Everyone has the right to have his opinion regarding Bethesda games... the more loved and hated ever I guess. So I just can say why Morrowind isn't overrated for me: because is a work of art. Bethesda has given us a creature with not much flesh on the bones, this must be said... but many skilled an passionate guys have made this game a work of art: MGEXE water shader is for me one of the most beautiful in modern games. It is not realistic, it's just beautiful. And Vurt's works on nature... Connary and Lougian textures... Piratelord and Darknut works... Aerelorn's Morrowind Enhanced... Abot and Antares creations... Wrye the genius... just to name some of my favorite artists out there. Morrowind ages with me. I've just transferred my old install in a new pretty performing laptop... looks simply beautiful. And with some care in installing mods, runs very smooth.