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About beebscalicor

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  1. @octodecoy - It has to be something on my end then. If you are able to do that then at least we can confirm it is possible. That debunks the rumors that FO4edit can't open them by design. Thanks a lot for replying!
  2. @octodecoy - Sorry for the late reply - when I went back to see my post it wasn't there, so I assumed I never hit post. But maybe it was just being evaluated first. Thanks for replying! Ok - you say you can load CC mods in FO4 edit as masters? That surprises me. I lot of people say it's not possible to open them in FO4edit. I believe it though, because I assume modders are modding for the CC content. Yes - I made an empty file with the same name, but it gave me the same error. When this first started happening, I assumed there could be a flag stored in the CC mods header, and that maybe FO4edit could open my mod as long as there was a mod with a matching name in the data folder that didn't have that flag. I removed the original CC mod from my data folder and replaced it with the empty one. But it seemed like it had retained the file name and some info about it; it still knew the name had been a CC mod. I wonder if there is something buggy with my mods file properties, maybe some keyword where it doesn't belong. I can't open it to see. Few questions that might help me: 1- Is the CC mod a file with a Ba2 with assets, or just an .esl by itself? 2- When you load it in FO4edit, if it has a Ba2, are the contents already extracted in your data folder someplace? If so, do you keep the Ba2 in your data folder at the same time as your extracted folders (at the time you load it in FO4edit)? Or did you at some point remove the Ba2 and only have the extracted files from it in your data folder? 3- Just to rule out some kind of authorization thing, by chance are you the author of the specific CC mod that you made a master? Maybe it's in progress or something? Thanks again for replying!
  3. I have a personal mod made in the Creation Kit (.esp) with a Creation Club mod as a Master (black onyx pipboy, .esl). I'm trying to remove the CC mod from the required Masters list using FO4edit. The problem is, FO4edit can't load creation club mods, so it can't load my mod anymore. I didn't know it couldn't load CC mods until after I already added it as a Master. The Creation Kit doesn't provide a way to remove dependencies either (that I know of). My understanding is that no tool will be able to load my mod again, because no tools can load the CC mods (it's locked down pretty well). My question is: Is there a hack or workaround to edit the Master file dependencies from my file, without needing to load the CC Master mod? I could edit it in a hex editor, but it might break the file in some unforeseen ways. My plugin has hundreds of records made in the CK. Do I have any other options, or am I stuck with either recreating the mod from scratch or taking my chances with a hex editor? Thanks in advance to anyone willing to offer their expertise!
  4. This is an outfit studio question, but the mod is for Fallout 4 (My files are nif files / Gamebryo engine files). If this question should be asked elsewhere, or needs different tags let me know. I'm using Outfit Studio version 5.0.6 to remove the bottom half of the Fallout 4 Drifter Outfit for a vanilla outfit mashup (vanilla path to the Drifter Outfit below). Right now the mashup is only the drifter outfit top for testing. I'm using the vanilla female base body as the reference, and the Fallout 4 Creation Kit version for the plugin. The outfit nif file has one set of physics, which are attached to the Drifter Outfit. The vanilla Drifter Mesh has two sections; 'UnderArmor_Cloth:0' (upper body), and 'UnderArmor_Cloth:1' (the long coat tail). I've cut away just the torso portion for my use. The outfit seems to work fine in game; it looks good, the player can run, jump, use animated furniture. The problem is that when VATS generates a cinematic animation that shows the area where the Drifter coat was removed, the game crashes to desktop. When I leave the drifter outfit in tact VATS cinematics can play full body animations with no issues. I suspect this is related to the cloth physics on the lower half of the Drifter Outfit that was removed. My Google searches have turned up a lot of fragmented information, most of it is for CBBE bodies with physics issues, or transfering weights between two identical meshes My question is two fold: 1-What needs to be done to properly use pieces of a vanilla outfit mesh where the outfit once had physics? 2-How do I handle this in outfit studio? Drifter Outfit mesh location: : \Meshes\Fallout4\Armor\RaiderHeavy\FUnderArmor.nifOutfit Studio version 5.0.6Fallout 4 Creation Kit version Thanks in advance to anyone with the knowledge and willingness to help me figure this out! -Beebscalicor
