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About bubinga64

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  1. In response to post #48447547. #48451022 is also a reply to the same post. Just don't hold your breath waiting for the new NMM. I'm not trying to be rude, but the current one has been in Beta for the 7 years that I can attest to and the site being revamped has been discussed for at least as long. Again, nothing snide insinuated. You have to keep your expectations in line with reality. Lots of people promise lots of things...
  2. In response to post #47493580. Im not saying it's impossible, but I wonder just how useful that feature would be unless it was only mods from this site and said configuration didn't have older mods that are now hidden or removed. Also keep in mind that many people tweak mods so you may not get the intended effect.
  3. In response to post #44136325. Yea. Doesn't look like Imps more complex needs will either, which I will miss greatly.
  4. In response to post #43655310. No. you need to report those adds. The previous add provider was quite horrendous, and it seems the new one is heading that way also. I've had several page-redirect adds recently myself. They're tough to report because the adds may change by the time you get back to the nexus. I had to turn addblocker back on. The large adds that take up the top half of the page and cover the report feature are rough also.
  5. No, it was jab at Nvidia for marketing the 970 GTX with 4 GB VRAM, but what the consumers actually got was 3.5 GB VRAM http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2016/07/nvidia-offers-30-to-gtx-970-customers-in-class-action-lawsuit-over-ram/ ...and you only really got 2G of ram because they used 2-2Gig modules. It was quite the difference for Skyrim when you were trying to offload to your GPU because of the 32bit build and 4G limit on Ram. Unless the game actually supported accessing both 2G chips, which I haven't played any that do, you were stuck at 2Gig Video. By the way, I had two GTX-970's... Yea... Found out after the fact.
  6. Yes, we can actually redo all of F4 using the lighting in this mod. Though to your dismay, it will either require this mod to be used as a master, or using the assets from this mod which I'm sure will be flagged quickly.
  7. The direct download function looks like a bag of hurt. Bypassing the mod description which usually has important install info along with known incompatibilities seems naive at best. As for the design, it looks like the steam 'large view' option. Hopefully it's at least faster than the current setup.
  8. In response to post #37179945. #37180065, #37187110, #37187155, #37187485, #37187870, #37188675, #37188720, #37188775, #37189305, #37189815 are all replies on the same post. Question to bben46, NMM has prompted me every time if I would like to allow it to set the file to r/w instead of read only while NMM is active. I haven't verified that it actually works because I've been manually managing the plugin.txt file. Is that a beta option that doesn't work yet? I'm asking due to your post.
  9. In response to post #37179945. #37180065, #37187110, #37187155, #37187485, #37187870, #37188675, #37188720, #37188775 are all replies on the same post. Just to help, on my system Windows 10 automatically undoes the changes for whatever reason even after saving. Once you asterisk the plugin names, save, close and reopen to make sure it stays. I have to copy the file, make the changes, then overwrite the original file for the changes to stick. I'm not sure of the root cause. I've had odd problems with win10 since it launched. It also borks the NMM config file on me every time win10 updates so I have to go in and delete that just to get NMM to open. NMM makes a new one when you delete it.
  10. In response to post #36933110. It doesn't do anything to the mods. It just deactivated them because they were not being addressed correctly due to the new format. Basically it was the same as unchecking the .esp in NMM. All of the files were still there, they just didn't load into the game on a save that was using the survival difficulty. They did still load on a save that used any other difficulty. (Based on my limited testing) From what I understand the new NMM version takes care of that. Edit: texture and mesh replacers always worked. Even with the beta. Just the .esp files were disabled. So if NMM doesn't do it automatically then you should just have to activate the plugins. I haven't actually tested NMM yet. I just read on one of the articles on the front page it's been updated for 1.5. Previously, if you were running the beta, you just needed to locate your plugin.txt file and add an * in front of any .esp you wanted to load. Any texture and mesh replacerers worked automatically because it was still pulling from the data folder before the games data. I keep reading that it's an updated Skyrim engine, but it looks more like an updated Fallout engine from what I'm seeing.
  11. In response to post #36910965. #36911220, #36923925, #36926780, #36929315, #36931910 are all replies on the same post. I'd like to share something my mother always used to say (God bless her soul). "Never argue with and idiot. Most people happening by won't be able to tell the difference." Take that how you will. I've found it handy on many occasions.
  12. Hats off to any and all that apply! Question is, is there a way to donate DIRECTLY to the team that is testing all of this in their spare time? It's basically asking for alpha testers that are willing to test the software and mess up saves. Judging by the fact that the SkyUI team won't come back I'm guessing people don't donate very often, but it would be nice if there was a way to help the people that are helping us. Just my thoughts...
  13. Finally tried survival mode. They need to implement a timescale slider if they are not allowing access to the console. It's just silly that every 10 minutes it's night time again. It would also be nice if they had a built in "darker nights" mode for survival. It's tough determining time when an hour goes by in a minute or so and it looks just as dark at 8pm as it does at 3am. they need to dial down the food needs, or make the time scale slider. It takes everything you have found to just be "fed". Haven't been able to kill a raider yet, but died twice. I'm trying it on a new character and just getting some armor is pretty rough. I'm sure it will get easier. The timescale is my biggest gripe.
  14. I'm looking forward to the new survival mode. I really think it should have been included in the game at launch as I would have loved to play that version to start. As long as they will still allow mods I'll be happy with any and all additions to immersion. Currently I'm an extremely immersive player. I actually WALK everywhere, and it even bothers me that the towns are unrealistically close. So if I want to mod in a sleeping bag because in real life I need to sleep so I can go to work, I should be able to sleep in an area where I'm not going to get attacked. Immersive fast travel would be nice if it was balanced and not just usable if you are on the brotherhoods side.
  15. In response to post #35959950. I don't think it's fair to put malicious code in adds that target an unsuspecting users computer including install programs/applications without their knowledge if they don't know what's going on. I have no problem with unobtrusive and non-malicious adds. I'm even all for targeted adds. Maybe that way I'll see one for something I actually care about. Bottom line is, as a previous poster mentioned, the entire way ads are being handled and treated on the internet needs to be revamped. Maybe this is the first glimmer of that change to come. I can see this becoming a big deal in the future as the Internet will need to become either less add driven or produce better and targeted adds. I'm sure Google sees the writing on the wall. Ads are their core business.
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