Hey all, I have some questions since I really want to create my own mods in this game, I have googled and looked around a bit but i figured just asking here might provide more and better information for me! 1. This is problably my most important question , Is it difficult and does it require any scripting knowledge? I know that creating complicated mods might be difficult and requires experience. 2. Is the tools you use to mod with advanced ? 3. Is adding textures to the game simple? 4. Any tips on what programs / mods I should use to get started? 5. The thing I want to do first is creating immersive objects with a function, a great example of what I want to make is something similar like THIS mod but not an infirmary. I really want to learn, i'm asking if it's difficult just so I know what i'm getting into since I really don't have any previous scripting knowledge. Any answers would be grealy appreciated. // sfrebo