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Posts posted by LancerChronics

  1. So, I am using the mod that allows you to wear layered armor with all clothing, and I'm noticing one of the biggest culprits of (bad) clipping are the bags that are on belts of the chest armors (Leather and Combat Armor)


    I noticed that the Combat Armor belt is its own chunk, and was wondering if it would be possible to just delete the bags and belt around the waist. Assuming I have it right, there shouldn't need to be any texture alterations, and even all the combat armor texture mods would work with it. (Which would be great, as it lines up perfectly with my current favorite armor, the Minutemen General Coat, which has combat armor under the coat, but actual combat armor appearance overrides it flawlessly.)


    Thank you..


    PS: Noticing some screenshots have a codpiece for people wearing combat armor. This does not appear on my character, so i assume it is related to maybe an upgraded version of the combat armor. If this could be deleted as well, it would be great, as the without the belt, I feel it would unbalance things.)

    PS2: My character is female, so really, thats the only gender I would need, if that matters.

  2. So, while I attempt to suss out just what programs I need to start modding values like duration, and even maybe talent progression, I decided to try a little experiment.


    I wanted to see if I could mix and match the various Spiritshift abilities, as there are .unity3d files for all of them, as well as the base form.


    So, I took the Boar Tusks file and renamed it to the same name as the Wolf Claws.

    I took the Bear hide and renamed it to the regular.

    And I took the Cat Flurry and renamed it to the Wolf's knockdown. (Both of them).


    Then booted up the game, after making sure i had backups of everything. So what happened? Not a damn thing, which is a little frustrating.

    No alterations.

    No anomolies.

    Not even a system crash.

    Just... Nothing. Like I changed nothing.


    So what's up with that... do these files not even get used? A lot of mods on the Nexus seem to alter the files in the folder... Why would the game simply ignore altering something like that? Hell, I feel like I could take like the Transcendant suffering file, rename it to the Boar file, and turn into a Boar, and nothing might happen.... (besides turning into a completely vanilla boar, of course)


    Any explanations?

  3. lancer thats only if you have backups enabled in windows.


    huh, i wonder if it defaults to enabled. My computer is self built, but i've never messed with any setting like that before. Maybe others will get lucky, and it'll just happen to be on for them.

  4. New thing I learned today that I was ecstatic about (Windows 7):


    When the game updates when you don't want it too, simple turn off updates (again) and go find TESV.exe. Right-click and select "Restore Previous Version". A window will pop up, wait a minute or two, and a list of files will appear. Select the most recent one, right-click "copy", and paste into the Skyrim folder, overriding the updating. Finally, mentally flip off Bethesda and Steam in your mind, while cracking open your favorite drink!

  5. Nobody? I think I've had this problem since day one and nobody else has it?


    If someone could test their game... open up character creation the automatically enter with what you got, and see if they get the same expression. Just so I can know if the issue is isolated to me?

  6. Gah, this has me practically frothing at the mouth!


    Install Blender.

    Get Nif Scripts --- "I'm sorry, but you need to download and install Blender first".

    Okay...I did get the 7-zip version, lets get the exe it automatically gives me. Install.

    Run Nif Scripts- "I'm sorry, you need to download Python 2.6"

    Log on, download latest Python. (2.7)

    Run Nif Scripts - "I'm sorry, you need to download Python 2.6"

    Separate window pops up. Download a SECOND Python (2.6)

    Run Nif Scripts - "I'm Sorry, You need to get Pyffi 2.2."

    Opens Website...There is no Pyfii 2.2.

    Download lastest Pyffi, breathe sigh of relief when it say 2.2 in the installer.

    Run Nif Scripts - "I'm Sorry. You need to get Pyffi 2.2" WHAT?!

    Search internet, someone says restart is required.

    Restart computer, Run Nif Scripts - "I'm Sorry. You need to get Pyffi 2.2"

    Search web again, Someone says to uninstall everything and start over.

    I call bulls***. Log on to Nexus forums, and hope for some help.


    I hate Blender now, And I've never even used it yet. Help!

  7. So I'm trying to take a piece of one model and stick it on another model... I can move it over/make it show up in nifskope.


