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About CrAsHnBuRnPs3

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    Vault Boy #3415
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  1. Hello there, I have a couple of questions I am hoping to be be answered. Is there a way to remove select Mods from my download history as there are many mods that I have downloaded and no longer use. the other question is does CHAT no longer work on this site as every time I go to use it I get an error every time and I am a premium member and I even disabled my ad blocker and the cookies for the site are not disabled so I have no clue as how to fix it, I have a screenshot included.
  2. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/18230the other 1 "DCMS171" you would have to send to me in order to ID it. ahh funny thing is when I went to do a folder serch since I couldnt find it i serched DCMS and a mesh popped up so I loaded it into GIMP and its Dont Call Me Settler, face palms go figure, Vortex decided to rename it. Thank you for your help
  3. Hello all, I was wondering if anyone out there could help me. I have recently came back to FO4 and when I was going through my load order I came across two mods that I cannot seem to Identify. I have tried searching the Nexus, and even my download history and even even disabling it to so if I get that in game message about missing a mod but to no avail. I cannot seem to remember what its for and its driving me nuts. SO maybe someone out there has the same file as this but the first file all i can give is its called CPWW-Replacer-18230-6-0.zip. The other file is DCMS171 version 1.71.0 and the author shows up as a1a3a6a9 but that cant be found either. If anyone can help much appreciated and if not then I guess it will continue to be a mystery.
  4. Hello< I need some help with an issue, I am having an issue with some resource items, they are food machines under the resource category. When I go to the tab the items, Eat-O-Tronic, Port a diner, nuka cola machine and a vim machine. The names appear so does its info but when I go to place them the object never shows up not even on the screen to see where it can be placed. I have the resources to build them but no matter what its like they are invisible. I am not sure if its a mod conflict or what. I was away from the game for about 6 months so I cant remember what mod added, I do have the homemaker mod installed, settlement keywords.
  5. as a side note the mod do it yourshelf where it adds special shelves does it too if u place alot on one area. (I didnt have anything placed when i had the issue plus i uninstalled the mod as a troubleshooting measure)
  6. Hello all, I thought id post this to see if i can get some help. The issue that i am having is in the caverns for v88 in that i get the HOM effect when i look in the direction of the main building area from the main entrance. I know it isn't from mods since i uninstalled them plus i went to a earlier save with the mods installed. I have read quite a bit online but have found no fixes. I do not know if its because there is too much in that area and I'm fairly certain its not hardware since its only in this place that I have noticed. The main cavern where my atrium is, is 5 levels with almost every inch of space used, but i have some clutter but i have only decorated the first floor. I noticed this issue when near the main door facing the direction of the atrium but not physically seeing it since there is a wall blocking it but when i turn to face and look at the gear door or I'm in the atrium there is no issue, only when i cant see the atrium and it's rooms. I have used the scrap all cmd in the console and after a few mins of being frozen from all the objects disappearing the problem resolves, except now the Void leaks in from various parts of the cavern being scrapped. my system: is i5-2500K [email protected] 16GB 1600 DDR3 Corsair RAM 64-bit Win 7 GeForce GTX 970 Driver: 376.33
  7. No i didn't use the hot fixes. I did have the player next to the problematic TV but didn't have a chance to load any of the vids from my inventory into the player.
  8. Thanks for the tip, i actually found the root cause to the issue this morning. It was the mod videos of the wasteland that caused it, it pretty much adds the little S.P.E.I.A.L. cut scenes when u start up the game to all the craftable TVs in game. After uninstalling the mod that issue was resolved.
  9. Hello all I have a question in regards to the graphics in Fo4. I just stumbled upon this weird behavior when i cam to a certain part of the vault I'm building where the graphics were lagging in such a manner as to what i call sputtering. it affected movement and such and even made the ceiling fan in-game spin in a laggy fashion. I at first thought maybe its the fan, nope, in fact when i would turn off the TV that was in-game the lag went away. I turn the TV back on and the lag comes back. I was wondering if this is just me or a Bugthesda masterpiece. I even turned my graphics to the lowest setting and the same thing. my system has a Nvidia GeForce 970, Corsair DDR3 Ram 4GB (I just bought more online so I will have 16 GB), and have a i5 2500k CPU 3.30 GHz w/ 65 bit win7. Thank you for your time and input and for now looks like no in-game TVs for my vault dwellers lol.
  10. Thank you for the link i tried searching for such a mod and all results showed nothing.
  11. Hello all, I was wondering if its a possibility to make a mod, if one does not exist, to re-texture the chem workbench. since having the vault-tec workshop the longer bench with the sink on it looks cruddy in a cleaner setting. It has all those rotted spots, I was thinking if it had a look similar to the metal desks and have a clean and dirty versions. I have included a picture for reference.
  12. I have a question, does anyone know a mod that turns the PC into a ghoul if taken too much radiation like the mod for Fallout 3, I've included a link to the mod I'm talking bout below. Thank you for your time. http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/3160/?
  13. I wanted to know if there is a mod out there that replaces the male body with a nude version that is on par with CBBE. i tried Enhanced Vanilla Bodies and it says it doesn't exist. If not maybe someone could make it. I want it for immersion since I have CBBE for females and nothing for males. some of mods i found only add the parts but the skin and feet are still vanilla or the file doesn't exist.
  14. Hello all, I had the idea looking through all the vehicle mods for fo4 and i thought of the mod for new vegas that adds a cargo truck to the game. I have this mod for new vegas and really liked it and maybe someone with the know how could make it happen. some feature could include a bunk bed, cooking station armor and weapon workbenches some containers for weapons, ammo, food, clothing, and misc. of course they would need to be scaled down to fit in such a small place. Have the truck run on flamer fuel and alcohol and be able to fast travel to all settlements and major locations. even be able to use it for fast travel in any difficulty especially survival mode. here is the link to the mod in witch i reference, its called mobile truck base, might need permission for use of the idea. http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/50978/?
  15. Hello all, I have a issue that I'm unsure how to resolve. I used the mod Scrap Everything while building in sanctuary hill settlement. Its a little hard to explain but, while scrapping i scrapped one of those huge shrub walls found behind one of the houses that could be scrapped since it was a Destroyed House. After i built my house in its location I noticed that when I stand in a certain spot that everything in the distance whether it be just on the other side of the street or past the river "pop" out then when I move from said spot everything is normal. the only example of this i can use is if you ever used the room markers in Fo3 so the game would only load that part of the cell when you were "IN" the room and you had to use a portal to view room to room otherwise when you looked through the doorway and into the other room it was grey because it wasn't loaded. If you walked into the next room the walls and items would "POP" in. This is what is happening in my settlement. I thought about maybe if i put that bush back it would fix it but then i would have to know which one i erased and that will probably be near impossible. If it cant be fixed i may just have to abandon the settlement and take everyone with me because it is annoying.
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