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About Muncywolverine

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  1. Somehow i screwed up my game (probably through a mod), and now melee is almost completely broken for me. :( Whenever i strafe, back up, or do anything basically other than standing still this happens. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8G_37c64dy8&feature=youtube_gdata Any idea's of what would be causing this? Thx in advance :)
  2. Deleting enhanced blood textures fixed it for me.
  3. Ah well see, i reverted to an earlier save that i had in my backup skyrim folder. So maybe you need an "un-infected" save. :/
  4. Some of my armor mods aren't showing up in smithing for some of my characters. I have all the needed perks, but still, nothing. It seems to be random, one character will have all my armor mods available to craft, while another will have a third. Any ideas?
  5. Do you have enhanced blood textures? I did, and getting rid of it fixed it for me.
  6. How do you get 60fps on ultra graphics with your card when i get like 20-40 fps on my AMD Radeon 6750?
  7. Hi guys, The new patch has been causing me problems, is there any way to delete it? thx -Muncywolverine
  8. Hey guys, I just checked my backup of my saves files. They were all under 10 mb. So the same guy who's at 57mb right now, his save was only 10mb a couple of levels back. Did bethesda release a new patch recently that could be causing this?
  9. Let me explain my situation : For some reason recently i've been experiencing bad lag-like stuttering and CTD's in my game. I thought this was because i had installed ENB enhanced motion picture, which reduces performance. To fix this i got rid of ENB and tried playing, but the issue was still there. So i threw out my entire skyrim folder and copy-pasted in my backup, only to find that i still experience lag and CTD's. So i figured "Ok, my skyrim folder must be corrupted" and wired over my laptop's skyrim folder over the windows 7 home network. My laptop has not been updated with the latest patch or any of my mod shenanigans, so i figured it would be pure. I brought it over and let steam validate the files/download the latest patch, and now i want to do the shadow tweaks and stuff that were in my prefs file. From your post i'm assuming just a copy-paste would be a bad idea. Also do you know of any mods that would cause the issues i was describing? I don't really run any HD mods.
  10. Holy s*** your on to something, My level 63 char's save file is 9mb, but my recently made character at level 13 or so is 57mb?!?!? WTF? Is this why my game has been stuttering?? Edit: How do i post a list of my mods?
  11. I have an AMD Radeon 6750 (or something like that), does it download drivers for itself automatically? I noticed this stuttering too, although maybe it's just coincidence and has nothing to do with your problem.
  12. Hi guys, I accidentaly corrupted my backup file for skyrim so i brought over my laptop's old skyrim folder. I haven't touched my laptop for a few months so i had to let steam validate the cache files to get patches i was missing, but now i have a problem. All of the little graphics tweaks i did aren't there anymore. If i copy-pasted one of my corrupt file's skyrim.prefs over to the new file, will the game have all of my little graphics tweaks? Thanks in advance -Muncywolverine
  13. Hey guys! I just got myself a brand new computer! It's a massive upgrade from my old one, and now i want to download all the best mods skyrim nexus has to offer! So recommend me some :D
  14. Hi guys, I know this will seem off topic but it is relevent, stick with me. So i recently un-installed Oblivion so i could move it from c:\program files\ (where windows kept messing with my mods) over to c:\games\. When i did this however, Nexus mod manager won't let me mod Oblivion because it's not in the same directory as skyrim! Heres the message i got: "You are missing C:\Program Files (x86)\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data\oblivion.esm. This file is present in all legitimate installs of Skyrim, so either you have deleted the file, or you have pirated Skyrim. Please reinstall Skyrim, or buy Skyrim then reinstall it." WTF? Did me moving Oblivion effect Skyrim?? And does anyone know how to change where Nexus mod manager looks for Oblivion to C:\games\? And help would be appreciated! :)
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