    I've tried copying it directly.

    Copying it and adding it to the children of the main mod.

    Creating a duplicate and just copying the values over.


    But all of it ends in one of two things:

    1) My game instantly crashes to desktop when the model is loaded.

    2) My character becomes a massive blob of grey flat plains and vertices, all extending outward...like a sea urchin.


    I heard that it used to be easy to do this in Oblivion, but not in Skyrim. Any new tricks that''s help me get this working?

  8. I think if you set your fShadowBiasScale near one or greater than one you could possibly remove shadows from characters. It could be buggy though.


    I only know this because I accidentally set mine at 1.5 once and I don't think there were any shadows on my character until I got it sorted out. You'd want to try a lower value though, because 1.5 cut my shadow off at the knees as well. Maybe 1.1 or 1.2? You could try experimenting, but it would probably be too buggy (with shadows moving around as you turn, for example) to be practical.



    Ahah! Not too shabby! It's actually the other direction I had to adjust... Mine was set at 0.25....I changed it to 2. There is a slight disassociation between my character and ground shadow, but it's only a few inches...and at the right angle, my heads shadow appears on my butt cheeks, but i can work with this. If only a temporary solution.


    Best news is trees/rocks all seem to be okay, and their shadows apply to the character normally as well.... Also all NPCs look 100x better!. Gonna try bumping it to 3 and walk into White Run with trees everywhere, see the results.

  9. In Oblivion you could set ActorSelfShadowing=0 to get rid of the shadows on bodies and faces. I don't know if it's the same in the Skyrimprefs.ini.



    Sadly, I have found no such option yet in the ini, or in various forums... Tree shadowing and land shadowing have no effect on Self Shadowing

  10. How do I remove shadows cast onto the body by the head, etc, but keep tree shadows and the like?


    I have an issue where shadows cast on the character, by the character (in sunlight) are very choppy and ugly. Also, during a Sunny Day at noon, all NPCs appear really dark. only really showing the sun's lightsource, and the rest is dark. So while the ground glows from the sunlight, their look almost black against it from most angles, cause the game doesn't account for reflected light off surfaces...so i'd like to get rid of their shadows as well.


    "Colorful Lights" mod fixed most of my issues indoors. But outside....

  11. THE SETUP:


    So, back in November, purchased Skyrim, installed. Launch games, added mods, fun times had by all. SWTOR came out, played that for a tad....friend gets new computer...and Skyrim.


    Enter today: Decide to play new character on Skyrim with new mods. Delete Local Content from Steam... Reinstall. Download NMM. Run. It suggest I run Skyrim first, as an ini has not bee created yet, notice old mods still in list....whoops. uncheck em. Try to run Skyrim......Launcher appears, click "Play".....and darkness..... pitch black screen. Alt-tab, Windows key, Ctrl-Alt-Del, Alt-F4......no response.....wait 5 minutes.....restart computer.


    Okay....maybe the leftover mods cause problems....Delete Local content....go to Steam Folder this time.... /steamapps/common/Skyrim.....Delete everything inside.... Reinstall from disc, patch...try to launch through NMM..... Launcher starts...Click Play. Black screen..... Usual attempts to exit.....fail. Restart Computer.


    Computer reboots. Delete NMM. Maybe it was interfering with the fresh install. Delete Local Content. Reinstall Skyrim. Patch. Attempt to load Skyrim through Steam...... Click "Play" on Launcher.....Black Screen, can't exit.... Restart Computer.


    Search internet.... not much... maybe I can't find the right words. Find one guy who posted similar but different problem. His problem solved itself when he reseated his graphics card..... Shutdown computer.... Clean out an eons worth of dust. Reseat My Geforce GTX 285.... Even have it set better than my first attempt long ago... Turn on computer.... Reinstall Skyrim.... try to run from Steam/Launcher...... Black screen.... restart computer.


    Get fed up, and post on forums. Any ideas?



    Currently verifying cache integrity....And done: no issues. Turned off the stupid cloud sync. Going to run SWTOR to see if it still works....Edit: It does... thank god..cause that means my video card isn't busted.







