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  1. wow ok, thanks for that link. I've been running with SOS Wilds and Dungeons for ages and have not noticed any save bloat. I'll read it through completely when i get the chance. thanks for the heads up.
  2. Hey Jonxx I never got it solved either. In the end I just looked at the file sizes of all my save files, picked an older one that did not look to have file bloat, reloaded it, did the 'clean' removal and reinstall of all my mods at that point and just carried on and that seemed to work for me even though I lost some of my progress in game. And I also disabled every kind of AutoSaving in game and now only Manually Save (just don't forget to save!) For me I believe the mod that caused it all was Natural Skyrim Rain which if you read up on it in the mods thread, has been noted by many others to cause file bloating and the author is not active any more with the mod. good luck, hope you can sort it out.
  3. Hi. Is there a way to make a completely fresh Save File, at my current point in the game(lvl51), that would be free of any kinda corruption that may have been accumulated by installing/removing mods? I'm new to the whole modding scene but in the last few weeks have learnt plenty about how to install them properly and cleanly. I may have been a bit reckless with them early on and I might be paying for it now. An issue i am having is there's a particular mod i wish to use but no matter how i install it, it causes my game to glitch, and no one else seems to be having the same problem i am. I've gone through all the things like clean saving, load orders, conflicting mods, reinstalling skyrim etc...but it still persists. I was told that my save file could be the cause. Today i tried the mod on a very old save file, one of the first i had when you first get to Riverwood and the glitch is gone. So it seems my current save file is the cause, Is there a way to 'cleanse' my current save file completely? Doing the 3 save (interior) trick as per this link isn't solving the problem. http://arwenevecom.ipage.com/Skyrim/Skyrim-Tips.htm#Clean_Save been searching for answers with not much luck, please help? o_O
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