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About Bongobasher

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  1. Thanks I just sent info. Yes that is the file that the ENB creator doesn't want on nexus although he says in the readme it is openware and anyone can sell it... Go figure
  2. Yes I uninstalled gforce experience, set the aa, af and other stuff to off for oblivion and obse.exe and used the exact files from the ENB website from wrapper. To the letter...
  3. Yea I messaged the uploader earlier and explained what I have done. I followed the instructions step by step and did all of the problem solving parts. He was last active yesterday so hopefully he may well be up for helping. if not, I can always use another ENB although I'm not so keen on the others as this one manages to do very nice heavy effects that really suit my style of immersion
  4. I uninstalled the ENB "a tweaked ENB" and the weird seams have left so I must have done something wrong in that process. Hope I can make this part work as the ENB adds such delicious effects! With all the various files you have to download from different areas with ENB's it's no stretch of the imagination that I may have one file from one ENB setup and one from another that conflict or something. Will start again with the ENB and see if re-doing the install eliminates the problem and keeps the effect I so desire.
  5. http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/45588/?tab=2&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Foblivion%2Fajax%2Fmodfiles%2F%3Fid%3D45588&pUp=1 Ooooo I think I may have downloaded the patch for ecology? Would that explain the mayhem? Maybe uninstall the all in one, install the ecology...? Haven't done anything yet as I'm a bit scared of poking the angry bag of snakes with a stick. EDIT: this is the file in my bash installers: The Imperial Environment - All-In-One - BAIN - 7October2015
  6. Sorry I was working off of memory, was my birthday and hoping to play a lush modded oblivion lol so replied incorrectly. Kinda glad I was wrong because when you said about installing the .bak I was like "I defo followed directions to the letter!!!" Turns out I installed Imperial ENVIRONMENT mod I installed. It was a Bain with a wizard. Ok I understand that you have reached a loss due to the amount of factors here. Does this sound like a good course of action to try and sort things out: - Uninstall texture based mods and then re-install them. That way hopefully whatever is missing will be replaced again when installing the mod again? Or will this confuse things more?
  7. Yes Imperial ecology all in one bain, also 2k rocks, new ground texture, dungeon and various city retextures... All instructions were drag and drop.
  8. Haha take a couple of shots of your messy handy work if you get a chance! I was thinking on it and thought that maybe re-installing the original mods (from original files) could replace the textures and fix the problem but then how would I replace the textures or anyone else for that matter? As in replace specific textures with others.
  9. Thanks Striker. I have taken a load of screenshots that hopefully will help you. To let you know I imported loads of textures from Nexus all of which instructions were to drag and drop into the relevant folders. I thought this meant they would replace the textures within the folders and be drawn upon by other mods and such? free image hosting You're profile says that you live in Canada, what brought you to India? Sounds very picturesque!
  10. Ok so I realised I had been missing most of the point of WB and not creating and updating a "bashed patch". I now understand the BOSS error too. So I bashed after BOSSing and double checking the load order. I considered auto cleaning dirty edits in Book Jackets but then saw how complex the process is and how dodgey it is so have avoided that for the time being. Since I lat posted I have imported a buttload of new textures and some more mods. Here is my installers page: https://postimg.org/image/d9dg51p2r/ Here's the mods page: https://postimg.org/image/etv6yvy43/ After seeing how awesome "A tweaked ENB" looked and the awful experience I had trying to install OR I gave ENB a go. After some setbacks, I managed to get it working and was absolutely blown away at how effective it was. Well, I installed it before I bashed my patches and had overwritten more textures. When opening with my latest setup (after making sure the save was ok - I used the downloadable clean save end of sewers and it came up blue in WB) I saw this: https://postimg.org/image/t4izsed0z/ So before bashing the patch the textures were a bit haphazard but meshed whereas now I have a minecraft style blockworld! I tried a fix I saw online. I saved a backup of the oblivion.ini file within documents\games\oblivion folder and changed the iMaxGrassTypesPerTexure value from 2 to 4 and then to 8, all of which does nothing to fix this. Any ideas?
  11. I have tried all the fixes stated here and none work for me :( Any more ideas?
  12. Ok turns out I was using the editor incorrectly. I was opening "BOSS" not "BOSS_GUI". I ran the "sort plugins" but nothing changed in my load order.
  13. Haha re: unsavoury characters you don't want to see again in a hurry, Moreheap springs to mind! I have read the info on WB I promise, I'm just never quite sure if I'm on the correct path when it comes to the different file types and the correct etiquette. So to summarise: 1) Treat OCO v2 as other stuff I have installed in WB (ofc read the readme but it says too use a different program. I suppose I have read between the lines re: the use of OBMM, NMM and such). Others I remember there are different file types and they can be installed by complex, simple and such folder arrangements. Just making sure I don't mess up this time! 2) It is OK to use OBMM for certain mods? This won'y create problems? 3) I have been running BOSS every time I install new mods and it comes back with everything green and I assume this means "you're good to go". I thought it automatically adjusts the load order? Do I need to do this manually? [/url]">http:// Here's my current load order.
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