    After clicking "Play" in the Launcher, my screen goes black, and I can't escape the black screen. Apparently, windows is still running, as I heard the little "bloop" noise as a friend tried to message me once...the rest was silence. All attempts to exit the black screen fail, except for a forced restart.

  12. It seems that everyone tends to follow a sort of trend in modding:


    Nude mode > Texture improvement > Body improvement > Bigger Breasts > Armor for Bigger Breasts > even BIGGER breasts > Armor for Even BIGGER breasts >...(add about 20 other steps) > Previous mod adds Smaller breast size option > One or two people make armor for smaller breast size (if your lucky)


    I know meshing is hard, but I'm curious, when do we think we'll see the first AA cup body mod? or armor mod? Just like to put it in creators' heads that there are those that want this. CBBE's slim style is certainly a step in the right direction, but it's more of a B cup, and no armor yet to match. :(


    Anyway, keep up the good work guys! maybe this will be easier with the Construction Set (hopefully later this month.

  13. So I was looking at Hide/Studded armor on my female, and boy do they look weird. You have this nice leather top/tunic, and then this GIANT fluffy kilt. With all the "Revealing" mods that have come out. I was hoping for something that covered a bit more skin and was more form fitting.


    A catsuit of sorts. Basically, if you look at the model for studded/hide, but instead of flaring out into the ....skirt/kilt thing..... just keep following that line down to make a nice set of hugging pants....maybe the section of the model from the thieves guild armor (under the jerkin) could work? I think it would make for an excellent looking thief. who really shouldn't have to carry all the bulkiness, and doesn't necessarily need to be a heavy leather top with bare legs and panties on the bottom either.


    TLDR: Idea: Attach the pants from the female thieve's guild armor to the studded/hide tops.... maybe adjust texture to match.

  14. So here's a tough one. Anyone know a way to change the player's name without going into showracemenu via the console?




    The command "showracemenu" does things to my character. I dunno why, but while most of the settings for the face stay the same, a few things get changed the second i open it. Warpaint and dirt disappears. Her face becomes ever so slightly off (rounder, I think). And it a royal pain after spending so long on the face to try and find whatever the heck got changed.


    I can quickly redo the warpaint and dirt, that's easy, but whenever I try this, my character never looks right again. It's creepy.


    So, to refresh: Can I change my characters name some other way? Another console command? or maybe a Savegame alteration?

  15. I think my main deciding factor deals with the initial conflict. I haven't run into these answers yet with my meandering.


    Did Ulfric really murder the king, or was it a fair fight?

    Did the king agree to a duel?

    If there was a duel, did the king surrender?

    If there was a duel, did Ulfric lose his temper and go overboard shouting the high king repeatedly after the surrender?


    In my mind, I picturing Ulfric challenging the High King to a duel. The High King refuses since the laws of the land are now different. Ulfric attacks the King anyway, forcing the King to battle. King orders guards to stay out of it. The two duel it out, it's close, eventually Ulfric must resort to shouting to win. The High King surrenders, but still isn't to keen to hand over the throne, since the rule of the Empire and the Rule of Old conflict. Ulfric gets angry that he won't just immediately hand it over and Shouts him repeatedly until the king's body is broken and dying. King's guards think this has gone to far and orders Ulfric captured. Ulfric flees. Gate guard heard there was a duel, so let's him pass not knowing the whole story...queue game start.


    Anyone know how it really happened? I chose the above scenario as it seems like the middle ground that both sides could twist to their favor without actually lying.

  16. As the topic states, I think there's an AR cap at 255 or so. My question is With a maxed out smithing is it possible to reach the cap with any armor set? Like take Steel Plate Armor, and make it into Steel Plate Armor (Legendary) all around with Heavy armor perks reach 255 AR?
  17. Definitely makes sense, considering how fast threads go through this board.


    I may have to hold out on my paladin character then, and just screw around with my illusion-kill assassin (dropping fury on someone in a crowded street means no trace of murder). Installing a mod, then finding the modded item in game is fine by me, but for some reason, if I install a mod onto something I already have it feels like I cheated and lose interest in the character.


    That probably doesn't make much sense, but January is only a month away......

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