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Posts posted by justinglen75

  1. @dylbill Thanks for the info! I removed what you suggested -- I was sus of the Function/endfunction within a function/endfunction. Initially, what you suggested didn't work because I took it literally and removed the part with "Int aButton = 0" but after removing the function/endfunction stuff, I re-added the "Int aButton = 0" line, compiled and it worked! So, thanks again for the input!


    @Sphered Actually that is what I was working on accomplishing -- I go in dialog with a particular follower, there's a line/topic that says "Let's change something...". When the player chooses that line, a messagebox pops up saying this is the current status of this (using conditions within the script), then player hits ok. After that, the menu with the toggle choices appear -- Nevermind, Turn ON this, Turn OFF this. This is currently working in-game like a charm :smile:


    The final working fragment is below:

    ;lets check the status of the follower's location marker quest -- is it on or off? and let the player know by displaying a messagebox
    If (JWG_Quest.GetStage() == 10) || (JWG_Quest.GetStageDone(10) == 1)
    	Debug.Messagebox("The location marker for this NPC is currently ON")
    ElseIf (JWG_Quest.GetStage() == 0) || (JWG_Quest.GetStageDone(40) == 1)
    	Debug.Messagebox("The location marker for this NPC is currently OFF")
    ;let's start the toggle menu
    Int aButton = 0
    aButton = JWG_Message.Show()
    If aButton == 0 ;Cancel button
    	Debug.Notification("Action cancelled")
    ElseIf aButton == 1 ;Toggle On button
    	;if the quest for the markers was previously reset, then it's waiting to be restarted
    	JWG_Quest.Start()  ;so, restart the quest then, and...
    	JWG_Quest.SetStage(10)   ;initiate the first stage in the quest -- 10 -- to reactivate the location marker
    	Debug.Notification("The location marker for this NPC is now ON")
    ElseIf aButton == 2  ;Toggle OFF button
    	JWG_Quest.SetStage(30)   ;set the stage in the quest to 30 to ultimately end and complete the quest so it doesn't show on Misc Quest Journal
    	JWG_Quest.Reset()  ;reset the quest -- per CK notes this will not START the quest -- it is waiting to be re-started
    	Debug.Notification("The location marker for this NPC is now OFF")
  2. Assuming it's possible somehow....


    I basically want to be able to talk to specific follower about toggling something on or off (via dialog).

    When the typical dialog box appears (ie. Wait here, etc) there will be something like "Toggle Such and Such On/Off", and when this is selected a menu with the toggles will appear with 3 options: Cancel, On, and Off. I already have the dialog quest setup -- non issue -- but I was experimenting with some scripting in the Papyrus fragment box to see if I can get this to work, and the script is producing errors.


    I've looked into creating a menu/toggles but in relation to activator switches on object references.


    Does anyone know what the fragment is missing in the code below in order to make it his work (Again, I'm assuming it's possible)? I appreciate any thorough guidance :smile:

    ;BEGIN FRAGMENT CODE - Do not edit anything between this and the end comment
    Scriptname JWG_TIF__050E9AAD Extends TopicInfo Hidden
    ;BEGIN FRAGMENT Fragment_0
    Function Fragment_0(ObjectReference akSpeakerRef)
    Actor akSpeaker = akSpeakerRef as Actor
    Function Menu(Int aButton = 0)      ;I'm guessing there needs to be something different than Function?
    aButton = JWD_MSG_LocationMarkerToggle.Show()
    If aButton == 0 ;Cancel button
    	Debug.Notification("Action cancelled")
    ElseIf aButton == 1 ;Toggle On button
    	;an action will go here
    	Debug.Notification("Turned ON")
    ElseIf aButton == 2  ;Toggle OFF button
    	;an action will go here
    	Debug.Notification("Turned OFF")
    ;END FRAGMENT CODE - Do not edit anything between this and the begin comment
    Message Property JWD_MSG_LocationMarkerToggle  Auto


    The following errors are showing up:


    * mismatched input 'Function' expecting ENDFUNCTION <---doesn't seem to like a 'Function' within a 'Function' I guess

    * missing EOF at 'EndFunction'


    Thanks again!

