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Posts posted by abadyrizk

  1. Hello Great people,

    Hope All you Doing great,



    I have a mod request and i hope someone would take the time to make it, i would really appreciate it.


    The request is for Fallout 4, a Fanny Pack to stick on the players lower back, example is the "BlackWolfBackpacks New Vegas" Fanny pack, small pack you stick to player's lower back on top of the belt, another example is the picture i attached, the fanny can be how ever you like its just about the position when the player wears it.




    Thank you very much.

    I luv u.

  2. Hello people hope all u doing well,

    I'm wondering is there a mod that add an unkillable type monster that keeps tracking me and try to kill me? where i have to keep running and cant stay in one place for too long like the night monsters from "GRIM - The Curse" or "IT from The Wilderness" or "Pyramid head from Whispering Hills"? i just want the pursuit aspect of the mods but all three of these add a lot more and i mean a lot "btw all three are awesome mods to play give them try :) ".

    Thank you :)

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