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Posts posted by radiationnut

  1. Hey I've been trying like hell to remove Kelloggs vambrace from his armpiece.

    I took to Blender but I can't figure out how to export and I've given up at this point.

    The mod is originally from Crimsomriders Accessories mod but he/she has been off for so long I couldn't ask the author for help. I don't intend to redistribute it, just for personal use.http://oi66.tinypic.com/2i8d36g.jpgI figure it's a pretty easy request, I just can't export the dang thing. Thanks!

  2. Hi there, I've installed Become a Bard and I cannot get the Custom Songbook to appear.

    I've bought the custom songbook from the bards college, I have a file converted correctly and in the proper folder.

    It's said when you read your custom songbook, it will add the ability to play the songs but it just prompts me to forget songs.

    I really want this to work, I want to perform the Wolven Storm.


  3. Hi there, I've installed Become a Bard and I cannot get the Custom Songbook to appear.


    I've bought the custom songbook from the bards college, I have a file converted correctly and in the proper folder.

    It's said when you read your custom songbook, it will add the ability to play the songs but it just prompts me to forget songs.


    I really want this to work, I want to perform the Wolven Storm.





  4. Hello, let me start off by saying I know nothing. I'm like the Jon Snow of mods/modeling.


    There's this guy who makes/rips awesome models from games known as luxox18.


    He releases files for the 3D models, but that's about it. Can someone tell me, how to make them into mods for my NV?


    I'd love to use the Wolfenstein models.








    I hope I don't get anyone in trouble for posting here, I'm sure he gives full credit to the concepts originally developed by their owners.


    And the exported models you see above are his work, I'm JUST A FAN.

  5. Hello modders! I'm curious if anyone can make this happen.




    Make good ol' Floki a race for Skyrim. I'd love to play as him, y'know for the gods?




    ^ That will be my face if someone does this... Literally!

  6. That's awesome! :D


    Not really sure, with those other signs you've found maybe you could tack more on? Across the breast plate maybe add that "One way" sign.


    And for detail some misc bullet marks on the armor and a little rust wear and tear that'd be great!

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