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Marcus Wolfe

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  1. Note that while it sounds like a great idea to mow down zombies with a large machine gun, this is hideously inefficient in terms of ammo, and won't make much of a difference unless your zombies are of the RE sort (ie, moving faster than a crawl/shamble already). The best option is to have a rifle, or a pistol will do in a pinch, and always aim for the head. Preferably, you should have a safe and stable platform to fire from (again, the zeppelin will prove quite useful). If large numbers of zombies in an urban or suburban area need to be removed, deploy a number of incendiary bombs by means of a flying vehicle (depending on what altitude you fly at, planes may be a better option than zeppelins) and create a firestorm. Yes, you'll destroy everything you could have salvaged from that area, but those zombies are going to be beyond dead.
  2. Contrary to popular belief, one of the greatest land vehicles in a Post Zombie Apocalypse World is a bicycle. It is fast, quiet, requires no fuel and only low maintenance compared to a car. Next best options would be go carts, motorcycles and ATVs. Bear in mind, however, that this is only true when your primary defense against zombies is speed. If you need physical barriers to protect against the zombies, or to plow through them, conventional automobiles are your best bet. The greatest vehicle in a Post Zombie Apocalypse World is a Solar Zeppelin. Unlike planes or helicopters, zeppelins do not require fuel to remain in flight, and by coating the zeppelin in solar panels all the energy for the propeller, lights and life support systems can be obtained.
  3. Greetings ladies and gentlemen. This here be an infodump of things you need to know in order to survive in a post zombie apocolypse world. Please contribute, as sharing this vital information will help us all survive should the worst happen. The golden rule of survival in a world like this is NEVER GO ALONE. You should always have another set of ears and eyes around to watch your back, and 2 heads are always better than one. If you do encounter zombies in your area, it is recommended that you remove yourself and anyone else you can from that area. It is a good idea to move far up north, or into mountainous terrain, where the cold will debilitate the zombies. Moving to a military base (where there are trained soldiers, engineers, doctors and scientists) is a good idea as well. Alert, a military base in Alaska, is an excellent choice because it offers both these advantages. If cold terrain is out of your range, try to get somewhere flat with few tall objects so you can see the zombies coming. Death Valley would be particularly good for this, as it is not only extremely flat, but there's so little life there the zombies wouldn't even come around. Deserts offer similar benefits, but take into consideration survival issues other than zombies. If nothing else, try to move somewhere with very few zombies. If you are stuck in an urban area, live in a multistory building. Destroy all stairs accessible from the ground floor beyond any hope of use. While you may use the elevator to access any other floor, never take it to the ground floor. You don't want to have the doors to open only to find that a few zombies wandered in since you went down. Also, the elevator will eventually stop working, and the last thing you want to happen is to be stuck on the ground floor. Set up a manual system to get up and down between the ground floor and second to ground floor that only a human could use (ie, a ladder that your friend on the second floor lets down). Alright, if this goes well, I'll be discussing vehicles next post.
  4. Y'know, I'm going to think about this one for a bit. On the other hand, I can easily list a pair of videogame worlds I would not want to live in: A) Mortal Kombat Universe. B) God of War Universe And now that I think about it, I wouldn't want to live in any RTS universe. They have very high mortality rates in those.
  5. I see your 1000 internets and raise you 4 horsemen of apocolypse
  6. I think the real question is: why would they be fighting in the first place? There's very little if any overlap in their domains and they compete for completely different resources.
  7. pidgey http://guidesmedia.ign.com/guides/9846/images/pidgey.gif
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