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  1. I'm looking for a good quality/perfomance shadow tweak, at this time im running high present in skyrim launcher
  2. https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/581559-frostfall-hypothermia-camping-survival/page-1758 Replied by chesko, so ... seems to be fine
  3. No xD all my mods are loaded ( without touching them in MCM ) only activating by default frostfall I will search about this problem but i checked main page / post of frostfall and didn't see anything like my problem ( i will check it twice ) PD: obviously with frostfall desactivated all ok
  4. No luck ... With all the mods by default starting a new vanilla game ( the regular start ) and ONLY activating frostfall ( default settings ) in riverwood i still crash when exit to main menu .... So here's the payrus log I will try to manually check / uncheck options with the MCM menu and test if crashes or not ... ( last resolt .... )
  5. Right now im starting a new game i will post the results later ( with payrus log ) About your edit: Yes i can deal with it but the main question is, this will not break my save at all right ?
  6. Ok i will remark that the crashes ONLY appears when activating Frostfall via mcm ( with a dirty save, will try a clean one ) i ONLY crash when: 1 - Exit to the main menu ( with Frostfall activated in MCM, without all fine ) I NEVER crash when: 1 - Regular gameplay ( 8h 30m without any crash / with the old modded game ) 2 - entering/leaving everything 3 - anything else you can think About your questions: 1 - no sry didn't try it because i ONLY crash when frostfall is activated in MCM 2 - I really don't have any problem at all ( all just working fine / 0 crashes ) except for the mentioned above 3 - I will start a new game to test it
  7. Hi Darstyler I create a tes5editmerged patch + bashed patch and still crashes ... ( still the payrus log is a lot smaller so good for that ? xD ) PD: tested with the dirty save
  8. Only have 2 mods that require a bashed patch ( CCOR / CCF ) but the question is, ccor / ccf have something to do with frosftfall ? ( i know that they edit alot of objects ) but didn't see anything in the main page of frostfall or ccor / ccf ( in ccor official page the author says that frosftall works out of the box and doesn't require any patches ) Anyway i will try to create a bashed patch and test it
  9. The only thing that i didn't do is the bashed patch for waft / ccor / ccf ( that is suppost to be required ), so ... i don't know if the errors are produced because i don't have the bashed patch or for other reason PD: im pretty sure that all my mods are compatible with frostfall
  10. Hi darstyler After installing a new fresh skyrim & mods get the same crash ... produced by frostfall ... and get some weird errors from skse ? tested with a non-clean save and don't have all my mods installed
  11. So to be clear will be a lot faster delete skyrim & mods PD: i already start a new game for this test , also all the mods that i unistalled they are already installed
  12. As i say in the last post the script cleaner didn't remove any orfan scripts or anything at all Also what can i do to fix the ineed conflict cos in the main page & post dind't find anything at all
  13. Yes in the past i unistalled a lot of mods that have scripts ( but eliminate the game via steam ), so i will use script cleaner that i suppost is a mod from nexus and copy/paste the code again PD: sorry didn't find the spoiler thing :smile: So i use script cleaner and followed the steps and doesn't remove any orfan scripts and the log seems to be exact the same ( with the " cleaned " save )
  14. ... is frostfall ... well i will post soon the payrus log
  15. Ok Thx if i find the mod that produces the crashes i will active payrus logging an copy/paste the result in this post :)
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