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Maybe this exists but I canât find it! I use cbbe and like the realism but wish everyone was wearing underwear that was NOT hard textured in but also does not replace armour. So if you take off someoneâs leathers I they are modestly covered in their undies but you could optionally remove those too for normal cbbe nudity. I always wanted this for Skyrim but felt it was more likely in fallout because of the existing system of armour pieces that go over/under other armour so it felt like it would be more possible. Is it possible?
That's a pretty neat way of doing it! In fact that's a lot more sensible than where I was headed which was to have a an active/inactive state for the script, switch to active when barter is open and assume that any OnItemRemoved events triggered whilst in active state MUST be items sold to a shop and track that items specific value etc. That would allow me in the future to remember what items were sold to an npc and then decide myself when its likely that item has been sold on and if it has NOT been yet then make sure its always in the npc's inventory for a bit of realism but I'm not too worried about that atm - Maybe in the future! I will have a proper look when I'm back at my home office but browsing around wiki on phone I don't see any particular way to detect a barter menu being opened? I see Actor.ShowBarterMenu() but nothing to indicate that the method fires an event for me to catch when it's called. Same for an npc merchants inventory restock - I'm aware in game they happen every 48 hrs but not sure I can catch that (unless its handled by the generic Reset event?). But really that's fine - I shouldn't need that for anything I'm intending if I write my code properly for when a player interacts with a shop.
UPDATE: Just as an update, during my afternoon break today I found Cpsics wonderful beginners tutorial which although basic was plenty to understand how Papyrus works. Roaming through Bethesda's script reference and especially the event reference I'm getting ideas for how I could begin to implement some of the ideas in my head but one thing I am still searching for is a way I could detect transactions with merchants so I can support ALL game merchants (included ones added by other mods!) without instead manually attaching my script to existing merchants in the CK. Ideally I would find a way to tell if the akDestContainer var passed by the OnItemRemoved removed event belonged to a merchant and if so which one (with a ref, so I can alter their avail gold etc - although I do that just by putting in or removing gold coins from the merchant inventory right? IE akDestContainer?) that way I could detect player trades and do it all that way. Thoughts? Original Post: Just having a browse around on my phone and struggling to find information on script based interactions with merchants and trades. I am a programer by trade and have been musing on the idea of creating an economics mod, starting nice and simple, that allows merchants to become richer as they become more successful. So, for example, you take a truck load of stuff to one merchant and sell it all then presumably they will sell it on and take a profit right? It makes no sense they always reset to their default money + investment perk. Would love to make a mod that tracks their weekly (or maybe 48hrly to sync with inventory reset) profit and adds that value to their avail cash. But yeah, I would need to catch the player selling items and see their default value + npc buy price (to work out potential profit), a way to add money to merchants via script (everyone seems to do this manually in CK which is why everything is so static..) and a way to store persistent variables to track it all for the merchants. Not asking for anyone to write this for me but can anyone point me at a good place to start learning how to hook these events? Most promising google result so far led to a forbidden page error!
One last attempt at fixing gray face for Lydia..
