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Everything posted by andathepanda123

  1. I've tried using dynavision 3 with enhanced shaders enb, but it only works with enb disabled. Are there any enbs that work with imaginator?
  2. I can't tell how long it's been happening, but ever since i uninstalled sharpshooters enb and got skyrealism, The water seems to be invisible, except for running water effects. I tried getting project enb instead, and it's the same problem, so it's probably something to do with all enbs.
  3. also worth noting is that on the 11th, 10th, and 9th saves it crashes, but on the 8th save it doesn't. perhaps it's because 8th is in interior?
  4. Last night, when I tried to play new vegas, i got to the loading screen where there was a heartbeat sound I hadn't heard before. After the game loaded, the radio looped 3 times and the game crashed. When I opened nmm, it updated ojo bueno. I think this might have to do with ojo bueno getting a new version, maybe moonsugar. This morning, the same thing happened, only after uninstalling ojo bueno, the sound stopped working altogether. I was previously running new vegas with both nmc and ojo bueno without issue and was running it from nv4gb. Please help
  5. 00 Oblivion.esm01 Enhanced Daedric Invasion.esm02 Better Cities Resources.esm [Version 5.2.5]03 DA Run Fatigue.esm04 CM Partners.esm05 Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp [Version 3.4.3]06 UOPS Additional Changes.esp07 Oblivion Citadel Door Fix.esp08 DLCShiveringIsles.esp09 Better Cities .esp [Version 4.7.0]++ LoadingScreens.esp0A OBGE - Liquid Water.esp0B IlluminationWithin.esp0C Bedrollsanyone.esp0D PassengerShips_BetterCities.esp0E Tamriel VWD v0.5.esp0F Crowded Roads.esp [Version 2.0]10 Nicos Dreadweave Armor_Light.esp11 Nico's Dreadweave Armor_heavy.esp12 Dude Wheres My Horse.esp13 Creature Diversity.esp14 Knights.esp15 Enhanced Daedric Invasion.esp16 BravilSeaDomes.esp17 VisiblyUnlimited.esp18 Alternative Start by Robert Evrae.esp19 Elz - Realistic Gravity.esp1A DA Fatigued Running.esp1B DA Sprint.esp1C Deadlier Traps.esp1D ZumbsLockpickingMod - OBSE.esp1E ZumbsLockpickingMod - Hide Difficulty Addon.esp1F RenGuardOverhaul.esp20 Archery Rebalance.esp [Version 1.0]21 Oblivion XP.esp [Version 4.1.5]22 CM Partners.esp23 Lorebased Races.esp24 CM Partners Special NPCs.esp25 CM Partners NPC.esp26 CM Partners NPC NE.esp27 CM Partners More NPCs.esp28 CM Partners More NPCs NE.esp29 CM Partners Marker NPCs.esp2A CM Partners Extra NPCs.esp2B Better Cities Full.esp [Version 5.2.5]2C Better Cities - VWD of the IC.esp [Version 5.2.4]2D Better Imperial City.esp [Version 5.2.4]2E Better Cities - Knights of the Nine.esp [Version 5.2.4]2F Better Imperial City FPS Patch.esp [Version 5.2.1]30 Better Cities - No LEYAWIIN Flooding.esp [Version 4.9.0]++ Better Cities - Open Better Cities.esp [Version 4.9.5]31 Natural_Water_by_Max_Tael.esp32 Natural_Weather_by_Max_Tael.esp33 Basic Personal Hygiene.esp [Version 2.9]34 Natural_Habitat_by_Max_Tael.esp35 Natural_Vegetation_by_Max_Tael.esp36 Natural_Weather_HDR_by_Max_Tael.esp37 Oss133FrameRateOptimizer.esp38 Bashed Patch, 0.esp39 Maskar's Oblivion Overhaul.esp [Version 3.7.1]This is my load orderAnd before anyone asks, it crashes the game both with and without basic primary needs and hygiene
  6. I've been trying to get hud status bars to work along with basic primary needs and basic primary hygiene, but whenever I install hud status bars through wrye bash the game crashes after the bethesda intro. Any help?
  7. I've been trying to play skyrim, but I haven't been able to play it since I bought it because it crashes soon after starting the game. I've done a lot of things to try and fix it, with BOSS and TESVEDIT, but it won't work. I have skyrealism enb and the following mods; Skyrim Update Dawnguard Hearthfire Dragonborn Skyrim Flora Overhaul Skyui SFO: expanded diversity SOS Dungeons SOS Wild SOS Civilization Realistic LIghting overhaul Dungeons RLO dawnguard interiors rlo major city exteriors rlo major city interiors minor cities and town interiors rlo adaptive interiors vanilla weather patch rlo no guard torches rlo dungeon lighting SOS dungeon patches Sos civilization patches WATER WATER plants WATER DB Waves Should I create a bashed patch? Is there anything that can solve this?
  8. I know nothing about FXAA Injector, but if you are not using it now, remove it. I removed the fxaa injector files, but the effects still won't kick in. I don't get what I'm doing wrong.
  9. I installed obge liquid water. Before, i uninstalled natural environments and then installed liquid water. I then reinstalled natural environments without natural water. I try the game, and the water looks like crap. I see no difference. Please help me. I had the same problem with the obge shaderlist, and nobody will help me with that. Can someone please help me with this mod?