  5. Ha, yes there is! I happen to be using it now. It's is called "FROST Survival Simulator" and it's amazing. I think it's made by the same guy who made DUST for Fallout New Vegas, but I might be wrong. It's only for PC. It's a major survival game-play overhaul. You wake up a jail cell about 5 years after the bombs fell (same bombs, still in the commonwealth, etc.) He removed every faction and almost every NPC in the vanilla game, except a few like Codsworth (Codsworth won't know you). The vanilla NPCs don't exist yet, there aren't even any Super Mutants yet. FROST comes from the whole "nuclear winter" thing, as would be the case right after the bombs. It is brutally hard to survive in FROST long enough to find a bed, or place to semi-live, in general, hard as heck. ...As realistic as one can make this game. Prepare to die a lot! Get the FROST mod here: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/18898/? I've been using FROST for a while and love it. Using other mods with FROST: Not many mods work with FROST because of how much he changed. To find patches use the top search box and just type "FROST". You'll get a list of patches in there to see what's compatible. One popular one I know of that has a patch is Modern Firearms. There is a popular Gas Mask collection mod, not sure of the name but you'll find it with the other patches. Mods I've used with FROST: These don't specifically claim to be compatible, but they are (from personal experience). It's awesome to play without "save-in-survival" mods; the anxiety of knowing you may lose progress is scary in the moment (which is what makes it so cool). But, if you do get to that point and decide to find a save mod here is one that is definitely compatible: No Sleep Until Bedtime. Another super useful mod you might not think of is Journal of the Sole Survivor . It gives you a holotape-journal that you can write in from inside the game with your keyboard, and read your entries anytime. I use it for a few things: To document what I need to scavenge for (I always forget what components I needed, etc.) Basically, to help you remember why you are out, so you loot strategically. Carrying everything isn't always an option. To record where I found beds and locked doors, how many guards at a location I needed to hit for supplies, what time of night ghouls were out (expect tons of ghouls since the bombs recently fell). To document my usage of resources, for planning. For instance, how much water I was going through per outing, how far I could make it before I'd be almost dead and needing a bed or die, stuff like that. You can also use it to role play and journal your experience - reading your earlier entries can be really cool. Most people who liked DUST like FROST, it's more or less equivalent. Oh, and when killing ghouls, don't shoot their legs, it won't effect them anymore and you'll regret it. Save your ammo. Instead for ghouls, use a sharp melee weapon or fast knife, and aim high for the head and just keep hitting (vats takes too much AP). Ghouls hit fast and you'll never get rid of those rads if they get to you fast, get to them first. - Have fun!
  6. @khaorix - If you re-downloaded AWKCR and/or reinstalled it, maybe it was a newer version with some fixes? Although, I know you probably already had the most current version, from when you recently installed Armorsmith and Weaponsmith Extended. If you did mess with this last night, and it still crashed after turning Armorsmith and Weaponsmith back on, I thought of two things (Just in case):I saw a bug-fix on nexus not too long ago fixing a CTD issue between Armorsmith Extended and AWKCR (sound familiar?). Your situation lines up. Maybe you are having the same issue as others who downloaded the bug-fix? FYI - I don't know anything about why the crash was happening that led to that bug-fix. It's also possible that the authors already fixed the issue in their own files, but maybe not. Here is the link to the bug-fix mod AWKCR - Armorsmith Extended - CTD FIX - It also occurred to me that Armorsmith Extended has patches too (not just AWKCR). Heck, even Weaponsmith Extended might require patches for some of the guns you have. The only way to know for sure is to Google search each. Yeah I know.. I feel you on this one. Searching all those mods would be a huge pain. Hopefully you were able to resolve it last night.