  3. So I've been messing around with a simple idea -- I know nothing, I'm a noob with scripting as always -- but I wanted to see how to make a chest/container simply enable.

    So in Riverwood, I placed a chest somewhere and created a reference for it in the CK. I set it as "Initially disabled" and wanted to see how to "enable" it by using a simple spell.


    The spell/magic effect is just a simple FFS (Fire forget self) with the archetype set to Script.


    Below is the script I mustered up but it doesn't seem to be working, I think there's something missing somewhere -- can anyone fill in the blanks and educate me?


    The property is pointing at the reference chest in the render window. At first it didn't let me pick it but once I created a reference ID, instead of the chest just being a case base object, I was able to point to it.

    Scriptname ChestEnable extends activemagiceffect  
    {This script will enable an initially disabled chest and vice versa}
    ObjectReference Property JWCHEST Auto
    event OnInit()
            If (JWCHEST.IsDisabled())    ;if the chest is currently disabled...
    		Debug.Notification("The chest is disabled")   ;display a message that it is being enabled just because
    		JWCHEST.Enable(true)  ;and enable it with a fadein
    		Debug.Notification("The chest is now enabled")   ;display a message that it is being enabled just because
    	ElseIf (JWCHEST.IsEnabled())
    		Debug.Notification("The chest is enabled")   ;display a message that it is being disabled just because
    		JWCHEST.Disable(true)  ;and disable it with a fadeout
    		Debug.Notification("The chest is now disabled")   ;display a message that it is being enabled just because

    Also, can someone explain to me what this does below, assuming of course there's a layman's term for it. Does this mean that akSpeaker (which is an actor), is being looked at "as" an objectreference? I'm confused what "as" does. I see this alot and always wondered that.




    Function Fragment_0(ObjectReference akSpeakerRef)
    Actor akSpeaker = akSpeakerRef as Actor
    Thanks for any help!
  4. Unfortunately -- based on my experience, NPC files will make changes to the weight, skin color, eye color, race and character gen sliders (and probably a couple of other things I missed) -- however -- changes to the sliders made in RM will not translate well in an NPC file once imported into CK, probably because RM uses a lot of extra sliders that might not line up to the CK's character gen sliders. The result will be that the follower will look different than what you created in RM. The key to making your follower look as you intended --when using RM -- is to export the head mesh from RM and then place those exported files in their appropriate locations -- the tutorials below will tell you how to do all that.


    When I created followers, I would set their desired race, weight, skin color, etc and then sculpt their head in RM -- well change different sliders here and there, I didn't get too crazy with the actual sculpting part, just some smoothing here and there. When things looked the way I wanted them to look, I exported the head mesh -- VERY necessary step. Lastly -- before I delved into the CK, I would create an NPC file, like you did, just so the weight, skin color, race would be auto-set when I imported the NPC file into the CK.


    I hope some if that made sense because I would maybe need to explain completely how to create a follower using RM -- and that can get extensive. Instead it would be better to check YouTube for complete RM follower creation tutorials to maybe see if there's something you missed, just in case :smile:


    Below are some great tutorials that I have used personally. I hope it helps! :smile: and GL!



    Asherz makes a great tutorial below, very thorough. Just click on the "Watch on YouTube" link below -- OR click here....


  5. I think I once had an issue adding files to the archive list in CK2.0 when I was running the CK as an Admin. If you are running the CK2.0 is an admin, try opening with "run as an administrator" OFF and then see if it will let you drop the files. You can do a right-click over CK app, go to Properties > click on Compatibility tab and check if "Run this program as an admin" is checked or not. If it is, uncheck it.


    Otherwise you can try creating an archive file by clicking on Export form the archive window. This will create a file and think store it where you want, can't remember exactly off-hand. You can open the file in maybe a TXT editor like Notepad++ and manually add the pathways to those files. Then, with the archive window open you can import that archive file into the CK to see if the files appear on the list.

  6. I could be wrong on this but I noticed that when you loaded the mod you only selected your mod /plugin itself and didn't also select the Skyrim.esm dependency/master file. When I create NPCs (and maybe it's different in CK for SSE which I'm more accustomed to) I always select the Skyrim.esm, Update.esm files (and the DLC master files) along with my plugin -- and making my plugin "active". But, I also noticed on the bottom of your video that Skyrim.esm was apparently loading even though you didn't select it. Interesting.