  10. So, after trying a few things to get the obge shaderlist to work, i tried deleting the bashed patch, and then creating a new one and rebuilding it without obge support plugin. It still didn't work. I noticed that I had the files from FXAA injector in my oblivion folder, so i deleted them. I went to shaderlist and added =1 after all of them. My shaderlist looks like this; Godrays.fx=1 ssao_perf.fx=1 Bokeh_Circle_DoF.fx=1 ColorMood.fx=1 CelShader+EdgeAA.fx=1 It still has no effect. And when i load the game, I lose a few saves, and no matter what save i choose, it glitches out. The experience bar from oblivion xp fills up all the way, it bleeps non-stop, and the jump and use buttons are switched. I jump with e and use with space. What do I do?
  11. First, by ensuring that the plugin itself is physically removed from the \Oblivion\Data\ folder. Second, by ensuring it's not included into the Bashed Patch by deleting your Bashed Patch and creating a new one from within Wrye Bash, and rebuilding it (after you've physically removed the plugin How do you delete bashed patch and then create a new one? Right click on the Bashed Patch in Wrye Bash and select 'File >> Delete'. Then right click in the Wrye Bash window and select 'File >> New Bashed Patch'. Don't forget to rebuild it afterwards. Did that. Still doesn't work. I forgot about this: a few months ago, I tried to install fxaa injector. The files are still in the oblivion folder. Should I just straight up delete them?
  12. First, by ensuring that the plugin itself is physically removed from the \Oblivion\Data\ folder. Second, by ensuring it's not included into the Bashed Patch by deleting your Bashed Patch and creating a new one from within Wrye Bash, and rebuilding it (after you've physically removed the plugin How do you delete bashed patch and then create a new one?
  13. I reinstalled just obge standalone effects through the installers tab in wrye bash. Right next to the sub packages section was a section called esp/m filter. I unchecked it while reinstalling. It still doesn't work. Did you rebuild your Bashed Patch? If the support plugin is still part of the patch, then it is still active. You need to build a new Bashed Patch after you have made absolutely sure that the OBGE support plugins is NOT installed. Okay. I just want to know; how do i make sure it's not installed, just to be sure?
  14. I reinstalled just obge standalone effects through the installers tab in wrye bash. Right next to the sub packages section was a section called esp/m filter. I unchecked it while reinstalling. It still doesn't work.
  15. I didn't merge obge support plugin with obc and loading screens, i just merged open better cities esp with loading screens.
  16. I installed OBGE Core and OBGE standalone effects through wrye bash, and used the support plugin. I followed the instruction, got the message telling me to close my inventory, but when I close my inventory, it doesn't come up. It comes on when I close the game and then get back on. However, when I shift+click on it, it closes the menu and doesn't activate the effect. So I tried to use the shaderlist. I activated these in the shaderlist: Godrays.fx ssao_perf.fx Bokeh_Circle_DoF.fx ColorMood.fx CelShader+EdgeAA.fx obsharpen.fx This didn't work, and with a little research I found out that you're supposed to deactivate the support plugin. However, I can't deactivate the support plugin without turning off loading screens and open better cities, which are merged with a bash patch. I tried deleting it, but that disabled standalone effects in installers and also deactivated Loading Screens and open better cities in data files. Can you help me?
  17. I've tried to get OBGE to work, but since support won't work, I've tried doing it through shaderlist. I have entered in: Godrays.fx ssao_perf.fx CrysisDof.fx ColorMood.fx CelShader+EdgeAA.fx obsharpen.fx I heard that you're supposed to disable obge support, but when I tried to disable support in wrye bash, it disabled open better cities and loading screens, which I had merged, with it. I tried uninstalling and then reinstalling obge standalone effects through installers, and so then obge support wasn't on, but it was on in data files when i tried to load it. I turned it off in data files and then loaded the game. There was no difference. Please help, I really want to get this to work and have no idea how to work this myself. Multiple times I've asked questions to problems on this forum and have no one answer. Can someone please reply?
  18. I've got obge set up, and tried to get the shaderlist to work. I entered in: ENBColorEffect.fx Bokeh_Circle_DoF.fx Godrays.fx obsharpen.fx CelShader+EdgeAA.fx It didn't work, but then I figured out I had to disable the support plugin. I tried disabling it, but clicking it off in Wrye Bash disabled Loading Screens and Better Cities-Open Better Cities. i tried disabling it in obmm, but then they were disabled in data files and it didn't work. How do I get this to work?
  19. I've tried to get martigens monster mod. It said it conflicted with existing mods I had, but better cities did the same thing, yet it still works. When i tried to load mmm, after finishing, it froze up mmm. it's been frozen for over 30 minutes now. What am I supposed to do?
  20. I tried to follow the instructions in the readme and extract the files to the data folder, but when i open up the game, it doesn't look different. What am I supposed to do?
  21. I tried getting FXAA post processor injector for oblivion, but when I copied all the files in, when I tried to play oblivion, I'd get a dark screen like it was starting up, and then go back to desktop. There were three files in the folder, and another folder in there, called injFX shaders. I copied the files in both of them. What should I do differently?
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