Sephnroth replied to Sephnroth's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
that is the mod I made to change her appearance myself, set a new hair and use a different texture. It is the one that wont do anything regardless of load order :( -
Hi guys. I posted around a year ago about this problem and never fixed it. I've been playing Skyrim again and reallllllllllly want to fix this so I'm having one last shout out for ideas... In my game Lydia has the gray face bug. Also I have created my own mod to change her appearance and her appearance does NOT change at all. I know of the ctrl+f4 fix. I have used it to fix gray faces on third party npcs. Today I made a mod that also changes one of the other in game followers (..uthgard the unbroken or something like that) and it is working great. New skin, new hair, new face morphs, I used ctrl+f4, everything hunky dory. But nothing, NOTHING I do seems to have any affect on Lydia at all. The only difference game-wise with her is that I'm married to her on my save, does that have an affect? Otherwise it must be another mod breaking mine (despite me trying to load my mod both first and last, neither fix it). Here is my mod list, does anyone know if any of these will forcefully do things to Lydia and beat out all other mods regardless of load order? Mod List: ======= Skyrim.esmUpdate.esmApachiiHair.esmTERAArmors.esmHighResTexturePack01.espHighResTexturePack02.espHighResTexturePack03.espBrawl Bugs CE.esplightplacement.espbetter dynamic snow.espsplashofrain.esploud waterfalls.espbrightertorches.esprealrain.espenhancedlightingforrealisticlighting.espmintylightningmod.espenhanced soundtrack 01.espenhanced soundtrack 02.esp1k_dds_nif_vurts-flora-overhaul.espcalientevanillaarmor - banditpack curvy.espdetailed rugs.espstaticmeshimprovementmod.espstaticmeshimprovementmod-part2.espstaticmeshimprovementmod-part3.esp00sexyhousevendors.espprometheus_beastskeletons.espbetter embers.espbigger and boulder.espbirds.espenhanceddistantterrain.esphdplants+herbs.esphqsnow.espimprovedfishbasic.espmoss rocks.espreal glaciers v2.espskyrimlive.espwildhorses.espfootprints.espSkyUI.espalmalexia regalia.espangelicarmor.espasharaprinceofthewoods.espCloaks.espdaedriccorset.espdhuntress.espelven archer armor.espgalliaarmor.esphuntressarmor.espprvti_heavyarmory.espsoularmor_1.0.espsoul armor 2.espsoul armor 2 heavy.espts_fetishpantyhoseoutfits.espts_slickarmour.espviceroyinquisitor.espyukikaze.espancient watchtowers.espbettercitiesjarlshouses.espbettercitiesdocksolitude.espbetterdawnstar.espbetterinns.espbettermarkarthexterieur.espbettermorthal.espbetterwinterhold.espBreezehome_Fully_Upgradable_NoDLC.espBFU_whiterunenhanced.espebonvale.esptos_granitehall.espmarkarth_plus.espoldehomestead.espSweet&Sexy Lingerie.espthundersnow1.espvallanstead.espYuri The Elder Trainer.espfemale mannequins.espfemale mannequins in homes.espbigger trees -falkreath.espguard dialogue overhaul.espImmersiveFP.espmatsoimmersivesun.espopenfaceguardhelmets.espruins clutter improvement hd.espunreadbooksglow.espenhanced_whiterun.esphelgenrebuilt.espriverwoodenhancedplugin.esptaveriften.esptavesolitude.esptavewindhelm.esptavevillages.esptos_amber_guard.esptos_laintardale.esptownsandcitiesenhanced.espgkbforest.esptavefalkreath.espsos - the dungeons.espsos - the wilds.espsos - civilization.espFNISspells.esppickpocket_min_20.espMore Hair Colors Vanilla.esptheeyesofbeauty.esprace+.esparganna the belle argis.espbetter dogs by bellyache - vigilance husky.espdelphine.espkathfollower.espmodruby.espsaadia.espsophitiafollower.espAmazingFollowerTweaks.espdd - realistic ragdoll force - realistic.espwater.espmrpmap.espstaticmeshimprovementmod-part5.espdynasty armor and shield and helmet.espstaticmeshimprovementmod-part4.espFNISSexyMove.espLovelyHairstylesCE.espargonianaleretexture.espimmersive sounds - footsteps.esprrhair2.espbl - tundra revamped.espTera Armor Level List.espsusan.esptundra cottage.espbetter hunting prices.espdovahkiin's angels.espfallentreebridges.espstaticmeshimprovementmod-part6.espkeki pastel hair colors 2.espDavesLydia.esp I honestly have no idea what else I could do. I even tried spawning a new lydia incase it was just the "one in my save" broke but she spawned the same - all vanilla hair and skin + gray face. blergh.