    IDK -- Maybe just try selecting the Skyrim.esm master file on the list (where there's a check in the box), then select your mod and make it active. Load it up and try again.


    Make sure the actor/NPC is selected -- highlighted -- then you press CTRL + F4 to get the facegen option. Make sure you're doing it while in the Object Window. Is that what you're doing at 1:37 of you video? That is when you're supposed to be pressing CTRL + F4 in your video.


    Forgive if this was pointless information. Just thought I too would try to help out in some way.

  7. Interesting, being that it's an old-ish video, it looks like this person was planning to import the head mesh of Ashley from Mass Effect and ultimately trying to get it into Skyrim. Is that your intention with this project? Taking a head from one game and putting into Skyrim? I think someone did this for Miranda from ME2 and released it on Nexus. I always wondered how they did that.


    In the time frame range you mentioned, I believe this person is basically importing a Skyrim female head mesh into an older version of Blender -- probably retrieved the femalehead.nif from Skyrim using a BSA extraction tool, opened it in NifSkope, exported as an OBJ to a custom folder from NifSkope and renamed the OBJ file to Ash.obj -- and then scaling the ME/Ashley head mesh to somewhat match the size of the Skyrim mesh as close as possible.


    You can get access to Skyrim's assets (ie. head meshes) pretty easily using a BSA extraction tool. All of Skyrim's meshes are embedded in the Mesh BSAs located in the Skyrim Data folder. Just do a Google search for BSA Extraction Skyrim -- http://wiki.tesnexus.com/index.php/Skyrim_BSA_Extraction -- to learn how.


    This is probably not expert advise but maybe some guidance toward the right direction. :smile:

  8. I would love a current tutorial too!


    From what I've researched in the past, and this is probably WAY off in accuracy in the steps, but it could maybe give you some soft of an idea on what it all entails -- but it seems that the gist of it is to open one of the vanilla weapon NIF file in NIFSKOPE -- I think you need to delete the scabbard mesh and the blood-stain mesh, and then export what's left as an OBJ file. You then import the OBJ file in Blender. Create your sword to match the scale/height of the vanilla Skyrim sword, which basically serves as a template. I think you need to match the handle height/position as well I think or you will get alignment problems when an actor wields the weapon, ie. a sword. Once completed you need to delete the vanilla mesh so that only your sword is in the file and then export as an OBJ from Blender. Then I think you can import the OBJ in Caliente's Bodyslide and Outfit Studio program (from Nexus) so you can then export it as a NIF file so you can use it in Skyrim. You would then need to go into the Creation Kit and create a new weapon, pointing at the NIF file of your new weapon.


    Again, this is fragmented and I might have no idea what the heck I'm talking about, hehe, I'll let the pros correct my mistakes and/or fill in the blanks :smile: ...but I think that is the VERY basic process.


    I would love someone to create and share a video on YT on the current process using current day programs!

  9. Hello, Some of the best follower tutorials to follow are from Skylah and Asherz - all on YouTube. There are probably many others that are good as well but these are the ones that have helped me.


    From Skylah


    From Asherz (this is just part 1 of a series of tutorials on follower creation)



    Just to make sure -- you've exported the head mesh and the facetint mask whilst in Racemenu, right?

    Then you moved the RM exported head mesh and face tint mask to their appropriate folders for LE/SE?

    And you're using this follower in LE or SSE?

    Are you working from CK 2.0 (64-bit)? I ask because the CK 2.0 will overwrite your RM facegen mesh and facetint mask every time you save the plugin. You have to keep a backup in the facegeom/YOURMOD.esp folder (for the mesh) and the facetint/YOURMOD.esp folder (for the facetint mask) location so you can overwrite the CK-generated files. If you open the plugin in CK 2.0, save it and then play SSE, the follower will NOT look like your follower (because it has overwriten your RM files). If you imported an NPC file it will translate the data from that file and your follower will look odd in-game. I'm guessing that's what's going on.

