn to mod' version, and have at it. I can do basic quests and scripting, and I've only been at it for a few weeks, it's not too painful. (cept navmenshing, that sucks)
  14. In response to post #43846695. yep, it's basically identical, sans a few very technical things mostly around custom animations (which they provided tools ton convert), and not using TGA textures.
  15. In response to post #43864470. it is on steam. It's similar to launchers from other games on steam as I understand.
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