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  1. As far as I can tell there aren't any quests associated with the mod. I couldn't find anything with the CK or the console that I could stop, anyways. I did manage to fix it, sorta. Disabled all my mods, killed the horse, then waited a few days. It respawned as normal, though using the console to resurrect it did not fix the error. It might amuse someone reading this that when I didn't disable all my mods, just one that I had making horses essential, the horse vanished when I used the console to kill it before respawning at the stable a few days later. The exact same horse. Still mine, and still buggy. It was kinda creepy.
  2. Before you ask, this is the result of a mod, which I've since uninstalled; specifically Gryphian's Pack Horses on Steam. Since I'm not likely to get any help on fixing this problem from that corner, I figure asking here couldn't hurt. So, I installed and used the mod, and things were going alright. Then I decided that I didn't really need it, and cleared out my horse's inventory before uninstalling it. And now I can't mount my horse. The prompt is there, it just doesn't do anything. Only the one horse (purchased from Whiterun stables) is affected, and I can ride horses bought after the fact and steal horses to my heart's content. So, it's not a huge issue, and I don't think it's affected gameplay at all, but if there's a way to fix it I'd like to. I've tried a few things with the console, but none have had any effect. At the moment I'm thinking my best option would be just to delete and respawn the horse, except I'm not sure if I can respawn MY horse, as opposed to a generic horse with the same colouring that'll run away as soon as I get off (and all but the unique horses in the game have the same name registered so I have no idea which ID to use). And I'm not sure if deleting it will let the stables respawn the horse, either. Basically what I'm wondering is if anyone has had similar problems, and come up with a solution. I'm not in desperate need of a fix, so I don't want to try a whole bunch of console commands that could damage my game. If anyone thinks that they have a good suggestion I'm willing to give it a try. I just wanna check out my options before I spend a whole bunch more time on this.
  3. Basically, what I'm trying to do is mod my game so that the dog followers each have their own distinct appearance. I've tried messing around with this mod, but I want each of the three dogs to be distinguishable, plus I don't really wanna use the texture provided with the mod. So my issue's that I want to add three possible dog "skins" to use with the Creation Kit, and while I can mod the skins to my heart's content once they're in the CK, I'm not sure how to create or alter additional skins so they'll work. Please note that I DO NOT want to change the default. I know how to change the default. The number of promising tutorials I found on the subject that ended with "and that's how we change the default" made me want to hit someone. I've really, really had enough of changing the defaults. Really. I've tried a couple different methods, but what came closest to working was copying the dog mesh from the game, replacing the texture with one of the dogs from Bellyache's Animal and Creature pack with NifSkope, and using the CK to make a new "skin" using the altered mesh. However, while I was able to get the new skin into the Creation Kit, the new texture didn't seem to show up, and I'm not sure the animations made it over. So I basically managed to accomplish absolutely nothing. I'm having loads of fun here, in case you couldn't tell. I've exhausted what little knowledge I have of modding, and I'm having trouble finding information that applies specifically to NPC/animal skins, so if I'm missing something really obvious, please point it out. I only learned how to do this yesterday, so I'm sure there's plenty I don't know about here.
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