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About ZombicideII

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  1. Hello, I have made an interior cell that acts as a settlement, I got everything to work properly...so it seems, except the sandbox for the settlers. One video I watched contradicted what Bethesda had already set up for another interior settlement. I tried to use the PackageSandboxPrimitive trigger and linked ref 'd it to the workshop with keyword WorkshopLinkSandbox, and it's not working. I tried to use an empty default trigger and it still is messing up. Help would be appreciated to those with more knowledge on this sort of thing. Note: The ENTIRE cell is not navmeshed only a portion of it. Enough to get the settlement working. Do ALL markers need to be on the navmesh?
  2. Well now it kicks the item back to the inventory like it should. Still doesn't enable the reference though
  3. Well, that's fixed and it still doesn't work like it should. When I use this in game, the container still accepts any item that is not in the HoloItemForm. Also the ItemREF doesn't enable. I edited my properties correctly...I know it. So I'm unsure of why it's not working
  4. This is what I'm looking for, but as is for some reason it doesn't enable at the index like it should. Unless I set up either the code wrong or the FL Scriptname HoloDisplayScript extends ObjectReference ObjectReference Property HoloDisplayRef1 Auto ObjectReference Property HoloDisplayRef2 Auto ObjectReference Property HoloDisplayRef3 Auto ObjectReference Property HoloDisplayRef4 Auto ObjectReference Property HoloDisplayRef5 Auto ObjectReference Property HoloDisplayRef6 Auto FormList Property HoloItemForm1 Auto FormList Property HoloFormEnable Auto Int Property IntRestrict1 Auto Event OnItemAdded(Form akBaseItem, Int aiCount, ObjectReference akItemReference, ObjectReference akSourceContainer) Int iIndex = HoloItemForm1.GetSize() While iIndex iIndex=1 Form ItemReference = HoloItemForm1.GetAt(iIndex) ObjectReference EnableReference = HoloFormEnable.GetAt(iIndex) as ObjectReference If akBaseItem == ItemReference EnableReference.Enable() EndIf EndWhile If HoloItemForm1.HasForm(akBaseItem) && IntRestrict1 == 1 ;Do Nothing ElseIf IntRestrict1 == 1 RemoveItem(akBaseItem, aiCount, True, akSourceContainer) debug.notification("Invalid Item") Elseif IntRestrict1 == 0 ;Do Nothing EndIf EndEvent Event OnItemRemoved(Form akBaseItem, Int aiItemCount, ObjectReference akItemReference, ObjectReference akDestContainer) Int iIndex = HoloItemForm1.GetSize() While iIndex iIndex=1 Form ItemReference = HoloItemForm1.GetAt(iIndex) ObjectReference EnableReference = HoloFormEnable.GetAt(iIndex) as ObjectReference If akBaseItem == ItemReference EnableReference.Disable() EndIf EndWhile EndEvent
  5. 30 items, each one different ID. I can't link all of them to 1 enable parent. I want 1 item to enable as long as the misc object of that item is in the container. EX: (REALLY BROKEN...I KNOW) If(Container.GetItemCount(Item1) >=1) GetAtIndex[ 1 ] Item1.Enable() with corresponding index in FL2 Else Item1.Disable() EndIf If(Container.GetItemCount(Item2) >=1) GetAtIndex[ 2 ] Item2.Enable() with corresponding index in FL2 Else Item2.Disable() EndIf If(Container.GetItemCount(Item3) >=1) GetAtIndex[ 3 ] Item3.Enable() with corresponding index in FL2 Else Item3.Disable() EndIf
  6. How would I go about enabling items with a formlist index? Do I need one FL with all the REFR from Cell View and another FL with the MiscObjects? What else would I need? I know how to enable and disable; single, linked ref and multiple objects, but not with a FormList. Lets says there is 30 refs I want to enable, how would I code it so the script checks a containers item count of each reference in a FormList and enables the corresponding index? Doing a formlist seems a lot easier then having 30+ reference properties...Thanks in advance!
  7. I feel dumb for not seeing the first code; == needing to be = As far as the second code, I tried that, still removes all but 1 item out of the container from the formlist.
  8. I have 2 scripts that for some reason aren't working the way they're suppose to. I have one script on a button and it's suppose to remove all items in a formlist (all other buttons set-up the EXACT same way, work as intended). Instead this one removes 1 item in the formlist and the button needs to be activated multiple times. Formlist Property UHModsList AutoObjectReference Property UHModCont AutoActor Property PlayerRef1 AutoInt Property UHobjCount AutoMessage Property ErrorMessage Auto Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef)UHobjCount == PlayerRef1.GetItemCount(UHModsList)PlayerRef1.RemoveItem(UHModsList, UHobjCount, True, UHModCont)If UHobjCount == 0ErrorMessage.Show()elsedebug.notification("Mods stored")EndIfEndEvent The second script, can anyone tell me why this script for a container removes all but 1 item? The item is Acid Component, it is in the formlist, i've checked numerous times. FormList Property UHJunk1 Auto ObjectReference Property UHJunkContainer Auto Event OnInit()AddInventoryEventFilter(UHJunk1)EndEvent Event OnItemAdded(Form akBaseItem, Int aiItemCount, ObjectReference akItemReference, ObjectReference akSourceContianer) If(UHJunk1.Find(akBaseItem) > 0) UHJunkContainer.AddItem(AkBaseItem, aiItemCount); akItemReference.MoveTo(UHJunkContainer) Self.RemoveItem(akBaseItem, aiItemCount)EndIf EndEvent Code Box is being dumb ^
