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About ghostdamian

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  1. Thanks very much for opening yourself up to us viewers, it means a lot to be able to see a day in the life of someone who has made a difference in our lives! I’ve spent probably 700-odd hours in Skyrim, and probably the same in Fallout 3, NV and 4, not to mention Morrowind and Oblivion. More importantly though, I’ve modded the hell out of all of them, Skyrim the most, and probably I reckon spent at least 300-400 hours just on the modding process. Without people like you and Gopher I never would have got where I have. At my peak I had around 440 mods active on Skyrim!!! That was with merges and so on, of course, but the game ran seamlessly and was totally thanks to tutorials like yours. STEP was also invaluable of course. I want to agree with what you’ve already found out yourself, forget the haters! I love the lisp you have in your videos, I always instantly recognise you because of it and it engages me in the video straight away because I know I’m about to get blasted with more info than I can even grasp in one sitting! Good luck with your personal struggles mate, I know at least a little of the feeling… I was diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder last year at the age of 34 and holy crap has it destroyed my life up until now! But all we can do is keep moving one step at a time and making positive changes for ourselves hey, no-one else can do it for us. All the best mate, Kirk, From (near) Sydney, Australia
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