  7. If a Fallout 4 Creation Kit user has ever asked you "How do I block important warning messages?", and you told them to use "bBlockMessageBoxes=1", you can be assured that it did NOT work for them. This is because the Fallout 4 Creation Kit has a different INI setting for blocking warnings than the Skyrim Creation Kit. The Skyrim kit setting "bBlockMessageBoxes" only exists in the Skyrim Creation Kit. It does not exist in the Fallout 4 Creation Kit. (There is more explanation below if you want a background on how this came about.) The New Setting to block "Important Warnings" in the Fallout 4 Creation Kit: Add this setting to: CreationKitCustom.ini [GENERAL] bHideImportantWarnings=1I tested the setting above myself in the Fallout 4 Creation Kit on an esp file that happens to generates a lot of "Important Warnings", as a large overhaul mod. When activated, it effectively eliminates the display of the "Important Warning" pop-up messages shown when the file is loading (if it has them). Hiding the Important Warnings is easy enough to turn on/off case by case if you want: 1= on, 0= off. ------- *** This came up when I posted for help because "bBlockMessageBoxes" wasn't working with a file that generated hundreds of these warnings. I was assisted by member BigAndFlabby, who generously helped look into the issue with me HERE. *** FYI: At present, I really don't know much about why these messages come up. I may look into it. Maybe someone out there already knows. If you know how a mod can be adjusted to prevent the kit from triggering them in the first place, please share. I'd like to know, and I'm sure someone else does too. ------ Skyrim Creation Kit / Fallout 4 Creation Kit I think the confusion behind why the Skyrim setting has been suggested to all CK users comes from the fact that both kits share so much in common. Even Bethesda directs new Fallout 4 modders to the "Skyrim" Creation Kit tutorials. So it's a reasonable assumption that the two kits would share the setting in common (but they don't). To add to the confusion, if an FO4 kit user asks how to block warnings and is given the Skyrim setting to try, when they report that the setting isn't working, a Skyrim kit user might say that it works for them. It's easily passed off as user error, or a conflict specific to that users settings (not a conflict with the kit). There aren't a ton of FO4 mods that generate "Important Warnings" either. The ones that do might have 1 or 2 of them; a low enough number to tolerate, click OK to each and move on. An FO4 kit modder wouldn't be compelled to look into blocking them until they open a file that generates a LOT of them. Maybe they use this Skyrim setting and never had a file generate a lot of them, so they assume it is working? Not sure. If it has been looked into and this "new" setting has been all over the Internet, I certainly haven't seen it. I figured I'd put the setting up here in case others are interested in knowing what setting does work in the FO4 kit, and for people having an issue with bBlockMessageBoxes.
  8. @khaorix - Hey there. Right off the bat, I can see one big issue that is likely to be causing your crash (hopefully the only one). If it is the only reason, then the fix is fast and easy. One of your mods Armorsmith Extended requires the keyword framework AWKCR, (used by Armorsmith Extended and your AWKCR patches for displaying armor and weapon mods, etc.) You have one called "Armor Keywords" but that doesn't look like the right mod. The file name for AWKCR will be called "Armor and Weapon Keywords Community Resource v3.2-6091-3-2". If so you do not have AWKCR installed your load order. It usually shows up at the top like the other master files. You do have AWKCR patches, so maybe it was there at one point but got uninstalled by accident? Who knows. Without AWKCR, every time you open a weapon or piece of armor in the workbench, Armorsmith Extended will try to find the keywords it knows to display the details of that item, and it won't find them. So the game will freeze or crash. Do two things: Go download AWKCR and activate it. Go Google search each of your standalone weapons and other weapon and armor mods that might be more than just re-textures of vanilla guns, and see if they have a patch for AWKCR as well. In my personal experience, the best way to find those is to use Google and search type like; "Nexus mods Fallout 4 (mod name) AWKCR patch". Do this for each one, install, activate.Give that a try, and let us know how it goes. ​
  9. UPDATE: SOLVED - Holy Smokes, I found it! I was going through the creation kit exe with a hex editor, and I identified a setting that looked promising. I put it in my custom ini file in the General section, activated it. Launched the Creation Kit and tested it by opening FROST. The file loaded with NO "Important Warnings". None. It just loaded. I almost jumped out of my chair I was so excited. And the correct, effective, verified and tested ini setting to block "Important Warnings" in the new Fallout 4 Creation Kit is..... (drum roll) [General] bHideImportantWarnings=1Mystery solved! I'll throw up a post with this ini setting so it's easier to search for, then link it back here.