  10. I don't know if I'll be much help, maybe more like a guide to the right direction but I believe you're getting this error because the total number of vertices for almost every headpart that you're merging - are not identical, for example your MaleHead headpart in the RM facegen mesh has a total of 3127 verts and it's trying to merge that into a head mesh -- MaleHeardNord (which is a vanilla headpart/mesh) -- that only has 898 verts.


    Are you using custom headpart meshes in RM? I ask because iI see 00DBZ prefixes in the RM exported facegen.

  11. In the image below are the files that come with RM and should be located in the SKSE>Plugins folder.


    Do you have any of these files in your SKSE>Plugins folder?




    If not then that might be your issue. I would reinstall RaceMenu completely (delete it and then completely reinstall from Nexus) and make sure these files are there. If they don't appear after a reinstall then you could try setting elevated write permissions to the SKSE folder by doing a right-click over SKSE, select Properties>Security and maybe set the Users group to Allow full control, Apply then OK.Then try installing again. I had to do this because RM at some point wouldn't write the exported files to that folder and changing the permissions fixed that issue for me.


    OR you could just manually download RM from Nexus and place everything in the their appropriate places manually :smile: GL!


    Oh and another thing too, RM generates INI files inthe Plugins folder -- do you have any of those?

  12. Hey, I'm using blender 2.8, I didn't have any experience with it so I just downloaded the latest version...

    Did you happen to use a tutorial online to get this to work? Just curious :) Also, how did you get the model to be a nif file? When I save something in Blender 2.8, I save as as OBJ. How did you save/export it as a NIF? Thanks for any help!

  13. @Cumbrianlad Even if, I think the information you provided is quite valuable in case they, or anyone else, wants a more advanced know-how. Good stuff! I just wish I could find a suitable, thorough-know-how on creating swords for SSE using Blender 2.8 for noobs like myself who want to delve into that. Probably another inquiry for a different forum hehe.




    Much easier than my method. TBH, I've never done that, so didn't think about it.


    They also know how to edit the things in Nifskope, too, which isn't a bad thing. (He says, in a vain attempt to justify the monster posts :mellow: )

  14. Texture replacers don't need an .esp at all.


    @Novem99 -- You're correct for the PC only BUT the original poster (OP) is specifically wanting to use the replacer for XB1. In order to get anything uploaded to BNET (especially for consoles) you have to create a plugin (ESP). The Creation Kit 2.0 (64bit) will not let you upload anything to BNET without saving/creating a plugin. A plugin (ESP) needs to be created for consoles (ie. XB1) so the in-game LO can be set. The OP probably needed to post this on the SSE/CK 2.0-related forums since I think this is an Oldrim-related forum.

  15. As far as getting the mod on XB1, and the followering are true:


    * Your files are just simple texture replacers -- using the vanilla filenames, meaning you aren't changing the filenames, AND

    * Your files are already in your SSE game and in their correct vanilla paths/folders (ie. Data>Meshes/Textures folders)


    1.) Create a new ESP in CK 64: Click on File>Data. Not sure how much it matters but it's not s bad idea to select the first 5 master files (Skyrim.esm - Dawnguard.esm) and click on OK.

    2.) Click on File>Save and name your ESP (ie. Wildbrezecaesar-GlassArmorRetex.esp)

    3.) Click on File>Log into BNET

    4.) Click on File>Upload Plugin and Archive to BNET>XB1

    * If you get a message that says "An archive might not be neccesary. Add files to an archive by hand?" then click on YES otherwise...

    5.) A window will open up with "Add/remove files to archive" header at the top. Make sure Archive Platform says "Xbox One". Make sure it's blank -- you can highlight multiple files in the list and click on remove.

    6.) In this window you can drag n drop just your re-textured files (that are already in their appropriate, vanilla directories like mods are placed -- ie. Data>textures>armor) over the window and they should appear

    * as long as you kept the filenames exact to vanilla and the filepaths exact to vanilla -- in other words, if you're not changing anything other than the texture itself, this should work no problem.

    * if you are opening the CK 64 as an administrator, DnD won't work -- uncheck Open as Admin in the CK properties.

