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Nexus Mods Profile

About RoyRob

  1. Would it be plausible to make a mod that let's you have a creature, like say, a harpy, and have it fight with you as an ally? Personally, I think this would be awesome because I love having monster allies.
  2. Wow, my 3.5 year wait was worth it. Thanks a lot, great mod! Will endorse as soon as possible. :D Incredible race mod! Can't wait to make her a companion. You are the best.
  3. After 2 years of waiting, I return yet again. Well all I have report for last year is that I did manage to install Morroblivion and create a Winged Twilight companion mod for myself, thanks ot the model import they did. ^_^V With the project introduction of Skywind (Morrowind +Skyrim mod) last year, my dream to see the Winged Twilights in Skyrim is not too far off. I've waited this long, grabbing at nothing but the air, but now it's finally a solid reality! http://tesrenewal.com/skywind-download Also, Winged Twilights were revealed as a Sorcerer summon spell in The Elder Scrolls Online! I am very happy about that! Praise be to Azura! http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Summon_Winged_Twilight_%28Online%29 Overall, there finally seems to be a lot of recognition for the Winged Twlights. :smile: This will be a good year for the winged angels of Azura.
  4. I've been trying to find them in monster mod but no avail. Can anyone assist me with this? Or perhaps offer a standalone mod of the harpy? I'm one of those guys that DOES find women with claws, wings, and talons pretty. XD
  5. I support the idea of a Harpy race or companion as well. I wonder if anyone is skilled enough to pull it off?..
  6. Wow, coming back after over a year I am happy to see there was some interest in reviving the Winged Twilights. Has anyone came up with anything yet? This could definitely revive my interest in Skyrim again. I saw a video here that someone managed to bring the W.T. into Oblivion, so now I'm even MORE curious if it can somehow be done in Skyrim? Other link of interest: http://morroblivion.com/forums/morroblivion/mods/749
  7. I have never requested a mod before, but Skyrim has removed what I liked most about the Elder Scrolls - its monstrous beauties. I have been a fan of the Winged Twilight since Morrowind and was wondering if it is at all possible to somehow import her model (more specifically, the improved re-textured version) into Skyrim (if possible replace the Hag Raven with the Winged Twilight). If not, my second request/idea would be if it is possible (if someone was willing or is inspired) for someone to re-texture the Hag Raven to make her less horrifying? I see great potential in the Hag Raven. If I had experience on doing this or knew how, I most certainly would attempt this mod myself.. I was also shocked to find out that the Spider Daedra is now non existent. I miss her arachnid presence in the game. Is anyone planning to bring her back with a mod? I am saddened to see what happened to the Spriggan's design, because she was my favorite companion mod in Oblivion, since I was unable to have the Winged Twilight as my companion any longer since Morrowind. Would there be a way to bring back her old look from Oblivion? Is there a way to some how reintroduce these great monsters back into Skyrim? If any has any information on how I could go about doing this or would like to assist me in this mod, please leave a reply. If this is an invalid request, I apologize. Thank you for reading!
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