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  1. the follower bow fix wasn't there when i was crashing.. i added it after in hope to stop crashing.. i'll remove them all and do more test today.. but i really like all those mods.. and was hoping to keep em. its hard to identify incompatible mods when you have many of them.. they only weird thing i did with the mod manager was to install killer kaos pack and overwrite the daedric armor (2 files) with the daedric blood glow one since the killer kaos daedric was a little too much for my taste and its my main armor set.
  2. here is a quick pic of the mod list http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7201/6961562145_d1e8a50e27_z.jpg
  3. Hi everyone, im looking for pointers, help, idea, tips concerning my ONLY problem with skyrim, Facts: - I bought Skyrim on steam - I run ZERO mod from the workshop, only use the mod manager and nexus - i run around 20 mods, i can list them if necessary - reinstalled the game - also tried to download Natural Characters and Companions by PyHarmonic for exemple, thinking they would be different... same result Situation: Solo, i can play for 8 hours straight with a companion, i crash to desktop every 2-3 minutes.. when i enter a house, when i exit, when i try to give them items like gauntlets, etc.. then i reload the game and try the same item.. after 2-3 CTD, the companion take it without crashing skyrim but crash later.. fast traveling is dangerous, entering breeze in winterrun is also dangerous to ctd.. everywhere really.. Am at the point that companions are totally broken.. Am i the only one.. is it known, got a clue what is happening to me ? Thank you very much .. i consult nexus every day like a newspaper now!
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