  10. @ BigAndFlabby - Hey, thanks for doing all of that research; for downloading the mod, looking into the exe, etc.) This is really insightful. This issue is starting to make sense... Thanks to your research, we now know why "bBlockMessageBoxes=1" wasn't working, and wouldn't have ever worked, since it's a setting for Skyrim and not Fallout 4. Good find! I'll try your idea of holding down escape while loading the file (30 seconds beats 10 minutes any day!). Your thought about the changes persistent to temporary and vice-versa makes sense. That's a good place I can test. Question : What program did you use to look at the exe file, was it a normal HEX editor or something else? Thanks again for your help, I really appreciate it!
  11. @BigAndFlabby - I had to think for a second about your first question.. Yes, I do have two custom ini settings that I can verify are working. One is to enable Multiple Master File Loads, the other is to enable Multiple Editors. Both of these settings are working. Also, I launch the Creation Kit from the .exe file directly without any shortcuts or intermediary steps.
  12. Hey @sickmods111 - I had the same issue but I DID solve it, and it does work now. The issue was three-fold for me. A lot of the suggested lines I found online for enabling multiple master file loading were typed wrong, or they were slightly off, or they were just flat out incorrect. I eventually found the "right" line that needs to be added. (the second line in my example below) There was actually a conflicting line in my CreationKit.ini and CreationKitCustom.ini files. The line was buried in the middle of the settings in the [GENERAL] section, so I hadn't seen it. It was the same line I added but it was set to zero, and it was "under" my new line. It was overriding my line and turning master loads back off again whenever the kit loaded. So... ... I made a backup of both ini files and chose to delete the conflicting line from both of them. Technically you should be able to delete the conflicting line from the CreationKitCustom.ini only and it should work (in fact that is the recommendation). But I chose to do a backup and delete the line from both files (your choice). In any case, It finally worked. Here are the lines I added [GENERAL] bLoadMultipleMasterFiles=1 bAllowMultipleMasterLoads=1 aAllowMultipleEditors=1- Yes I know the first two are similar. But, the second line is the one you absolutely must have in there. That's the magic line that everyone needs to have, and nothing can be below it that contradicts it or turns it off. As for the first line... well, when I finally got it working I had both lines in there, I got sick of messing with it, so I just decided to keep both lines. It doesn't hurt anything to have both lines in there in this case, especially since the valid line is below the invalid/less-valid line. But it's up to you. Just know that the second line is the one you have to add for sure - it's mandatory. The third line is a good idea to add anyway, because it enables you to have another copy of the Creation Kit open (for browsing vanilla files for example). I got that setting idea from Kinggath, the mod author of Sim Settlements in his Builders Toolkit. Having another copy of the CK to browse files in, instead of browsing vanilla files while you are making a mod, is a good idea- because it's too easy to accidentally edit a vanilla file you might have open for research purposes. The edit could get saved with your mod and cause issues. This is a good setting to put in there even if haven't used it. This setting doesn't hurt anything being in there, and it just gives you another option. But this third line is totally optional. Anyway, good luck and I hope this helps you solve your multiple master file loading issue. Let me know how it goes.
  13. @kingtobbe - I have the line like so (below) in CreationKitCustom.ini (I added the CreationKitCustom.ini when I first installed the Creation Kit.) The setting looks like this: [MESSAGES] bBlockMessageBoxes=1 Both the CreationKit.ini and the CreationKitCustom.ini files are in the root folder; mine is at: "D:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\Common\Fallout 4" (where the Creation Kit and Launcher are installed as well.) I experimented with putting the line in both files the same way at the same time, but that didn't seem to do anything.
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