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  1. I suppose you would use a script or use condition on the magiceffect "UseCurrentTime" set it up so it works between say 6am 18pm for day and 18pm to 6am night. Or However you want it. So you do need 2 magiceffect so one is stronger and one is weaker for day and the same for night.
  2. Thanks for your reply, I However wont use SKSE as Ill be moving to console once I afford one. My laptop is too old to run Skyrim I merely use it as a means for CK (learning papyrus) and boot up skyrim to test My creations, it doesnt work Well to play with. Ill have to think of someother way of registering / unregister for animation event. I need a way to toggle the animation event and I was hoping this could be done within the OnMagicEffectEvent in this alias script. I dont understand how people get this, hah. Theres obstacles all over the place, Im Sure Theres a solution but I just dont know Where to look. s#*!.. I Should drop this mod completely, what a stupid idea it was to spend weeks on it without trying to figure out how to implement it in beforehand.. wow :/
  3. I'm sorry I couldn't be of more help, I've looked into it somewhat before, like having 5 sets of armor stored in a formlist, then use a power to reequip those formlist. Do note that all player enchanted weapons / armor won't save when equipping it again, unless it's an enchantment you find or buy or make yourself in the CK. Anyway, you'll somehow want to either save armor as you equip them into a formlist, or perhaps as you add items into these chest/s you speak off, let it save the items added into the chest into a formlist, then. call this formlist from a magiceffect script. About moving the items back into a chest, I wouldn't know how to to be honest. Another way could be perhaps a MagicEffect scipt, OnEffectStart it would unequip all your armor, then equip the armor from your formlist. OnEffectFinish it would remove the items equipped from your inventory.. When the Spell duration ran out But I'm guessing for this to work properly as in "re-equipping" what you had before, You'll have to make a ReferenceAlias script that catches when you equip items so they could be stored in a formlist, and then called when your magiceffect "OnEffectFinish" block runs. s#*!, I make no sense. Right, let's leave it for the guys that know! Best regards, - gs
  4. I don't have enough knowledge on how to to it properly so you'll have to resort on help from others. But possibly, storing the armor in a formlist inside CK would do the trick, then on a magiceffect script call that formlist, and inside a while block you'd look for each object inside the formlist and equip it one by one. I don't know if it works but serves perhaps as a example on how you can do it, sorry about the ; description.. it was mostly for myself.. LOL Good luck with this, I'll follow this thread to perhaps learn something myself. Best regards, - gs
  5. I'll try to use the above in the mod, thanks for helping out. Now I'm stuck on another part, abit lost as usual. What I want to accomplish here is; 1. Get index out of the array, function doesnt work so I'm not sure whats up with that. It doesnt compile and give loads of error. 2. If one of the magiceffect is on the player, register for animation event. 3. Add a block to the OnMagicEffectApply and set the magiceffect variable.. Would you mind helping?
  6. Im in bed at the moment so I cant check CK to try and do the above today, But I can help you more tomorrow in 20-22hours or so. To get you started. Youll want a Ability linked to the enchantment, duplicate both oak & cloak, make them constant. Link them to your New Ability & condition them with hour & isweaponout 1. Same goes for the enchantment effect conditions aswell, add more than one of effect and condition them. Auto heal you could do in a few ways, either by a heal over time effect or healthregenmult? follow the above approach Use absorb Health effect to absorb health. For the instant kill undead thing, use Keyword and link to undead on an effect and bump up the damage real high. Sorry I cant be more indepth, writing on the phone in bed is a pain. Best regards, D
  7. Due to the lack of knowledge on my end, I've decided to use this mod strictly for educational purposes and it will remain forever unreleased and used privately if I ever get it working, when it comes to stuff I don't really grasp I don't feel encourged to release something that's not efficient or well made. I'm really sure using formlist would be any easier for me since the things that troubles me would be the same formlist or not, keeping it to Array right now to perhaps build some knowledge of it. (I'm currently following Arron's Dominon scripting series) to hopefully get some more knowledge. Either way, I'm still hoping I could understand it before then, but unless I see it infront of me it's quite hard to grasp, more. Learn by doing than reading sort of guy? Except, I don't know how to even begin at this stage, haha. I'm screwed? Ok, let's try here. 5 Enchantments, 25 Spells, each spell have a scripted MagicEffect with 5 additional upgrades, these are not spells but rather, each upgrade makes a new effect ontop of the spell, so one enchantment has 5 spells linked to it. 1. When you equip the weapon linked to the enchantment, you'll get a Lesser power. 2. Casting the "Lesser Power" (Out of Combat) will open up a menu, where you get to choose which spell to "Track", 1 out of 5. 3. Each time you kill a mob with enchanted weapon, you'll increase +1 in KillCount Linked to Enchantment Function goes to Quest So when KillCount is 5 1. It should Increment the Tracked Spell Integer +=1 2. It should reset back to 0 So how do I possible set this up? Have "Int Property SpellToTrack" and set a value of depending on which spell you choose to track, out of 25 spells. so a value between 1-25? and then do something like So create 25x Int Properties? or use of an Int[] Property UpgradeSpell, using a If/ElseIf long code would that be script heavy considering you could kill a whole bandit camp pretty quick, meaning this IncrementCounter function would be called to often. Ideas?
