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Posts posted by Blacksage81

  1. As a new mod author myself I can attest that creating a companion is an uphill struggle a quest to control their dialog, adding the correct scripts to the actor, scripting to enable them to be a companion, and the list goes on, its challenging work, and the primary reward for all of that effort are downloads and endorsements. Couple that with the fact that many mods go unnoticed by the community, unless its featured on Youtube, which can sap the desire to complete a project. That leaves only the most motivated, or masochistic people to make the groundbreaking mods that extend the life of the game. I released the first alpha of my mod in July of '16 and I just hit 300 unique downloads, so I'm not sure where I stand either motivated or a masochist, the jury's still out on that one.

  2. Personally I find the working in the CK both tedious and relaxing. My main issue is the lack of "clean" assets, but materials swaps on high tech pieces are a boon for sure. I viewed the in game settlement system as CK practice, and it helped a little. Oh there is a bug in the CK where if one moves a piece with snap to grid on then that piece may be moved by the assigned snap increment, + a small decimal value( ex instead of 1 it would be 1.0345) When I go about level building there are a few techniques that make my ck work a little less frustrating. When working with pieces I try to align things via the X,Y, or Z coordinates, in addition I go into the edit window and manually alter the snap increments to 1. Also when in need of a room, copy one of Beth's. Load up a cell box select what you want and ctrl+c, got to your cell and paste. copy and pasting this way will not flag a vanilla cell as edited.

  3. I just discovered DN142 and I've duplicated the quest and removed the unnecessary references and I plan on editing a copy of the quest script which actually does the heavy lifting. Will update with my progress.


    Update:In the code I found the function that specifically opens a vault door and after a brutal hack job I isolated the function, and through the errors I find that DN142QuestScriptcalls relies on a DN142_GearDoorConsoleScript which drives something. I looked into Vault 81, and found that the code function to open a vault door is exactly the same. I wish that Beth would include a Vault Door PackIn in a future CK update

  4. Hello everyone, I working on a Quest Mod, and I am having some trouble wrapping my head around the Dialog scenes. I have a working skeleton of a scene, but I am at a loss in trying to get the camera to focus on the second actor. A brief explanation of what I want to happen in the scene: Actor 1 force greets Player(working), Actor 2 and Actor 1 converse and the camera switches back and forth between the two, after that Actor 2 explodes. My one issue is that Actor 1 and Actor 2 are a good distance apart and at two different heights. I have included a link to the video displaying what I have thus far. Thank you for your time.


    P.S I have watched nearly every Youtube Tutorial I could find on the subject and nearly every other subject involving the Fallout 4 CK. My playlist





    I think I can help with this one. Ok, first you'll need an XMarker. Second, you will need to create a reference alias to that Xmarker... that will be your object reference that you should be able to point the moveto function to(I'm uncertain as I have not used that func. yet). How to dynamically move those markers is beyond me. ObjectReferences are created in the CK, so I don't think map markers have them natively, unless they are linked to quest, even then they are defined in said quest. Hopefully someone more knowledgeable would be able to verify this.

    Thanks for the reply! I always have an object reference to move (the actor itself) so if I could move the XMarker to the location i need to be at, I would be able to move the actor themselves and not need the XMarker at all. Or am i missing something here?


    If I understand it correctly there are different types of References (Actor, Unique Actor, Object, Location, etc.) An Object reference point to an Object (like a stimpak, an XMarker.. a thing). So an Actor can't be an object reference. I don't think they can.

  6. I think I can help with this one. Ok, first you'll need an XMarker. Second, you will need to create a reference alias to that Xmarker... that will be your object reference that you should be able to point the moveto function to(I'm uncertain as I have not used that func. yet). How to dynamically move those markers is beyond me. ObjectReferences are created in the CK, so I don't think map markers have them natively, unless they are linked to quest, even then they are defined in said quest. Hopefully someone more knowledgeable would be able to verify this.

  7. @timtimman, Layers in the Ck work pretty much like Photoshop or Gimp, and are attached to the Cell. I have been banging my head pretty hard into this quest thing and some basic scripting to drive stages and so forth. Layers are weird that there seems to be no way for me to set a layer as a property. and with that Array it doesn't seem like there is a way for my to refer to to my lights or the objects, and I've got 199 in my All Clear layer.. The Refcollectionalias seems to be the means to preform various tasks on a group of actors, their interactions, such as faction and relation types. Thank you for the script examples none the less. I figure the more payprus I see in smaller chunks the sooner I may be able to advance my understanding.

