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Everything posted by Nastee

  1. Just chiming in to say the redesign is garbage, fewer results when searching for mods now - previously I had the pages at 133% zoom and still had maybe 5-6 results per line (can't remember exact number but it was clean and pleasant to look at with more content per page), now for whatever f-n reason we have fewer results with larger tiles. It's torture. This clearly looks designed for mobile users, which is pure idiocy considering this is a site for PC mods, I've never ever checked nexus on my phone. If you persist with this, I hope the site absolutely crashes and burns since whoever approved this redesign should fail in their endeavors.
  2. I like this idea, but don't think the KCD modding tools allow for complex quest expansion, just editing what's already there - so I doubt you'll get your request. But I do have a simpler idea that's kinda sorta related - both Henry and Bara seem a bit into each other. Bara helped Henry out, they talked life a bit and her aspirations of city life, then seemed glad to see each other again. There was a spark there. So when I paid for some company and got one of the nameless wenches I was a bit disappointed. So my mod idea would be - have Bara do an exception for you and join you as the bathmaid when you pay for that even if she's just the proprietor with other clients. Would've been nice if Henry could take her on a date beforehand, but as mentioned I haven't seen mods adding new stuff like that. So maybe change the line for those particular baths when requesting company - if there's an audio line from a different dialogue that's flirty, use one of those - and then at the end of the sequence have Bara in front of you saying the standard 'ooh that many times' or 'you got a lot of stamina', etc lines instead of one of the other working girls. That way they can keep it casual, be flirty and hook up even if we can't get anything more.
  3. Title. Whisling is obnoxiously loud compared to most other sounds in the game, please someone unpack the sound files, lower the whistle sounds volume by like 50% (could make a few versions ranging from 30/50/70) and repack them as a mod. Thank you in advance.
  4. I dislike Songbird and don't want to help her by default. Killing Reed to send her to the moon while she's messing around with the Blackwall is an insane idea, she must be contained. I'd either off her before giving her to him, or give her to him alive, depending on if I betrayed her earlier or at the very end. Either way I want to meet Alex and have that drink, then receive her postcard without having to help Singbird. Meeting Reed after meeting Alex is optional, but why not have both quests activate after the big mission is over. They stay in NC a few days before leaving, I meet Alex first, a day later Reed calls me for his chat. Seems like a logical and good bookend to these 2 characters if both are alive. (Edit out any lines about Reed being dead if possible of course) I hope this post gets noticed by someone capable and doesn't die with 0 replies and a few views. Please some good choomba do this if they can. P.S. if anyone ends up actually doing this, please dm me with the name since I'm not sure if I'll stumble on the mod by myself.
  5. So I start playing Old World Blues - it runs fine, cinematics go by without problems, I enter the Sink, and go speak to the Think Tank for the first time. After all the topics are discussed, I am about to go on my way, and just when exiting the dialog box, the game CTDs. I had a lot of mods loaded, tried disabling some of them, after that all of them, but it just doesn't work. Hardcore mode is turned off, read somewhere that there is a bug at the end of the DLC that is fixed if you turn it off, but it's off by default on my end. All I have loaded are the original game + every official DLC, Anyone else having the same problem? If yes, please share how you made it go away. I will play around some more, if I find a solution will come back and post it. UPDATE: It's connected to the fact that once I level up I get a CTD. I am level 44 right now, happens when I reach 45. It happened in OWB, then I tried Lonesome road and I got CTD once I leveled up there too, and at the end I tried raising a level in regular New Vegas, and it CTDd there as well. I tried a couple of level cap remover mods, but neither fixes the problem. And if I'm not mistaken New Vegas + the 4 DLCs = level cap 50?
  6. Edit: Moved to New Vegas Technical Support, sorry guys. Please delete this one since I can't find a delete post option.
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