(first things first; English is not my mother tongue so please forgive my mistakes) I have a few problems. Blackface issue, which is sometimes some NPCs and sometimes my own dragonborn gets black faced and loses the hair texture and some armors and items are white like a balloon. No texture at all, just white balloonish kind of armors or furnishers.After I see any of these, I save my game and wait for the CTD. Then it happens in a few minutes.Here is my load order, I can't find the problem. I start the game with SKSE. My laptop;
4.Haswell Intel® Core™ i7-4710MQ,
8GB (1x8GB) DDR3L 1.35V 1600MHz,
1TB 7200RPM
2GB GDDR5 nVIDIA® GeForce® GTX860M 128-Bit DX11.2,My load order;