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About ezreal89

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  1. Good evening, I got a annoying problem with my modded skyrim. Well it does not crash, but still the grass has kinda stripes. When im moving those stripes follow with my mouse. Its hard to describe so I uploaded a short video. The quality is crap so you almost dont see those stripes. You will need to fullscreen the video and and loke close xD The Video In the attaches files is a picture of my Mod list. Oh and I installed the RealVision ENB. Hope you can help me =) Greetings an adventurer
  2. Hey, first of all, sorry if Im wrong here. If you wish so, move this post to the correct place, well I didnt find it :D I got a new computer and instantly installed skyrim and nexus mod manager. When I start the mod manager chose skyrim I get this error: " skyrim nexus mod manager has encountered an error and needs to close " I didnt find my problem in the frequent issues. Here is the Trace Log I get every time PasteBin I miss skyrim with mods and really appreciate every help
  3. @ steve40 and David Thanks for the tips. But both ways dont work :/ Pitty already commented the Mod, but the editor doesnt answer :S
  4. Yes i have got Wars in Skyrim. So I uninstalled it, but it doesnt work. So I unistalled all Mods except the SkyrimMoMod, but again... The monster are invisible :/ There is no way to solve this problem? :/
  5. Well i downloaded it first with the Nexus Manager, but when i got 96 % it canceled. So I downloaded manually. And put at in the Data order. Just have got the .bsa files. Something like 1 GB
  6. Hey Community! I downloaded the Monster Mod. ( http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=9694 ) The Problem is that my conjured Monster by the Mod are Invisible AND the new Monster in the wild. So the Monster from the Mod. Pls I need some help :/ Already deinstalled Skyrim, The Mod , The ModManager but nevertheless it doesnt work -.- Greetings
  7. Computer/ (C:) / My personal games / Acer / The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim Its a cracked version
  8. Hey, first of all i want to say, that my english is damn bad. so sorry for the mistakes! I saw the Mod Wars in Skyrim ( Number 1 Mod ) And i was so horny to get this Mod! I LOVE IT! but.. if download the files and put them in the data order.. NOTHING HAPPENS :( I tried with the Mod manager, so I have set the Setting ( Dark age , extra hard ) but again.. Nothing :( I run through the wild, but all i see are wolves and sometimes Giants. But there behaviour is ordinary... I WANT FIGHTS! See some dremoras and see the civils fight against them! :( Pls Need help! :s
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