    * when all your files are in the list, you can click on Export List to save a list that you can import (using the Import option) so you won't have to DnD those files again.

    7.) If all set, click on Pack Files and go through the process of uploading to BNET for Xbox.

    8.) Go to the mod's BNET page and make sure you choose SAVE AS DRAFT -- that will allow for personal use only. PUBLISH of course means it goes PUBLIC. O

    9.) On Xbox One: Open SSE, go to MODS, log into your BNET account, and then find a section that says MY CREATIONS and your mod should be there, visible only to you as long as you chose to SAVE AS DRAFT.

    10.) Download your mod and enable, then set your LO (within the game) -- put your mod at the bottom so nothing overwrites it, then start your game to test and see if it worked :smile:


    * Go to Data>XB1 folder and either backup somewhere or delete the archive stored here or the CK will crash if you try to create a new archive for this mod. You will have to do this every time, or a Windows batch file placed on the desktop to do this with a simple double-click.

    * If you are using newly-renamed textures + meshes then it's pretty much the same process -- as long as the files are where they are supposed to be in the Data>Meshes/Textures folders, drag n drop the textures and the meshes they are associated with into the archive list box/window.

  16. No worries -- LOOT is awesome. More than likely it could be due to one of the mods in your list. If you haven't already, install SKYUI for SSE -- https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/12604?tab=files. Some mods might require the Mod Configuration tool that is included with it.


    If it just started crashing AFTER you had updated to the latest version of Skyrim SE (1.5.97 -- just released a few days ago), you often have to wait for SKSE (64) to be updated (sounds like you've already done that) and for some mods that are dependent on SKSE to also be updated due to new update. Always check for updates to your mods.


    I think the Cheat Room, while awesome, might/can get flaky and cause crashes if you make weapons, for example, have ridiculous amounts of damage (one-hit kill) or jack around with the skill points -- I don't know that for sure but if you go crazy it might/could cause problems/crashes. When installing mods, I would maybe test them out one at a time to make it a little easier to determine if it's going to be a keeper or if it's a bad egg. Also, before you download a mod make absolute sure if it requires another mod to be installed first.

  17. Was it working before the recent update (I think SSE just updated to 1.5.97)?

    Make sure you're using LOOT to sort your load order -- the list you show on here shows things that are not in a proper load order, just wanted to be sure :smile:


    UPDATE: just noticed your mod list was in alphabetically order -- silly me!

  18. When I upload textures, for example, And Iâm ready to create my archive, I remove all the files that the archive lists and then just drag n drop the textures that Iâm only wanting to add into the archive list. I then click on Export to save that list for next time, in case I need to update it. Then upload to BNET. On BNET, choose Save As Draft to use for personal use and/or test the mod and then Publish to make public if you wish to do so.
  19. Ok, just making sure :) I've ran into a similar issue like this before and I think it might/could be a texture issue somewhere. You might be able to troubleshoot that by removing any standalone textures folder (a single folder for textures and the facetint DDS file) for this follower and trying in-game to see if you can walk up to her without it crashing.


    Can maybe make sure the hard coded textures (using NifSkope) are matching the textures in the ESP. I think I ran into this once before because I was using a different complexion texture in the CK than what I hard coded in the head NIF and the facegeom NIF via NifSkope. Probably not much help there, it's something to look at I guess.

  20. Hello!


    Just asking to be sure because it's an important detail -- did you use SSE NIF Optimizer to convert the NIFs/meshes for SSE?


    Along with saving the 32-bit ESP in CK 2.0 to make it 64-bit (Form 44) you have to convert all the custom meshes that your follower mod is dependent on (like if it's a "standalone", meaning they are locked to their own body/head meshes -- like your otter race follower mod) using an awesome tool called SSE NIF Optimizer. Just make sure you convert headparts (ie. hair, hairlines, eyes, head, brows, mouth, and FaceGeom NIF) and non-headparts (ie. armors, body, feet, hands, weapons, etc) separately. When you convert headparts ONLY, make sure you have HEAD PARTS ONLY toggled on in SSENO. For the non-headparts, leave it un-toggled. MAke sure you have a backup of the mod's original, pre-optimized meshes beacuse once it's optimized you can't revert them back.

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