  8. Duplicate the invisibility MagicEffect associated with the invisibility spell, rename it to something which is abit easier to find, perhaps with you mod initial, for example "IB_nameofeffect_Eff" Its considered good practice to keep things organized. Then change this effect to Constant Self, now When opening up your enchantment youll see your renamed object here as long as Both the enchantment is constant and magiceffect is constant. But... You want a invisibility that doesnt break when interacting? Im not entirely sure how Thats done as I havent done anything similar, perhaps someone else will reply to your topix and Fill in the details. Best regards
  9. I havent really considered it since all the extra effects are scripted on each BaseSpell. I did however do my directional movement spells that way. I wouldnt know how to do it efficiently that way without tearing it down and making new scripts for each conditioned spell. s#*!, I dont understand why Im not getting it, very frustrating to have spent so long, several weeks just to hit a brickwall in the end of it. I didnt really plan for this at the start but it would be better this way If I could just figure out how to set it up :( meh..
  10. When duplicating an existing Enchantment you'll have to delete the "Effect" that's linked to it, once that's done you're able to change the type of the enchantment to say, constant -> contact, or contact -> constant. Let me know how it went. Best regards
  11. Guess I left out a few bits. The casting of the spell will be through an animation event, by swinging your weapon or on bowshot, depending on which direction youre moving. So left would be BaseSpell 1, right BaseSpell 2 and so on. The above is already done. By tracking I mean (which of the BaseSpell will have its spell upgrade int incremented when int KillCount reaches 5) So depending on which enchantment BaseSpell you set. The BaseSpell itselfs check for an integer on a script to add additional effects so its not really a "second upgraded spell of the first" (Could this part above also move into a quest?) So Im guessing; 1 array each for the basespells 1 int per BaseSpell or Should this be an Array? Then; If KillCount == 5 && SpellToTrack == 1 BaseSpell01Upgrade +=1 KillCount = 0 ElseIf KillCount == 5 && SpellToTrack == 2 Etc? Up to 25? Then on the animation event (MGEF) If SpellToTrack == 1 MySpellArray[0].Cast(PlayerRef) ElseIf SpellToTrack == 2 Etc ? I dont know how to set it up efficient, I was hoping lesrning arrays or something would help me move the If/ElseIf to the quest to not call for it everything I cast the spell, But would be done beforehand in the quest. I searched for a online tutorial or class But couldnt find anything in My language, was hoping that If learning abit more about more common languages I could apply some of it in Papyrus to get a better understanding. Thanks for the help so far and for going in depth with it!
  12. The only reason you cant find a long list of enchantment for armors is that the only enchantments that work with an armor is that of type "constant", the weapon enchantments are of type "contact" while spells would be "aimed", "target actor" and so on. What you can try is make a New enchantment of type "constant" then duplicate the invisibility magiceffect and change type to "constant". Then link this magiceffect to the armor enchantment you just made and set whatever conditions for it to fire in the enchantment menu were you add the magiceffect. Just a Quick note: You cant use a magiceffect set to "contact" on an enchantment or spell set to "Constant". Has to ve the same type. Link enchantment to you armor and go from there, Hope this was helpful and clear, otherwise hit up with questions and Ill try to answer it as best as I can. Best regards, Gs
  13. Hi, Im trying to learn how to utilize arrays, been following a youtube scripting tutorial and reading up on Arrays here: https://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=Arrays_(Papyrus) But to be frank, I dont understand much of it. I cant make any sense of it, Im guessing Im just dumb and have a hard time learning and understanding, where can I read up more on the matter, perhaps with some examples explaining each thing. Just Reading about it is quite hard I think I need something practical to really make use or understand it myself. The reason why I want to now is because to lessen the amount of properties on My script and make it more effective. Ill try to explain in shorts what Im trying to do. I have 5 spells and each of these 5 spells have 5 additional effects. Put simple, one spell might do 20 damage, one upgrade will bump this damage by another 20. To unlock a spells upgrade, you must kill 5x NPC You can only upgrade one spell at a time and you can only cast one spell at a time. So, to put blunt. How can I learn to do the above? I was hoping to keep as much as possible on a quest and leave the If/ElseIf out of the magiceffect But I really have no clue how to Go about this without a lot of integers and a long list of If/ElseIf. Would someone be so kind to help me out? I really want to learn this stuff so I can make more efficient scripts and also expand my knowledge. Thanks for reading :smile: Best regards! Edit: I have done 25 spells and each spell have 5 upgrades But I figured if and When I know the above, I could just expand the whole system. Following the same principer Im guessing? So a way to track which spell is active, the active spell is the one that increments by +1 each time 5 NPC's are killed. (OnDying event) and when casting the spell it would call the active spell and the a index? Between 0-4 If the spell have been upgraded.
  14. Here, a sample. Make sure to change the script name to yours AND (spell & weapon property to yours, if you want)
  15. Im at work now and home in about 12-13hoiurs. Ill help you get started. You could either use conditions on the spell itself or register for an animation event. Do note that If your spell is concentration based, it will run Until you Magicka is empty or When you interupt casting. By jump block bash or similar. Edit: See If you can write up something Until then and Ill help you Fill the rest When Im home!
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