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About reapersintent

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  1. Starting a Khajiit for the first time in prep for Dawngaurd DLC, and a thought occured to me. How awesome would it be if the Khajiit sprinting animation was replaced with the werewolf sprinting animation. I don't know if it would be possible, but making their sprint a bit faster than everyone else and all fours would be supremely legit. Just imagine the bandit encounter when four nords start after you and then a khajiit bandit bounds ahead of em on all fours snarling amiright or what!
  2. I encountered two odd glitches today. The first was fighting the first dragon near whiterun. He started flying in slow motion. I recently installed deadly dragons, I think that may be the issue, but dont have a save near enough to test cause I accidentally overwrote it. Second is odd lines and patters appearing behind my grass. Ive posted a screenshot. It's subtle, but noticeable, and especially annoying while in motion, but I cant capture that part in a screenshot. If anyone else has encountered these and know how to fix them I would be very appreciative of you sharing the solution with me.
  3. Thanks for the Ideas. Your right this is super crazy to try and script. Going to resort to simpler methods suggested.
  4. So when upgraded from my 360 to the pc version with my new desktop, I went through the great guide on all the graphics settings at geforce.com, and spent close to two hours tweaking my skyrim settings to provide the perfect balance of performance and quality. Last night I ran skyrim, and it automatically brought up the skyrim launcher and ran the "detecting your hardware" bit and then changed all of my carefully fine tuned settings to ultra high!?!? I tried a quick fix, but no go, skyrim QTDs again. I'm in the process of going through the guide and re-tweaking, but really dont want to have to do this every few weeks. How do I prevent skyrim from changing my settings?
  5. The unfortunate drawback to this particular method is that it utilizes player enchanting skill, and even at 100 enchanting the player is unable to duplicate some of even the most basic of mage apparel, let alone master robes or the archmage's robes. I'm just going to have to make a mod that does this. Gonna have to teach myself scripting. yuk
  6. The creation kit lists and names the games pre-made enchantments for all items ie: Archmage robes. Is it possible someway to enchant an item with these pre-made enchantments using the command console instead of editing an item directly with the creation kit?
  7. So I have been spending a lot of time fine tuning exactly how I want my character to look, downloading the best of the armor and clothes mods, tweaking skyrim just the way I want it. Now I'm ready to play, but I wind up using the same old mage robes because they are the ones with the nice enchantments that I cant duplicate even with max enchanting skill and a grand gem, let alone in the beginning of the game. First I tried simply replacing the meshes with the clothes I wanted the robes to look like, but it was pretty silly seeing every mage wearing the stuff. I want my dovahkiin to be unique. So I scrapped that mod. My next thought was to decide what I was going to use for each level of robe and go in and edit the enchantment into the game file, but I also what to try my hand at publishing a mod, and that just isnt something I could publish. My current line of thought involves the duplication of enchantments. I'd like to use Azura's star for this, just so I have a reason not to get the dark star, but I'm not set on that part. Basically I want to make a mod that destroys an object, but saves the enchantment, just like disenchanting, but instead of learning the enchantment, you keep the enchantment just the way it is, and can then apply it to something else. So I would disenchant the apprentice robes, then use that saved enchantment on on my downloaded mage robes to give them that enchantment. Would be also useful in preserving useful unique enchantments that you cant duplicate for your own use, but dislike the object they are attached to for aesthetic reasons. Like the dragon masks. Actually most head gear in general for me. So yeah I'm more than willing to put the elbow grease in and make the mod myself, but really have no idea how to accomplish what it is I'm trying to do. I would be very grateful if some of the more experianced modders could give me some pointers, link me to relevant guides, Et cetera. I'm not looking for someone to do the work for me, just for a push in the right direction. Thanks in advance for your help and comments.
  8. Will two crossfired 6850 cards run skyrim at 3840x1080 at max settings? cpu is an amd 955 quad core
  9. I am working on my first mod right now, still trying to work out on paper the scripting I am going to use. My question is whether or not it is possible to install skyrim again on my second hard drive so I can have a completely vanilla skyrim for testing mods that I develope, so I can avoid having to activate and deactivate the 100+ mods I have active right now. Thanks in advance for your advice.
  10. that... is really stupid. Oh well... It was worth a shot I guess. It's also good to know cause it means I needn't bother with maxing out my mother board. 8 gig of ram will be plenty until they start doing this.
  11. I know with the most recent patch we can have skyrim use up to 4 gig of ram, but is there a way to make it allocate more ram that 4 gig? I have 8 gig of top dollar ram and want to put it to use in skyrim.
  12. I am having a very similar issue as well. Don't know whats causing it yet though.
  13. Hey all. I've recently upgraded my PC and want to test out which graphics mods and settings I'm going to use. I was wondering if anyone knew where a good spot in game is to test to see if my rig can handle the mods I have? Something that would make it work. And if you happen to have a save near that place I would thank the nine for your help.
  14. I had the same issue. I found that some files take a few tries to download completely. I don't know if its server overload or what. You can also download manually and install that way.
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