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  1. Automatic Variants is pretty intensive, especially for your gpu. But I know I can't play without it anymore, but given your situation I think you would be better off ditching it. Also, drop SafetyLoad, I assume you are using SKSE and the memory fix for ENBoost? SafetyLoad causes problems like CTD's in menus and looting and isn't needed if using the SKSE memory fix.
  2. First thing I notice is your Dual Sheath Redux.esp is out of place, that should be much higher in your load order, only the Dual Sheath Redux Patch.esp should be bellow your bashed patch. Also since you are using Complete Crafting Overhaul Remade, you dont need the jaysus .esm and .esp, you can remove those and CCOR will handle it for you. No idea if this will help but those are some things to look at.
  3. That is a commom problem. All you need is the ShowRaceMenu Precache killer: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/33526/? Should fix your issue. Good luck!
  4. I am currently using: PerMa Duel Combat Evolved Revenge of the Enemies ASIS Immersive Creatures High Level Enemies (Immersive Creatures Version) Animal Tweaks Deadly Dragons Dragon Comabt Overhaul SkyRe Encounter zones SkyRe Enemy Scaling Makes for some fun and challenging fights, and have gotten my ass kicked a few times! Multiple followers required for several fights!
  5. Alot of great names on the list so far. Would like to add Elianora and TairenSoul, though I don't think TairenSoul is still modding, but her tattoos are epic.
  6. Oh no worries, just open up Wrye Bash, right click on your Bashed Patch (make sure its at the bottom of your load order) and click on "Rebuild Patch". A box will pop up, on the bottom left there will be a button that says "Build Patch", click that and let the magic happen. Once it's done, click "OK", and voila, a rebuilt patch. It's very easy.
  7. First thing I notice is your Unofficial Patches are out of place, they should be like this: Skyrim.esm Update.esm Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp Dawnguard.esm Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp Hearthfires.esm Unofficial Hearthfires Patch.esp Dragonborn.esm Unofficial Dragonborn Patch.esp The next thing I notice is your Bashed Patch should be at the very bottom of that load order. Make these changes, rebuild your Bashed Patch, and see if that helps at all.
  8. Hi sevencardz, this sounds intriguing! Here's an issue I've had with Convenient Horses, that maybe you could look at for your mod. I would always use the option to increase horses speed in the CH MCM menu, and it worked great. However, when I acquire Arvak and ride him, he is not subject that speed increase. Furthermore, riding Arvak would break the speed increase for any other horse I rode, reducing them to the vanilla rate, and no matter what changes I made in the CH MCM menu, I could not get the horses to run faster anymore. So now I only get Arvak as a trophy, and never ride him. That sucks. Anyway, that's all I got for now, will keep an eye on this! Thanks!
  9. I would highly recommend dropping Claralux and getiing Lanterns of Skyrim instead. Claralux causes lots of problems, Lanterns of Skyrim does not. Nuff said. I also highly recommend iHUD (Immersive Hud) by Gopher. Outstanding mod. I also suggest the trio of Complete Crafting Overhaul Remade, Weapons and Armor Fixes Remade, and Clothing and Clutter Fixes, all by Kryptopyr. Just a couple of ideas. Oh and I cannot play without Automatic Variants, but thats just me :)
  10. Did you make sure to add these lines to your skse.ini? [Memory]DefaultHeapInitialAllocMB=768ScrapHeapSizeMB=256 You have to add these or it wont be of any use.
  11. Yeah it happens every time now. I will try loading a save from before I enter Apocrypha and see what happens.
  12. I'm having an issue with the final battle vs Miraak, what I realized is happening is, when I damage him low enough the first time and he is supposed to absorb a dragon soul, I am actually absorbing the soul. He teleports to to the middle, and stays in ethereal mode indefinitely. Nothing I am trying is working. I have not had this issue before. Any help would be appreciated!
  13. No worries, in your Skyrim/Data folder do you have an SKSE folder? You should since you previously used Safety Load, and that's where it's plugin went. Inside the SKSE folder, right click, then select new, then create text document, rename it to SKSE.ini, and voila, you are good to go. Just copy/paste the lines I showed you above. And it's not silly at all, we all had to learn sometime :)
  14. Yes either use SKSE Alpha or SSME, not both :) Make sure you install the SKSE correctly, and you will need to add this to your SKSE.ini: [Memory]DefaultHeapInitialAllocMB=768ScrapHeapSizeMB=256 If you don't add this, it won't work. If you don't have an SKSE.ini, simply create one and add the lines :)
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