  8. To get the Minutemen ending imo "the complete" ending there are a great deal of ways you could pull it off. If you want Paladin Danse, and destroy BoS, its a bit more tedious. However taking out the BoS allows the Minutemen to have vertibird fast travel. (assuming your second defend the castle doesn't bug out) The Institute ending is kinda boring, but you can branch out the monologue to "good" or "evil". I never ended the game with the Railroad(Once I got Deacon and Ballistic weave they were meh) or the BoS, Proctor Teagen, and Elder Maxon sealed their fate in my game.

  9. Late Night update: Episode 0 or Contraband Chems has two overlapping quests which work so far. Contraband Chemicals which loads on start and puts a note into your inventory, which guides you to the location, and tells you to kill the raiders. I forgot to put them all in the same faction... good times. The second quest started... but forgot to tell me about it. Keycard access is still broken, elevators are less broken than in my video, but they still don't move. And I think I may have painted Lorelei(first boss) as a bit creepy(in a stalkery sort of way).


    June 12 Update:

    Big Story News, I am merging Episodes 0-1 and Episodes 2-3. (This will allow me to advance the story at a faster pace) However I am still releaseing Episode 0 as a beta, and after any possible bug fixed and balance issue have been addressed I will release the "Final" product as episode 1.


    Structure News: Due to the episodic merging certain locale may be moved, removed or gameplay elements shifted.(The story will still send the player to Pennsylvania, its just what will happen there will be different)


    Chem Test update: My chems are not game breaking enough. Although they are affected by Chemist. Blue Bomber lasts for 3 mins at Chemist 3... scary.

    What Blue Bomber currently does:

    Increases all Special stats by 10

    Restores 10K health

    Restores 1K AP (still over 15sec)

    75% damage increase

    75 DR



    Tested Blue Bomber, Stalker, Sniper Elite

    Blue Bomber: insane healing effect works, testing buffed duration from 15 to 90 sec. Need more damage output, like a lot.

    Stalker: Stealth field works, but need to increase the stealth effectiveness. Other than that it works great... maybe a higher sneak attack bonus.

    Sniper Elite: It works, but its terrible. Need to rework it.


    Weapon Update:

    Shatterpoint: It's unfair. My level 150 Deathclaw test subject could not touch me. 3-5 shots cripple both legs. The base legendary effect is kneecapper :smile:, but that's not all it does.

    Wrath of St. Elmo: Also unfair, potentially more so than Shatterpoint. Each round knocks my Deathclaw down. The Nerf bat cometh. Still need to make the fire Blue.

    (Note: May buff and release as standalone for giggles)


    NPC: Interaction update:

    Lorelei: Still kills her team, its Ironic as she actually hates them. She may be too tough, she shreds my level 50 test dummy.

    The rest of her team die before I can kill them. Well, Scumbag managed to get a gun before he was one shot...


    Doors n' Terminal links:

    The Security Chiefs terminal actually opens the gate to the train station now. ( As my Guild Leader used to say "Progression!")

    Machete's Terminal still does squat, Damn job keeping me away from modding. They're lucky I need electricity and Internet...

    Data Vault Terminal: Squat

    Card readers: Squat


    Episode 2 Update: I finished sketching the layout of Nerve center, and decided on a few of its features. So after scanning the commonwealth I found the perfect building. So I went a head and copied it, and the entire cell that it sits on, and the 3 interior cells linked to it. Currently in the process of cleaning it up and removing duplicates of unique ref's, actors etc. Once that is completed I'll set new statics to completely change the feel of the room.


    June 18 Update: I've been modeling the shotgun that will be added in episode 1(things got shifted up again)

    Fleshing out the second quest of the Chem Lab. (It really inst a dungeon, more like a facility that you haven't secured yet.)

    Tore the elevator out and added a dizzying descent.

    Key card access works, though it is a very "hammer" solution. Feature removed Key card will still be necessary though.







    Wrath of Saint Elmo works, as intended but not as envisioned... progression.


    Now on to finishing the lights, please note that the lighting featured in my second walk through is the cleared lights layer. The lab will be on lockdown as you enter, so just know that there will be danger in the dark.


    Took some time off from the esp, as trying to get my lights working the way I want them to is frustrating...

    I picked up a side project (https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/4612270-gewnpool-a-work-in-progress/)in the hope that I finally get an armor out of blender. Apparently Nif's still kick my ass.. sigh...

  10. It does sound interesting, but do these newly named mods add additional functionality? Or are they just artistic license? Honestly, I would say do it. If push comes to shove and either you or the user base dislikes it, you could always change it.

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