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Posts posted by Ynothc

  1. Kind of having the same trouble myself. Found all the wiki tutorials on nexus, creation kit, reddit, etc. I've bounced around from link to link for days. Some of what I come across while good tutorial themselves, some of the software is hard to come by. I don't really want a time limited trial version of 3dsmax, so I'm trying to figure out what is needed for blender, plugins and whatnot. Some of which are for older versions of blender and don't work anymore (or so i read). Then I downloaded Gimp only to find out the dds plugin no longer works. Hell I'm kinda pulling my hair out at his point to even put together the appropriate programs to even try to take on this task. Or even if some of these are even needed anymore, or have been built into current versions. Idk?


    Some of the software I have are:


    Blender (most current version as it updates in steam)



    Nif plugin for blender


    Still need:


    software to open and edit dds files - (was gonna use gimp but at this point Im about to just pay for the Photoshop subscription)

    I know there is paint.net, but the adobe creation suite would kind of be justifiable if I/my family get to using it frequently enough

    Some Havok software I came across mentioned on who knows which site I linked to im my link hopping adventure (gotta find that again)

    ? is that it? am i missing something? Hell idk?


    I got this feeling there's some 12yr old out there laughing at my old ass trying to figure this out.


    I looked up those nightasy tutorials as well and will watch some/all of them. Should be helpful for the process in which things are done, but since the videos are 6yrs old I bet I'm still going to run into the issues of current avail sofware. Most mention using the older 3dsmax2012 because it had or was able to use the havok support plugin.


    Dude if in your learning curve you come across anything relevant into what were both looking for let me know please. Good luck.

  2. Alright backing up and baby steps. Digging around I'm finding more. I see fallout referenced in this guide ( https://wiki.nexusmods.com/index.php/Creating_an_armour_for_Skyrim._Part_1 ), so are the two games the same format? Prob stupid question, I admit idkwft I'm doing. If so then I guess I can follow through these and prob get myself what I'm looking for and prob learning a bunch in the process. All I would really need an answer to is the 3dsmax question. Unless I get stuck somewhere along the way.

  3. https://wiki.nexusmods.com/index.php/Adding_physics_to_an_armour_in_Fallout_4


    Something like this I guess. Is Skyrim's format the same as F04? If so this should work? Also it had 3dsmax as a required tool for the importing and exporting. Is this true? Hell I'm not a student and that software is out of my budget so that would stop me from tinkering right there. Is there another tool or plugin for blender that will allow that?

  4. Help me help community. Can anyone give simple instructions on how to add physics to armors and clothing. There are a lot of armors and clothing I'd like the physics added to and don't want to rely/wait, or request on the author to add it to them. especially like all the stuff in the divine elegance mod, vanilla and such.

    I know it would be a long process to do and don't mind learning and trying it on my own, but don't really know where to start.

    So if anyone knows of any good tutorials or don't mind giving a general guide on how to do such a thing. I wouldn't mind playing around and adding/help add physics to armor/clothing mods. Hell if its a simple quick and dirty copy and paste from a mod that has physics already just give me the quick and dirty method to doing it.

    I'm pretty new at this but am able to follow directions well and maybe there already is a decent guide on how to do so and I just haven't come across it yet.

    The more people that know how to do things like this the more it would advance the modding community as a whole.

    Maybe there needs to be more general "guides to do (certain tasks) thread" simple to advanced. So new modders don't have to dissect the internet to find instructions how to do certain tasks. Please don't take that as sounding lazy but you can google crap for hours/days and not find what your looking for, and when you have many other obligations in life time is not always on your side and i'd like to speed the process up.

    I know there is a wiki i came across on how to make mods for this game/ bethesda games in general, and if this was covered forgive me I haven't got to that part yet. Some that i did read were kind of basic, maybe I should spend more time plowing through that.

    I apologize for being such a rookie at this but I just wasn't able to find the right tutorial that covered this yet.

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