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Nexus Mods Profile

About Offensus

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Rookie (2/14)



  1. So I was doing a playthrough of this mod and I just couldn't manage to find the key needed in the dwarven museum. Anyone know where it is?
  2. 18 days since last update. Food supplies running low. No water. Getting weak Don't know how much longer I can survive Can only hope help will come soon May God have mercy on my soul...
  3. One more question Jet, will this mod (the skyrim 32 bit version) be compatible with the major overhauls of the game like SkyRe, Perma, and Requiem?
  4. Loving the ideas. For the holy magic you will be adding, will it be restoration magic? Or will you put it under several trees forcing Seraph classes to take on a more "pure mage" build (exception being his angel blade of course)? Also I have some ideas for the new spells you could add. First of which is teleportation, either teleport to cursor, a hold, or to a sanctuary place if you add one in. Second I was thinking having a smite spell, being able to completely destroy things with a holy ray of light (or make it a touch spell) but only if they are quite a few levels lower than you and do not pass a check of sorts, if they pass the check or are a higher level (or a boss) it could just deal damage instead. I feel like this one would really make it feel like you are slowly becoming an extremely powerful being, especially if you also use a mod that delevels the world. Another I think would be cool is a passive effect of when you ascend, that when your wings are out in your ascended form, NPCs that are below your level should pass a check to decide rather if instead of attacking you will just flee in fear. However that might be a little script intensive.
  5. Jet, could you by any chance fill us in on the new powers and spells you'll be adding for your new mod?
  6. Thanks for the update Jet, we really appreciate how hard you are working on these mods. Keep up the good work man
  7. Honestly all we can do is speculate until Jet shares what he will do. I'm really excited to see the end product.
  8. You gotta remember that in Jet's lore Daemons are holy creatures like Aengels, just with a spark of grace rather than the whole shebang. I would hardly expect something with holy essence (grace) to be evil looking unless tainted with something which is unholy, like vampirism. Also gotta keep in mind that Jet's Seraphs aren't the same ones from Christian lore, so I don't personally think they would have six wings. In my opinion they both should look holy, just the Seraphim more holy than the Daemons, since their being is composed of more grace. That is why I suggested that the Daemons should keep the Nephilim colors, as green doesn't really scream holy or unholy in any extreme, just "supernatural", where as Seraphs be given a color that more gets across the 'divine being' message.
  9. In the new mod, what will you do to distinguish Aengels and Seraphim from Daemons? I'd suggest giving them separate eye and power colors, like for example have Daemons keep the green color you used in Nephilim and give Seraphs a blue or other "holy" looking color.
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