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Nexus Mods Profile

About sfrebo

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Explorer (4/14)



  1. Hey all, Just had a question since I want to remove a few mods. How safe is it to remove a weapon mod? Like, if I still have some weapons in my workbench does that matter?
  2. So i've had this bug in my previous playthrough aswell, the first time i use the flaregun it works fine. Then after a while i can see one minutemen patrolling the settlement that was close to where i used the flare gun, i've waited ingame for over 24 hours and moved down on the map. When I use the flare gun there is no message and no one is showing up, is there any console command to reset the flare gun-minutemen thing or how should i bypass this? :tongue: I've tried without mods before and nothing helped. EDIT: The minutemen guy im talking about is saying stuff like " Good thing you put up the flare" or something like that when i walk past him.
  3. I noticed the snap'n build have been hidden for a while now, is there anyone planning on maybe creating a mod with new objects? I'm looking for a mod with tons of new objects like snap'n build but cant find any. There is one on the forum but it has 250 bug reports so I'll problably wait for another one.
  4. I were just wondering if there is any quick way except disable a few mods if i want to play on 2 different characters. I want to be able to play on 1 save with mods and still be able to play on another save with other mods. The thing about profiles might be it but i dont want to touch anything risking to lose my current modlist so any answers would be great. Thx! sFrebo
  5. Hi! So i've been using google and been looking on nexus but I cant seem to find any nice textures for the male/female hands. I assume alot of people (and me) are playing in first person so a mod with 2k or 4k textures for the hands would come in handy :D // sfrebo
  6. Hey all, I have some questions since I really want to create my own mods in this game, I have googled and looked around a bit but i figured just asking here might provide more and better information for me! 1. This is problably my most important question , Is it difficult and does it require any scripting knowledge? I know that creating complicated mods might be difficult and requires experience. 2. Is the tools you use to mod with advanced ? 3. Is adding textures to the game simple? 4. Any tips on what programs / mods I should use to get started? 5. The thing I want to do first is creating immersive objects with a function, a great example of what I want to make is something similar like THIS mod but not an infirmary. I really want to learn, i'm asking if it's difficult just so I know what i'm getting into since I really don't have any previous scripting knowledge. Any answers would be grealy appreciated. // sfrebo
  7. Tried it, seems better. Need to get used to the 60 hz tho :p
  8. I've always had problem with some camera-stuttering issues, specially when indoors and moving around. I found out that removing the FPS lock seems to help the problem, however i've read different posts about people saying that fallout 4 should be played at 60 fps. Going above 60 fps makes weird stuff happen, I know that the lockpick is faster and the messages but is there anything else I should have in mind ? since i really consider to play without fps lock. I have tried everything I know of to remove the stutter but I just can't find any solution :/ Any help is appreciated. EDIT: I'm using gtx 970 and a 144hz monitor.
  9. Alright thanks for the info. I don't have any issues that i know of yet, I just thought it would be nice to see if all of my mods are working properly together :p
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