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Posts posted by GabriellaBlanc

  1. Hello everyone.

    I'm really an amateur in modding, and I was trying to make a change into some mods. I have two problems:


    I have a mod that adds a magic effect that increases attack speed and another mod that adds a custom race.

    I loaded the race as active plugin and loaded the attack speed mod too. I dragged the spell that contains that magic effect into the "racial abilities", saved and loaded the game. It didn't work. Tried adding the magic effect itself into one of the "racial abilities" and nothing too.

    What am I doing wrong?

    Note that it is two different mods, which the custom race mod I set as active, and the other one that I wanted the magic effect loaded.



    Another mod that I downloaded added some shrines that give me buffs, like small damage reduction, etc. But this buff is not permanent. When I tried to set this buff as an ability and removed the duration, the shrine won't give me the buff on new characters.

    The reason I removed the duration and set as an ability, is that I saw that this attack speed mod that I told in the first problem is set as Ability and Duration 0, so I thought it was the way to do it.

    How can I fix this? What am I doing wrong on those two problems?

  2. Alternatively if you want the lazy method vs figuring out scripting, just get a mod that gives you machines to make cool drinks or console in a bunch of them.


    I was trying so hard to figure out how to make this work without console commands that I forgot to search for fridge mods hahaha, but thank you for your reply!

  3. You don`t need SKSE for unlimited Cold drinkes.

    Formlist Property MyFormlist Auto Const
    Event OnQuestInit() 
    RegisterForRemoteEvent(Game.GetPlayer(), "OnItemEquipped")
    Event Actor.OnItemEquipped(Actor akSender, Form akBaseObject, ObjectReference akReference)
       If akBaseObject
          If MyFormlist.HasForm(akBaseObject) 
               akSender.AddItem(akBaseObject, 1, true)

    You need a quest wich is "start game enabled" and a formlist with cold drinks you want to be endless. Hope you`ll figure out how do other things.


    Many thanks! I'll try to figure out!

  4. Hello guys. First of all, I'm not a native English speaker and I refuse to use translators. Maybe I will make some mistakes.


    Many days ago, I saw a mod which the author, in the forum of the mod, wrote that he added a "god item flag", making the item useable but not consumable (infinite uses).



    My question is: how can I put this flag on items? I'm a rookie on modding and I don't know how to do it.





  5. Hello everyone. Well, It's simple. I'm looking for a script that makes all the Ice Cold drinks unlimited. I don't know how a script works, but, for example, I have a skse script that everytime I shoot an arrow, the game adds another one, making it "unlimited". And It doesn't shows up any message on the upper-left corner of the screen. I hope that this don't cause much trouble. Thanks for reading.

  6. Hello everybody! Well, I have an annoying problem with my weapons. They keep un-equipping. Always.

    Every time I equip them, pass something like 3 seconds and they un-equip.


    Anyone have a fix for that? And... I'm not using any mods like Equipping Overhaul or Dual Sheath Redux (actually, I tried to use them to solve my problem, but I failed).


    Sorry for my bad English, I'm Brazilian.

  7. Hello guys, I'm new at the forum, (maybe I'm posting in the wrong area, sorry) but I'm searching for mods like infinite arrows and stamina (like in God Mode) but I don't find nothing. If you know any mods like this, or you made one, please, post here. Thanks!





    Sorry for bad english, I'm brazilian.

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