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About AGLNM02

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    United Kingdom
  • Currently Playing
  • Favourite Game
    Oblivion GOTY

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Apprentice (3/14)



  1. Hi, all. I have just started a new game of Oblivion with a new character and everything has been going great until now. I am now starting the first Fighter's Guild Quest, where I have to deal with a rat problem in Arvena Thelas' House. Unfortunately, when I enter her house, I cannot proceed any further because all I get is a black screen. This problem does not happen when I enter any other buildings. Has anyone else had this problem and if so, I would appreciate any advice to resolve this issue, without having to reinstall the game if possible? Perhaps there is a way to reset the in-game settings..... Thanks,
  2. Thanks for the advice, Striker879 ,but I don't have the Ashes To Ashes mod installed and my problem seems to be a quirk of the game, as it only seems to happen occasionally..
  3. Sorry, OblivionAddicted, I don't I'm afraid and it seems to be a quirk of the game, because it doesn't always happen. It only seems to happen occasionally. It's just annoying when it does.
  4. Hi all, I love playing Oblivion and I am playing it now. However, I am currently having strange problems with the game. When I LEGALLY enter some shops, the shopkeeper dies on entry. Also, when I LEGALLY enter some homes, the owner also dies on entry. As a result, I have to use the resurrect command in the console to resurrect them as that I can complete their quest. Have any other players had these problems and if so, can you please inform me how you solved them? Thanks.
  5. Great, just what I needed. Thanks for your help, Oblivionaddicted.
  6. Yes Please, Oblivionaddicted. Do you possibly know if the spell requires recharging, or can it be cast an unlimited number of times?
  7. Hi All, I am sorry if this topic has come up before and/or is in the wrong category, but due to health issues I haven't been on here for e while. While exploring Cyrodiil, I've spotted several Imperial Legion Horses dead. This got me thinking, is there a way to create a script using the Resurrect Console Command in a spell on a dead target to permanently resurrect it, instead of the spell which only resurrects a dead target for a limited period of time? Thanks.
  8. I would appreciate if you would create a sample script for me, DrakeTheDragon. I have no trouble creating a script which brings up a menu when I wear a certain item in Morrowind, but it is quite different in Oblivion, it seams. Thanks again. :smile:
  9. Hello again all, Just updating you on my Yagrum Advanced problem. It seems to be related to The Caldera_Expansion_3008 mod I have installed. As long as it is turned off, my game seems to work OK. I'm going to try with several other characters, just to be sure. As a result I have turned this mod off until I can find a Caldera Expansion mod that does work. Thanks again for all your suggestions, they are all greatly appreciated.
  10. Hello again, Dragon32. Just a quick update, here is my Warnings.txt file, as requested. I hope it is helpful.
  11. Thanks for the reply, Dragon32, I appreciate it. In response, I listed my mods according to my Data Files list. However, if it will help resolve my issue, please find attached the file order of the mods I am using for my current character, as listed in my Morrowind.ini file. I hope you receive it OK. Please note that not all of these mods are used for all my characters, only for my current character, but the same problem occurs even if I have them all turned on.
  12. Hello again, all. Just a quick update to this problem. I've checked the script for the God Armour worn by my new character, where the protection works perfectly and compared it to the script of a previously created one where the protection has gone and they are absolutely identical. Any advice to solve this problem would be very gratefully appreciated.
  13. Thank you for that suggestion, HeyYou, but every time I uninstall Morrowind and reinstall it from scratch, I ALWAYS do so by installing Morrowind first, then Tribunal and lastly Bloodmoon.
  14. Hello all, I am trying to modify one of my mods in the Morrowind Construction Set, which requires Morrowind, Tribunal and Bloodmoon. After loading The Construction Set and selecting the above, as the relevant information is loading, I receive the error message, 'Chunk Size 10 too big in chunk WEAT_ID in form REGN_ID. Max size is 8, data truncated to', etc. I have tried uninstalling the Construction Set and when asked whether I also want to remove the plugins and associated artwork, I selected yes. Reinstalling the Construction Set from scratch doesn't help. Has anyone else experienced this problem and if so, please inform me how they solved it? Thanks.
  15. Hi All, I love the 'CM Partners Mod' for Oblivion. However, recently I am having problems with my companions literally getting stuck in doors and can't get out. The only way I can find to release them, is by selecting my companion(s), then entering 'tcl' in the console. I can understand this problem occurring due to incompatibilities in player-created buildings, but it is happening to almost all the default buildings that come with the game. Is anyone else experiencing the same problem? I have tried to contact the originator of the mod without success. Can anyone help me resolve this problem, please, because otherwise it is an excellent mod? Thanks
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