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Nexus Mods Profile

About Drkman85024

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  • Country
    United States
  • Currently Playing
    Fallout 4, Skyrim, and anything that tickles my fancy from moment to moment.
  • Favourite Game
    Evil Question.

Drkman85024's Achievements


Rookie (2/14)



  1. Hi as the title says i am looking for a mod that enables you to Modify a stack of weapons or armor all at once so i don't have to do each piece one by one. If anyone know of such a mod would please let me know.
  2. Because we couldn't get so lucky. I would love to have something like that.
  3. Would anyone be interested doing a version or something similar to the mod Recruitable Settlers www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/16304 where you could recruit settler versions of the named NPCs from places like Diamond City, Goodneighbour, Far Harbour, the various factions BoS, the Railroad, the Institute, the Children of Atom, and Nuka-World with the named Characters there, and maybe some of the named raiders that appear through out the commonwealth. These settlers wouldn't be the actual NPCs but be stand alone versions so they wouldn't interfere with the quests and stories of the game.
  4. I tried talking to him before i resorted to trying to use things like Commands. I've even tried loading a earlier save and the same thing still happens, the minute Unlikely Valentine finishes I try to talk to Nick to start Getting A Clue but all he does is say random quotes. Does anyone know if there is a command or hell a mod that enables you to start specific quests?
  5. I finished Unlikely Valentine and am trying to start Getting A Clue. No matter what command i type or what i do i can't get it to start. Please for the love of my sanity someone help me.
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