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About HaveYouSeenMyBeefJerky

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  1. 1.Wood elves 2. 3. 4.nord 5.orcs 6.bretons 7.kajit 8.high elves 9.redguard 10. Argonians
  2. I have no idea where I first found it and I can't find it again, but I added it into skyrim_default at the bottom of the display and set it to 0 and it made me turn it on, so i don't think that's going to work.
  3. also i accually got pastthe word skyrim and in game moving around but all i could see was a black screen, outline of stamina bar, and the compass at top, also stuff was still copying itself
  4. what i have in my pc is a intel core i-3 processor, 8 gbs of ram, no graphics card, and its also a 64-but opperating system
  5. it ivsyncpresentinterval found at the end oft he display category
  6. i tried downloading the unofficial skyrim patch but that didnt help
  7. When i get into the game the mouse repeats itself over and over and so does any notification or word that pops up. When i hit new game it goes through the normal sequence then it gets stuck on the word skyrim, even if im in the game. I dont have any mods installed that would cause this. at the skyrim screen im able to go into the games settings but i already tried stuff in there. Please help
  8. This has also been happening tome except i have no mods installed
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