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Posts posted by OrdinaryLunatic

  1. I am using Yapped lately to change lots of stats in the game. Sadly i don't know how to change Stamina Soft/Hard Caps.


    I know most of the other caps are in the CalcCorrectGraph like HP/FP per attribut increase or Resistences per lvl/attribute. i know where to manipulate the curve of Souls cost per lvl, the caps for attribute scalings on weapons, item discovery per Luck, and i know atleast that something is changing how much fall damage you get depending on your Dexterity.
    But no matter what I change in these Params, nothing seems to change Stamina, Equip Load, Attunement Slots.

    All i want to do is to flatten the gains per attribut up to 99 on every attribute, so i have more reasons to increase something above 40 rather than for resistences only.

    I don't care to much about Equip Load and Attunement Slots, as they are already flat or rather flat. But Endurance is only giving me Stamina and Lightning/Bleed Resistence, but to increase End over 40 only for the latter and 10 more Stamina is weird for me.

  2. I just found a way to change the Color. I already posted it on the "Persistent Blood Splatter Removal" comment page. I just write it again here. You need to change it in the Data0.bdt file using Yapped. In the "DecalParam" there are a lot of rows related to blood. When you click on them there are somewhere 3 fields to change the Diffuse color values and 3 more for the specular too. I just changed everything that had blood in the name to the same red, because lazy me. But ingame my PC and enemies where now all covered in red.

    Before, i always thought it is supposed to be mud and was wondering why changing the values for mud in the WetAspectParam (which is also possible btw) didn't do anything lol. Well, now i know better.

    ya I hope this helps.

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