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Everything posted by LukeTheNuke123

  1. currently im using the summoner mod which works SO WELL with the base game gloves that provide a aura of near total resistance to all damage but psychic to all of your summons but each turn they need to pass a wisdom save and while thinking about my character build and fun aura ideas especially since my summons are far less tanky than me with my armor of shadows invocation, +2 robes, boots of evasion, and shield and so i was curious if someone could make a item that IS NOT IN THE GLOVES POSITION that works with the other aura to make it so your summons become invisible but if you have that aura active, the one that grants resistance disapears allowing your summons to basically become invincible during their summoning and directing the attention of the attacks towards me which also could even lead to some fun sanctuary plays with perhaps even another mod to grant boosted damage and attack rolls but again they have to make a wisdom save each turn or go mad AND AGAIN, it cant overlap the invis and resistance meaning you could have a whole roster of these summoner aura items that allow you to augment the buffs to your summons and change the way they play with if you need them to tank for you and cant sactuary cause your outta spell slots, resistance aura with the knowledge they might go mad on you mid way through so its gotta be calculated or perhaps they would be more useful if the attention was on YOU so you make em invis or perhaps surviving through attrition aint gonna happen so you need whatever it is to die or perhaps you could even have a FULL SET of boots of invis, a chest of damage, a cape of haste, and a helmet of enlarge with each granting the passive auras with than maybe even a amulet of once per short rest sanctuary to make up of all the lacking AC you would have if you went all in at least a bit. by the way, the mod im refering to for those who are just curious cause its a REALLY FUN mod if still so far for me not being too overpowered with this is it https://www.nexusmods.com/baldursgate3/mods/13759 and if anyone makes a mod or mods in this theme, pls link cause i would LOVE to download that s#*! man, summoner has gotta be my favorite archtype in any game and more items for them like this would be so damn cool!!!!!!!
  2. idk if its just me but i really wish we had a proper set of platemail that had some minor vines and leaves on it to give it a true druidic green knight vibe.
  3. this is a small one but i feel like the ring is both overpowered and underpowered especially since also it has the annoying condition of needing to be in combat as not even going into turn based and skipping over and over makes it work. thusly the first and main change is to just make it heal you every 6 seconds while out of combat since one turn of combat is 6 seconds so it fits with beyond that, i also feel like making it work by healing you 1 hp per turn + your proficency modifer which at the end of the game gets to 6 meaning you heal a guaranteed 7 hp per turn feels a bit more balanced but also lets it remain powerful even when especially with unlocked level curve mods, your getting to a casual like 150 hp meaning you heal roughly 7% hp each turn but with the sheer amount of damage enemies at that level do, that still amounts to only enough to save ya if your have good ac or are a rogue who can slink into the shadows and take some time before attacking again while you allies distract basically making the ring perfect honestly for low ac non frontline fighters while the tank does their thing as well as makign it still useful for frontline tanks even though the treader by twilight and ring of protection proly will be your main rings.
  4. title says it all but i just installed a no backpack and no flashlight mod and now would LOVE a mod that removes holstered weapons if its possible so that way i get the full badass look without the awkward floating weapons or having to go weaponless pretty much.
  5. this is a real small one but i dont know how to make a mod like this and can barely add mods to mod engine without breaking the game half the time so i was curious if anyone could maybe make a mod that recolors specifically the little gem and the feather on the spellblade hat to make them carian blue instead of the raya lucarian cyan turqoise seafom green it is right now. also maybe change the brown of the hat to match the dryleaf set literally just stealing the color of the dryleaf chest piece body part to make em match.
  6. this is a simple idea but i also am suprised that it hasnt been made yet with basically im curious if anyone could maybe port the parting flame and maybe even a black flame version of the parting flame to replace the fire giant seal and godslayer seals visual effects? honestly i still think it was the biggest mistake from coulda made not giving those 2 seals unique visual effects especially when it really should be as easy as a copy paste (i mean easy from the perspective of a idiot who can barely mod so if it is harder to do than flat out making a mod which already would be difficult than i am open to be told as such with really i just want the old pyromancy glove look back....)
  7. i find it strange how apparently NO ONE has thought of making proper jester armor with like a good ceramic creepy looking clown mask that perhaps could for example even use the blades of ranah alongside them.
  8. This is an idea to instead of torrent being summoned when you use the whistle, your character enters an anime style fast run that mimics torrents speed and movement in all ways but without torrent.
  9. this is both a simple but a complex one but i found ONE mod that adds the militech viper smg but its not even a smart weapon and is just a power weapon.... if any modders see this and have the ability i wish i did, we NEED his malorian assault cannon with smart grenade ammunition, his colt amt 2000 smart pistol, and his militech m31a1 smart grenade launcher especially since armor and cyberware wise we have almost everything else of course aside from the 12mm smg cyberarm tho that one i dont even think is close to possible tho if someone could manage it than that would be f*#@ing perfect all in all this is partially me asking for something im suprised hasnt been made yet given morgan blackhand was cyberpunks creators character in the tabletop and is undeniably the f*#@ing best solo in all of NC and we NEED this badly....
  10. idk if there is already a mod for this but i would LOVE to see a mod that makes gigs no longer added to your quest log AT ALL and instead have them function more like ncpd scenes in progress as POI you can discover and than go to to complete with than the side quests all being given specific locations marked on the map as you find them that allow the person who would call or message you about the job to do so if you pull out your phone there so you can go around and do the quests you want without your questlog getting filled with literally half a dozen f*#@ing pointless quests with most of all, you can also than see what your ACTUALLY important main quests with even the fun idea (i have no clue how doable this is tho) where side quests and gigs completed show up in the completed tab and show you the decision you made and whether it was completed or failed with also when you progess the story and get locked outta quests occasionally, they will pop up in your failed tab still so you can see what you missed clearly.
  11. idk if its just me but the look of this weapon sucks hardcore and i at least wish it had a better model kinda like how someone gave the stinger knife the neurotoxin model with maybe tinkerbell could be given the alpha, beta, or gamma baton apperance (gamma is personally my favorite) with maybe a cool more pronounced electricity effect especially at the end of the baton.
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