  9. It was a custom mesh, I just ended up using another.
  10. Hello, as the title says I'm trying to display items with the push of a button, that is linked from a container but, having difficulty in the ItemCount area. As the script is currently it displays both refs when only 1 item is removed from the container. The items removed are misc objects and I don't know if you can enable or disable a misc object to spawn in the cell based off ItemCount of the container. The script as is, works minus my comments. I'm sure there is a much easier way (depending on level of coding) then what I am using to allow it to work. I substituted the misc objects for Static Items (for now) and using a delete container to simulate the object being grabbed from the container. If you could help me out that would be amazing. If you can I want; activate button, removes 1 of item (or more depending on # of refs linked to this item). Enabled # of Refs are based of itemcount removed. if ItemCount of container is = 1 display only 1 item and remove it from the container. If ItemCount of container = 0 no refs are enabled linked to that container and no items are removed. Scriptname UHDisplayScript extends ObjectReference Potion Property UHItemToRemove1 AutoPotion Property UHItemToRemove2 Auto ObjectReference Property UHHoldingContainer1 AutoObjectReference Property UHHoldingContainer2 AutoObjectReference Property UHDeleteContainer Auto ObjectReference Property UHEnableRef1 AutoObjectReference Property UHEnableRef2 AutoObjectReference Property UHEnableRef3 AutoObjectReference Property UHEnableRef4 Auto Message Property UHMessageToShow1 AutoMessage Property UHErrorMessage Auto Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef)if (UHHoldingContainer1.GetItemCount( )== 0)UHErrorMessage.show() ALL STOCKING REFS FOR THIS CONTAINER IS DISABLED elseUHMessageToShow1.Show()EndIfif (UHHoldingContainer1.GetItemCount(UHItemToRemove1) >= 1)UHHoldingContainer1.RemoveItem(UHItemToRemove1 , 2 , False, UHDeleteContainer)OnItemRemoved(UHHoldingContainer1, 2, None, UHDeleteContainer)If UHEnableRef1.IsDisabled()UHEnableRef1.enable()If UHEnableRef2.IsDisabled()UHEnableRef2.enable() If OnItemRemoved(UHHoldingContainer1, = 1)One ref is enabled----------------------------------The way it is currently, can't set it to a specific ref, will enable both static refs, not one.the other disabled BROKEN UNTIL 1ST HALF FIXEDelseif (UHHoldingContainer2.GetItemCount(UHItemToRemove2) >= 1)UHHoldingContainer1.RemoveItem(UHItemToRemove2 , 1 , False, UHDeleteContainer)OnItemRemoved(UHHoldingContainer2,1, None, UHDeleteContainer)If UHEnableRef3.IsDisabled()UHEnableRef3.enable()If UHEnableRef4.IsDisabled()UHEnableRef4.enable()EndIfEndIfEndIfEndIfEndIfEndIfEndEvent
  11. I feel dumb kind of dumb about the parameters, it makes PERFECT sense now. I pondered it while at work and the script, and realized what all of you meant by it. I rewrote the script and it compiled perfectly. However, for whatever reason the mesh I'm using as a Container, doesn't act like a container in game. There is no activation to it. I know it's not the script as it was like that before I had the script on there. Any idea why it's like that?
  12. Container Property akOtherContainerMiscObject Property akItemActor Property PlayerRef Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef);ItemIf akActionRef == PlayerRef;This prevents the item to be removed from the player in case something else activates your objectIf PlayerRef.GetItemCount(akItem) >= 1PlayerRef.RemoveItem(akItem, 1, false, akOtherContainer)Debug.Notification("Player has the item, item transferred to cntainer")ElseDebug.Notification("Player doesn't have the item to remove")EndIfEndEvent No compile, error received (5,10): mismatched input 'Property' expecting FUNCTION <-- I knew this was a big error but, wasn't sure which line was the function.(0,0): error while attempting to read script ...Script: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. If akItem refers to GetItemCount. What parameter/property refers to the item I want to remove? I tried inputting an item instead of zomb_ItemToRemove and still recieved the compile error. Sorry about the coding, the box bugged out on me
  13. As I said, complete beginner with scripting, when reading Wiki help about, it made sense reading it but, not how to set it up. I was referring off of other scripts and how they were set up and this one became a jumbled mess. I'm trying to leave the properties as a blank ref so i know what term is what and how it's suppose to function. I will fill in personal reference later (I did this in another script of mine). I will try this out in the CK. If I was trying to sort multiple objects into multiple containers, is a form list easier?
  14. Hello, I was wondering if anyone could help me edit this script I have to make it functional...and a few others. If a form list is easier I will do so. I am an absolute beginner when it comes to scripting so I'm not sure the method I chose is easiest. I left out scriptname and extends on purpose. I don't want to give away the script just yet (even though most of you can recreate it with ease). I'm wanting to check the item count in the player inventory, and if it is greater then or equal to 1, it gets moved into a container reference. The way the script is now, it doesn't compile. I'm sure it's an easy fix, I'm just not sure what to fix. I tried to follow the wiki for Papyrus as best as I could, I'm missing key terms... ObjectReference Property akActionRef ObjectReference Property akOtherContainer Const MiscObject Property akItem Const Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef) ;Item if (Game.GetPlayer().GetItemCount(akItem) == 0) Debug.Trace("Player doesn't have ...") else if (Game.GetPlayer().GetItemCount(akItem) >= 1) Game.GetPlayer().RemoveItem(akItem, int aiCount = 1, bool abSilent = false, ObjectReference akOtherContainer = None) EndIf EndEvent
  15. Well thanks for the reply on the topic. What encoding does the textures need to be in? I think re-textures may be the easiest route as I don't have the best software to create mods. I've never done a retexture. I have photoshop and have been wanting to create some new textures for a house mod I've been working on for awhile
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