Feedback on the Redesign: Preserving What Made the Site Great
I understand the need to update architecture and implement changes, but a complete visual overhaul? I find it very hard to support this change because it's more than just a style choice—it fails to recognize what worked in the old design.
Clear category divisions. The old design visually communicated divisions through contrast, requiring no reading. Strongly colored banners and well-defined boxes neatly separated content, making navigation effortless.
Colour-coding. Many games look similar—like Fallout 3 and its twin, Fallout: New Vegas. They may even share the same mods with similar thumbnails. The colour-coding made them easily distinguishable, eliminating any confusion. Good design requires no active interpretation; it should be intuitive and effortless.
Prominent game artwork. Using game artwork as the webpage backdrop made it instantly clear whether I was in the right place. The environment of the page reflecting the game's mods strengthened the game/mod connection. Many other mod pages don’t do this; instead, they prioritize their own branding. This often left me wondering, Is this the right place to download mods for this game? because the pages looked so unofficial.
I deeply appreciate the hard work that goes into improving the webpage, and I hope you take this to heart. The connection between form and function greatly affects whether I continue visiting the site regularly, as I have for many years. Honestly, I can’t see myself checking the mod pages every week anymore, which saddens me.