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Everything posted by Tasendia

  1. My first character married Calder (though she wants to divorce him and marry Ralof) My latest character has just married Brynjolf.
  2. Hei One thing that has bugged me about Skyrim is that once I became Harbinger of the Companions I found that I do not feel like it. When I go back to the companions I need to ask to get jobs, when they should be asking me for jobs (with me being able to choose which ones I want to do myself) From what I have seen, this is the same for the other guilds. Could someone create a mod that makes you a proper guild master when you finish the guild quests? Thank you Tasendia
  3. Hei That is excellent. Thank you. Thank you for the link as well. I have checked and there is only one quest linked to the town. I think it will be great to make it into a nice town. It is in a pretty location. Now to think of a new name for it. Wish me luck please.
  4. Hello I have started playing the game again recently, and as I like to do, I have wiped out the inbreds at Hackdirt. Now that I have done that, I think that the town has got potential. I would like to have a go at making a mod that makes over the town and new people have moved in, and made it into a nice place. How do I do this? I will need to: Make new houses to replace the ones that were destroyed. Get new people in Change the names of the houses to match the new residents. Make a house for myself. Add a farm. Change the name of the town. If possible get some of the people of Chorrol to know that the town have been rejuvenated. Is this possible? If so, is it possible for me to do it? (I have never made a mod before) Will anyone help me with advice and links to websites and video tutorials please? Thank you Tasendia
  5. That is fantastic ^^ thank you very much ^^ It was not too much problem to create it, but that will be good for Delphine and Esbern as I will need them to stay alive should I start again ^^
  6. Ahh, I see what you mean. Thank you for your help ^^ I will find out his alias and change that ^^
  7. Thank you very much for your help ^^ I now know what I was not doing right. I was only checking on the Skyrim.esm but not the Update.esm. I have done that. I have just got to test it now. Hehe I have now also made Delpine killable, strangely enough though, I cannot make Esbern killable though. Even though I have done the same to him as I have to Delphine. Edited to add, it has worked with Vilkas ^^ now just to finish off Esbern ^^
  8. Make Vilkas essential? Can someone just type out what I need to do please? I know there is a website out to offer help, but I will be honest and I did not find it that easy to navigate. I will properly have a look when I get more time available. I just would like to make Vilkas essential now. Thank you ^^ Tasendia
  9. you will need this http://www.creationkit.com/i would suggest to read and follow all tutorials out there so that you get the general idea of how to do things with itme myself aint got a clue about the CK yet and wont be bothering till i finished Skyrim Quests :) Thank you ^^ I will have a look through that. Hopefully I will be able to make something. I have never done anything like this before so I think it will be entertaining. LOL :laugh: thankfully it is not a problem with my character :D One thing that I think I could do to get used to creating mods is create an Ulfric Clone as I think that what I am hoping to achieve will be quite complex and challenging. Wish me good luck please ^^
  10. If no-one wants to try this, then can you give me some tips about how I could try and do it please?
  11. I think this is a great idea ^^ I like the idea of getting married in this game, but it does need owrk on giving it more substance.
  12. LOL I will do :laugh: hehe I have got a few things that I need to say to him :)
  13. Hei I would love my character to marry Ulfric. Can you make a mod that will let me marry Ulfric Stormcloak please? It needs to be a special marriage as I would like for him to return to Windhelm and do the same as if he was not married (so it does not disrupt the quests that he is involved) his character is not a stay at home and bake pie kind of guy. I would like for him to give me my home cooked meal each day though (that he got someone else to cook for him :lol: ) and I would also like for him to set up a shop from his castle. Lastly can you also make a mod that I can make Ralof my follower please? (ideally LOL I would like to marry him as well as Ulfric) If you could do this then I would be so, so grateful :wub:
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