So I start playing Old World Blues - it runs fine, cinematics go by without problems, I enter the Sink, and go speak to the Think Tank for the first time. After all the topics are discussed, I am about to go on my way, and just when exiting the dialog box, the game CTDs. I had a lot of mods loaded, tried disabling some of them, after that all of them, but it just doesn't work. Hardcore mode is turned off, read somewhere that there is a bug at the end of the DLC that is fixed if you turn it off, but it's off by default on my end. All I have loaded are the original game + every official DLC, Anyone else having the same problem? If yes, please share how you made it go away. I will play around some more, if I find a solution will come back and post it. UPDATE: It's connected to the fact that once I level up I get a CTD. I am level 44 right now, happens when I reach 45. It happened in OWB, then I tried Lonesome road and I got CTD once I leveled up there too, and at the end I tried raising a level in regular New Vegas, and it CTDd there as well. I tried a couple of level cap remover mods, but neither fixes the problem. And if I'm not mistaken New Vegas + the 4 DLCs = level cap 50?