did it with the placeatme command you mentioned. No difference looks wise - still default hair, still dark face. The new lydia was not married to me either, did not know me and started conversation as if just met with "the jarl has appointed me to you as housecarl" etc :/
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you know I actually have not! ...and dont know the command to *quickly reads to see if it was posted earlier in the thread*
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well nothing I do seems to change anything. I've constantly got the grey face and no hair that I choose in the CK ever makes an appearance in game - its always the same hairstyle. my mod is loaded last and I got that wyrebash thing and added a bunch of things as master, anyhting I could see that might effect it (I found I had race+ installed as well as an eye mod that might of effected faces) seeming a bit hopeless :( as a last ditched thing to offer you guys any insight that might help you help me, heres the information the console gives about lydia. I've noticed her ID is different to her base ID and as best as I can tell this is being caused by the breezehome mod but i've included that as a master in my mod and it made no difference? blahhhhhhhh. Just want a hair style change and to be blonde :( hair dresser for PC and NPC followers should of been in game from the start :(
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Olnorton, probably quite silly of me but ive been playing whilst figuring out a solution and really don't want to roll back to before mod xD restarting my game out of question, rather the grey face! valkasha, sure I will try that! At work right now, will report back this evening :) and thanks for all the help youre giving!
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Well ive not been able to make it work yet :( i havnt tried spawning my own id yet though although i am cautious about that as in game my Lydia is meticulously setup and also married to me don't want to break it. the most annoying thing is that if i remove my mod the face is still dark and doesn't revert to before trying this :(
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Yup I get the "Done" message box. I have just gone to appdata/local/skyrim/ and checked plugins.txt and loadorder.txt and DavesLydia.esp is the very last one in both of them so should be fine as I understand things.. completely confused as to whats going on :/ As a final thing I will post here the entire contents of plugins.txt incase you can see something obvious that i've missed. I wont bother with loadorder.txt - it has additional plugins that are deactivated because they caused CTD. its a right pain this is taking so long to make work because actually making the plugin took only a couple of minutes, i was very impressed with CK!
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that was awesome! as a serious discworld fan I love it xD It occurs to me there are some very obvious things you could add with dragons (And swamp dragons xD) and perhaps the temple of belshammeroth xD
- 119 replies
- dlc sized mod
- new world
(and 2 more)
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I have disabled alternate anctors mod as i couldnt make it do anything anyway, so thats gone now. I use no mod manager, I install manually and then use the default data settings to enable and disable and I use BOSS to fix the load order - everything has been fine until I tried to do my own mod. my mod is at the bottom of the list in the skyrim launchers data files window so I presume its being loaded last! I just deleted my DavesLydia.esm and started again and im still having the same problem. That is, I deleted my mod, ran skyrim, it said stuff was missing when I loaded so I said ok and then I saved fresh to make a clean save. Then I closed skyrim, opened creators kit, hit open and selected the files skyrim.esm, update.esm and apachiihair.esm. I then selected housecarlwhiterun from actors/actor/nord race/female and double clicked to open the settings. I enabled Full Preview, changed her hair to ApachiiHairF28 and changed the hair colour to HairColor03BrightBlonde. I then press ok and now housecarlwhiterun has a * next to the "1" in the count collum. I hit save and it asks me for a name and I type in DavesLydia and save the plugin. I then select housecarlwhiterun and hit ctrl+f4, it asks me if I want to export and I hit yes. I then loaded the skyrim launcher, went to data files and there at the bottom of the list was "DavesLydia.esp" already ticked, so I press ok and close the launcher. I then ran BOSS which reported no errors. I then launched skyrim by running SKSE, loaded my "clean" save and Lydia is still there with DEFAULT hair (NOT the one I chose), her hair is black not blonde and her face is darker than the rest of her body. At a complete loss :(
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how can I check her ID in game? Although in the CK I havnt done anything by id, just by the name housecarlwhiterun - and it broke the correct npc in game :P As far as im aware I have no specific mods for Lydia - but I do have Amazing Follower Tweaks which could be doing something? I installed Alternate Actors to try and change NPC faces that way but whenever I try to use it the ingame GUI just disapears :/
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