Hello I have started playing the game again recently, and as I like to do, I have wiped out the inbreds at Hackdirt. Now that I have done that, I think that the town has got potential. I would like to have a go at making a mod that makes over the town and new people have moved in, and made it into a nice place. How do I do this? I will need to: Make new houses to replace the ones that were destroyed. Get new people in Change the names of the houses to match the new residents. Make a house for myself. Add a farm. Change the name of the town. If possible get some of the people of Chorrol to know that the town have been rejuvenated. Is this possible? If so, is it possible for me to do it? (I have never made a mod before) Will anyone help me with advice and links to websites and video tutorials please? Thank you Tasendia